EP 32: Nearing The End... | DITCHING THE SPLIT

EP 32: Nearing The End... | DITCHING THE SPLIT

Sabrina & Andrew

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@dimples7334 - 10.03.2025 05:14

I can’t find Andrew’s channel. Link? 😢

@weavvek - 10.03.2025 05:25

I do watch Andrews channel. He is inspiring. My dog buddy loves your channel also. The dogs...

@Judybloom799 - 10.03.2025 05:32

🤔🤔 I’m feeling like there’s a baby announcement coming 😍

@margaretmurphy3912 - 10.03.2025 05:35

TV baby!

@stevenkilima - 10.03.2025 05:35

Sabrina you have a talent for interior design.
One some finishing you should add is caulk your ceiling corners where the Firestone meets the ceiling with a matching grout color.
It will give a illusion of a finished stone wall protrusion

@Kitkatrey - 10.03.2025 05:36

I am so impressed! Looking so fab!

@Nenelovesyou2023 - 10.03.2025 05:37

Enjoy your videos so much!

@pabluxizz - 10.03.2025 05:39

You are such a great team 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼🥳🥳 can’t wait to hear about the new proyects 🫶🏻

@juliemaealbrecht - 10.03.2025 05:39

Nice work! It looks so beautiful. I love the lights. I love the hardware.

@michellelim1798 - 10.03.2025 05:39

Lovely countertop! 😍 where did you get it?

@smk791 - 10.03.2025 05:41

Would have loved to see some details on the installation of the countertop

@SusieMoser - 10.03.2025 05:42

Hello from Ponca City, Ok. We watch on our TV mostly

@betsyspielman5212 - 10.03.2025 05:43

Love the light choices!

@trulysickofit3709 - 10.03.2025 05:44

You both have exquisite taste. I can’t wait to see what you do in the future because your house is absolutely gorgeous and I can’t wait to see the round table under that beautiful chandelier lamp

All of it is just beautiful the island the lights above it seamlessly put together. Congratulations you guys. You deserve all that you have for all that you have done to that house. May you have a happy life filled with laughter, love and light . Good health and prosperity.. and some kids running around maybe😊 when you’re ready I’m not being pushy

Enjoy your time together

@Amacott99 - 10.03.2025 05:54

Your lighting choices are amazing ❤❤

@tabethahancock - 10.03.2025 05:55


@crystalkirkland781 - 10.03.2025 05:57

Everything looks so good. Excited for the next project!

@29mscruz - 10.03.2025 06:13

PLSSSS MOVE THE FRIDGE! To the side where the patio door is! And make more storage next to the stove!

@valeriej291 - 10.03.2025 06:16

Beautiful choices. 👍🏻

@MatthewHtoo-u2s - 10.03.2025 06:19

Your House is awesome 👍

@whitneysaunderz - 10.03.2025 06:28

Currently watching on my phone. But you guys are usually up on my 70’ TV 😊😅

@MacyLeff - 10.03.2025 06:29

I always watch on my phone, I pay attention better 😂❤️

@user-fv4jv1tb3n - 10.03.2025 06:30

Am I the only one who is going to guess BABY ?!

@collettephillips9573 - 10.03.2025 06:31

I’m so glad I happened upon your channels. I look forward to each one. I’ve only recently realized and subscribed to Andrew’s channel, and am about to head there now to view the cabinet making video. I agree with you guys regarding drawers for lowers and doored cabinets for the uppers. I’m hoping I’m not fooling myself that I could actually learn enough, then have the confidence to attempt making my own drawers. I’m only wanting just one set of 3 fairly wide drawers; 36 inches across. Still trying to decide about the depths of each, but I like the notion you guys offered up on 5,” 10,” 15”.
My current lower cabinets have all one drawer with door beneath and it’s just not quite enough. I’m only hoping to do a minor reno. I want to move a fridge to a different wall, add a bank of drawers, and replace/add quartz countertops, and slap a backsplash as well as a new coat of another paint color. Hoping I can soon spring for a new fridge. 🤞Other appliances have already been replaced. 😅

@KellyCapwell1984 - 10.03.2025 06:32

Love the new lights and chairs! You didn’t show how you fixed or found a workaround for the handle that had the screw break off inside of it. Curious to know how Andrew managed to fix it. Also, this new project you guys are gonna be working on, could it be a … 🍼👶🤔😉

@Michellecolouring - 10.03.2025 06:34

Watch you on my phone or my tv.

@JMB-o3k - 10.03.2025 06:40

It looks like the cedars in front of the new fence have all turned brown. I hope they are still alive.

@JMB-o3k - 10.03.2025 06:45

Can you show us the view of the living room area now that you’ve re-arranged it? Where did you put the console tables? Did you make more of an entryway? I always thought it looked weird to just have your front door right behind the sofa

@CodyHerczeg-Clarke - 10.03.2025 06:48

When are you going to Rado the second part of your Basement

@kryshoward818 - 10.03.2025 07:03

Love your kitchen island!!!

@shiremom4 - 10.03.2025 07:12

Please don't change your format. Your editing is soooo fun. It would be heartbreaking if you changed your style and turned into just another HGTV fix-it show. You have something other shows don't, and it's magical. We built our home and l can relate to so much of what you're doing. It's a breath of fresh air and you know from the comments that you both are well loved. Sending hugs from Washington State.❤❤

@gregorymartin3335 - 10.03.2025 07:17

Not a big deal but Andrew and I wear the same brand of socks

@lindaarsenault3223 - 10.03.2025 07:18

Looks awesome. I enjoy this series and typically watch it on Sundays on my big screen tv if I’m home… otherwise on iPad or iPhone.

@mercadeslong9504 - 10.03.2025 07:20

Is the next series going to be a baby nursery!?!

@kimberlyclark5757 - 10.03.2025 07:26

Love watching all your videos. Been watching since your first couple of videos, when you did your pool!!

@cndcarolina - 10.03.2025 07:27

So proud of you guys! ❤

@pamelabell5897 - 10.03.2025 07:31

I Watch Y'all On My Phone

@mamamiaguzman8416 - 10.03.2025 07:32

I hope the farm is doing well! Oh and also I love the series! Thank you guys so much for making it and showing the whole process <3

@mysons-le4hy - 10.03.2025 07:50

Are you guys going to buy a smaller refrigerator and put a cabinet over it?

@emilyrobertson2410 - 10.03.2025 07:50

To the individuals that are watching this with adult beverages and slips on it whenever Andrew says ‘eh’ it was 4 times😂. I am watching this on my 52 inch TV and it is gorgeous to see the differences with Carl’s house becoming your home. 🥰

@AWH811 - 10.03.2025 07:51

Drawers for the lower cabinets is an excellent idea. I absolutely hate my lower cabinets because it’s always such a mess and I can’t find anything. Never thought about the drawer thing. I see a kitchen remodel coming soon. 😂 Thanks for the idea.

@pipmercer3803 - 10.03.2025 07:58

Looks so great!!

@valeriehoglund6182 - 10.03.2025 08:07

I usually watch on my iPad while I’m working, but tonight I watched on my tv. I always like it better on my tv. 😃

@lauryniti1807 - 10.03.2025 08:23

I always love now that you guys are working inside we get to see more of the cute kitty!

@amominak2 - 10.03.2025 08:40

You two are my Sunday treat ❤. Can't wait to see what's next! 😊

@layha1064 - 10.03.2025 08:42

Baby bump spotting....

@theholidayboy543 - 10.03.2025 08:59

I am going to miss it when the series is over

@ThewayiCthings - 10.03.2025 09:28

Watched on the TV and both cats came running to watch with me.

@debrafricano1486 - 10.03.2025 09:58

Beautiful countertop! I will be so sad when this series ends!
