

Samrethykar Huotpum

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@rebelusa6585 - 14.11.2021 02:50

Colonialism was wrong, but ironic is that it was also good. If europe kept to themselve, never colonize the rest of the world. Only europe are modern, the rest of the world still ride on horse, donkey, use bow and arrow.

@11JG - 08.12.2021 01:23

my guy has the most mundane voice 💀

@cutemarshamello8747 - 13.12.2021 19:58

when i think about the seven countries, well you know them😠

@abuzar2199 - 16.12.2021 18:33

I'm here because of my teacher. I didn't came here by myself .

@marcianitobailandocumbiareal - 17.12.2021 20:27

Colonialism is based

@Qwetzxl - 18.01.2022 11:53

Here from le teacher lmaooo

@philipcoriolis6614 - 25.01.2022 12:10

The War of Independence classified as decolonization ??? The USA being anti-colonialists ??? Seriously ? I have many RESERVATIONS about that...

@qetoun - 06.02.2022 21:43

The British Empire was a tremendous force for good in the world.

@jenex5608 - 09.02.2022 01:57

If Colonialism as about spreading Christianity how come majority of French colonized African nations are stil predominantly Muslim?.

The French and the English didn't do anything to promote Christianity, only to the Native black people who werent Muslim.

But good video

@CaugustusWhite - 22.02.2022 00:12

THINGS INVENTED BY European PEOPLE - TVs, radios, phones, satellites, airplanes, micro chips, cellular tech, CT scanners, automobiles, trains, vaccines, Diesel engines, rocketships, rifles, fiber optics, X-Ray, modern farming, sky scrapers, ocean liners, electric lights, computers, & democracy.

Heart transplants, aluminum, lasers, modern textiles, submarines, interchangeable parts, chemo therapy, vulcanized rubber, oilwells, chainsaws, electric motors, sewing mach., printing press, grain combines, moving assembly lines, hydroelectric, & basketball.

Radar, sonar, refrigeration, water pumps, suspension bridges, shipping containers, glass windows, paved roads, tractors, cameras, eye glasses, DNA sequencing, pianos, microwaves, pipelines, batteries, marshmallows, penicillin & the internet.

Cement, air conditioning, birth control pill, sextant, Gregorian calendar, nuclear fusion, space travel, pasteurization, nitrogen fertilizer, sanitation systems, mechanized clocks, and anesthesia. THANKS Colonialism!!

@daviesoyetunji9994 - 25.02.2022 07:57

The good + the painful effects of colonialism still shape the lives of the 'weak' & the 'strong' in our world today.

@thomasdaywalt7735 - 03.03.2022 06:27

That depends on the viewer it founded cities towns and countries but at what cost

@keymot1491 - 06.03.2022 21:44

Colonialism is the worst thing ever happened to humanity

@RandomNorwegianGuy. - 15.03.2022 15:11

I want to thank you for a great and neutral short documentary about Colonialism

@imrib1903 - 21.03.2022 16:00

Stole all the man hours, resources, knowledge, sucked the blood out of the poor people and implaced these stupid pathetic laws and forced cristianity on countries and left them dry. Even today inequality 2% of the world owns 98% of the wealth. So much Difficulty people have to go through to maintain a family. Even today they are stealing from these people's freedom of life. Injustice. They must rotten in hell for this.

@newsanglewithvivek8148 - 18.04.2022 11:28

European are bad... Bad... Colonists

@newsanglewithvivek8148 - 18.04.2022 11:29

Stop spreading Christianity

@jeanettejamison1045 - 28.04.2022 16:43

Colonialism was NEVER a positive for Humanity! Now we have the treat of transhumanism.

@multiverse-UFO - 19.05.2022 14:13

Fact is, Red Cross, Doctors without Borders, US gov, EU, every year they spend soooo much $ for Africa,
they only know to burn the schools, destroy the hospitals, use the plastics as balloons, and kill the toilets.

@Arthurdbsxx - 14.06.2022 23:20

I just don't how can they convince a whole country to be colonized

@HarryPorterJames - 15.06.2022 08:58

What happened to the resources?

@real_hello_kitty - 09.07.2022 03:06

I agree everything except the ‘g_d’ aspect. It’s not g_d they were spreading, but ‘false g_d’.

The real Christianity is not like that. If they keel, thorture, & subjugated, then it’s not “Christian”.

@glennabate1708 - 14.07.2022 23:06

Arrival of Europeans was the best thing to happen to these cultures and during the colonial age they were converted to Christianity and introduced to the modern world and through development of there native land by new neighbors who just moved in. Well that’s the way I see it.

@ॐSrimanArcharyaJBC - 28.07.2022 21:03

All the Indians must remember that the colonial people where workers in india and many of them where frauds that created there own documents that where never legal in India or anywhere in the Indian Hindu Khumbar Language Kingdom of Asians and Africans. This is ultimately why colonialism ended. Ie many of the colonials created there own documents and deeds of bogus ownership over things where not understood by the Asians and Africans therefore they where all frauds and tried to create illegal occupation and authority of land and assets that did not ever belong to them most colonials are considered stupid idiots and a historical detriment to there national history.
As I can prove that all colonialism country’s had there own languages even in written and spoken form that was separate and the legal language of the country rather that the colonials languages. 🤴🏽🕉🔺➕

@fiuifiui6275 - 15.08.2022 16:03

THE DOCTRINE OF DISCOVERY BY THE CATHOLIC CHURCH - The doctrine of discovery refers to a principle in public international law under which, when a nation “discovers” land, it directly acquires rights on that land. The 1493 Papal decree aimed to justify Christian European explorers' claims on land and waterways they allegedly discovered, and promote Christian domination and superiority, and has been applied in Africa, Asia, Australia, New Zealand, and the Americas.
The Doctrine of Discovery had been used for centuries , speakers in the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues stressed today, urging the expert body to study the creation of a special mechanism, under United Nations auspices.

@hernancortes8309 - 24.08.2022 22:28

The us also had and still has colonies

@Testimony_Of_JTF - 15.09.2022 05:27

Great video. I do disagree with the part about America and the USSR being anti imperialism/colonialism but still a very good video.

@michaelnewell6385 - 18.09.2022 04:32

The history of the world is that more dominant and intelligent people conquered territories and peoples that were backward. That’s just plain world history. It’s happened many times back-and-forth throughout the history of the world.

You can have a people that are primitive without any modern utilities to not be subjected by a more powerful people. That’s just the way things are. It always has been.

@michaelwest8311 - 24.09.2022 01:20

Colonialism was a net positive for the world. Being an American, we benefited from being a colony of England since we were able to learn valuable practices from the British such as common law, Judeo Christian values and a cultural framework. We’re getting our independence but our country has been forever shaped and blessed because of it’s colonial roots. England and Great Britain as a whole benefited from being Colonized by Rome in the first century BC. Even the most brutal examples of colonialism that we see in South America still have a better result today then before the colonizers arrived. Pre-Columbus America was not an ideal like place.
During the colonial period in Africa, the majority of the continent was a functioning place. You could travel and do business in relative safety. In parts of southern Africa like Rhodesia both north and south and South Africa, the standard of living for everybody was higher than any other part of Africa. This continued even after colonialism officially ended as long as the original colonial power structure was still in place. Once majority rule took over every country that went that direction turned into a train wreck of tribal wars, coup d’états, ethnic cleansing and failed states.

@cantagiousca5220 - 28.11.2022 08:15

Wow happened so long ago,who will pay considering the colonialists are all dead and the people that suffered are all dead too,oh well it's all over now

@pwnkekw - 19.01.2023 04:50

my school made me watch this video

@ashlingoconnor2337 - 21.03.2023 21:30

This was for my school project and was really helpful ty

@seanuk7757 - 09.04.2023 17:24

Lol, you can tell that you live a nice cushy life. Why not give all of your earnings to help the people that died over 200 years ago. Worst history vid ive EVER seen. Nonsense for the most part. This is what happens when you let just anyone say anything so long as it's woke. Shame on you. People like you are making money out of sewing enmity in a time where it's at boiling point. Lazy and pathetic.

@ddr_gt - 26.06.2023 08:12

Colonialism is kinda cool France has one colony still French Guiana they don’t wanna declare independence the last vote in the country asked the people if they wanted to declare independence 34% the rest said yes

@youngsixty7395 - 12.08.2023 18:48

Colonialism, Slavery and Colonization are all evil things done by evildoers. 😔😔😔

@danieldelewis2448 - 19.09.2023 01:20

Colonialism saved the world

@pablobordesnieto1944 - 22.09.2023 01:35

Spain barely intervened in the colonization of Africa.

@adamdriver1016 - 23.11.2023 20:54

Very poor video
Colonialism isnt a European invention. 

Youve ignored a thousand years of colonialism pre European endeavours.

And to top tings off, you claim the american colonists were the victims of the British! Utter rubbish

The Russians are now engaged actively in empire building, yet your video doesnt mention this once.

@adinoimmanueltario1900 - 01.02.2024 04:11

I like this guy he really explained the lesson both simply and very understandable keep up the good work mate

@thebutcher7541 - 03.02.2024 18:43

Yeah, the US was soooo anti-colonialism yet it had and still has colonies and supports neo-colonialist ideas

@robertlivingstone7007 - 18.02.2024 13:58

I wonder what the world would look like if colonialism hadn't happened.

@natashajoseph7347 - 19.02.2024 03:19

This is so weirdly biased in favor of American colonialism that I can't in good faith share it with anyone. Check your biases.

@SapphireEvans - 19.02.2024 16:42

Can someone summarize this video?

@MorganMcCracken - 22.05.2024 04:46

Ontario Tech University-Morgan McCracken Lecture Comment.

It is interesting to note the sequence of events that occurred at the beginning of colonialism with Portugal. It shows the real domino effect that one action can take to make a major change in a country.

@Rewo_Gxng - 20.06.2024 20:15

Like this if you go to (ON TRACK)-Spokane

@wanderfull5829 - 05.08.2024 20:23

Unfortunately, we are connected to white people for the worst reasons possible. I wish we'd NEVER met them.
