It's 2023: Is Magento Dead?

It's 2023: Is Magento Dead?

Mark Shust

1 год назад

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@anandhuchandrabose9608 - 13.08.2024 09:35

@fabioquintana7148 - 05.04.2024 01:31

I have been developing projects with Magento since 2007, and so far the best until these days 2024 is Magento!. My experience with all the other player's "e-commerce carts" are behind...and you get stuck at some point. Long life Magento.

@ArbitraryZer0101 - 21.08.2023 19:20

RIP Magento - Rest in Pieces, you garbage piece of shit software. Our team have lost HOURS doing the most basic css fixes whilst we are fine with NextJS, laravel and whatever else complex. Nothing beats Magento for being the most bloatware piece of shit web software of all time. Good riddance

@Omeostatica - 28.07.2023 01:30

Magento is definitively dead.

@cnkskmn - 18.05.2023 00:17

There are 2 things i think missing on this video, 1-There is no default admin credentials. 2- 2 factor authentication is enabled by default. Even admin puts his email to get authenticator barcode, there is no email sent.
Possible solutions:
1- disable 2 factor authentication
2-create admin user via cli command

@ss1bomber - 08.05.2023 15:18

Magento 2 has to be the most unstable and poorly designed ecom platform i’ve ever used.
I'm worried that if I edit the homepage I will break it, I can't mass upload products, the backend is super slow, I have to spend money updating apps and magento versions, its not set up for google core web vitals, the offers always reset themselves, the indexing never works, the inventory oversells when inputted manually, i have to deal with external hosting, the reports don't work and are untrustworthy, I can't sell on ebay using magento inventory. I'm constantly trying to fix errors rather than actually sell stuff. And if i ever want anything fixed that’s a load of cash to a dev. awful

@kylewiley - 28.04.2023 10:40

why magento still using old technologies ?
cause it dead

@DeepShah2511 - 11.04.2023 15:10

Hey Mark,
How are you?
Great video, I like it.

@DeepakGupta-n4c - 11.04.2023 11:05

awesome explaination Mark (y) kudos

@TomDollar - 08.04.2023 18:34

Great vid Mark. We’re still all-in with a Magento and don’t plan on moving. One thing - you said MSI is a commerce feature - it’s part of Open Source too ;)

@asianwankster - 08.04.2023 10:50

Where did you get that Magento lamp?😆

@alinadrian52 - 08.04.2023 07:58

Hey Mark alldo i still do magento eavry day for the last 6 years I started seeing a shift to shopware being more fast and having better backend functionality already out of the box (example the translation) this dose not mean it is deaing but there are bethere open source solutions that do more then magento and are faster. Please prove me worng.

@aurelioflores4571 - 08.04.2023 01:15

Hi Mark, how can I find the live magento sites in Mexico?, best regards

@shurui91 - 07.04.2023 19:19

When you say anything, there is a context. Let me share my two cents as I did look at Magento from different angles.

As a SDE located in the US, I could say Magento is dead. I mean look at how many roles you can find on any job boards. Today I still don't understand why an US based company, Adobe, acquired it. I had experience of using the community version, but maybe Adobe see a lot of potentials on the Enterprise version? idk.

If you are working for a tech-oriented company/ecommerce team, Magento will not be a bad choice, but it won't be your top choice either. It just cannot compete with Java, especially when you have big traffic, high concurrency. But I have to say Magento is very much liked by SEO and marketing people.

As a business owner who needs to build an e-commerce site quickly with zero coding knowledge, I might choose between Magento and Shopify, depending on what I am selling. If I could run into copyright issues, I will choose Magento because Shopify could just ban your site. If you choose Magento, and if your contractor is working for you honestly, you will have full control of your data (customer info, inventory and etc), and you don't have to worry about violating any rules since you are not hosting your website on someone else's platform.

@Fatman305 - 07.04.2023 17:46

Happy birthday, Magento!

@igetpaidtocode - 07.04.2023 16:13

Of course shopify going wild in the next years but its like comparing apples to oranges still!
