Hi, I’m Diana and welcome to Video Marketing Confidence. This is where I help you to be more #confidentoncamera, engage your audience and #makevideoyourmostpowerfultool.
The training I provide is about enabling you to #harnessthepowerofvideo when you don’t think you have the time or budget, don’t know where to start and quite frankly, find it a little bit (or a lot) scary.
I unpack the barriers you have to making videos, to find the root causes of the very real fears you face about being in front of a camera. I then provide you with all the tools and techniques you need to develop strategies for dealing with those barriers, create a strong video marketing plan and awesome content.
With this foundation, you’ll discover how quick, easy and inexpensive it can be to create engaging videos that will actually save you time on your social media marketing, enhance your message and set you up as the go-to expert in your field.
Video is such a huge - and growing - part of marketing it simply cannot be ignored, but if you don’t know where to start how are you going to get it right?
One thing’s for sure, it’s not going away and for SMEs, it’s crucial to have a video presence to be connecting with your audience. With approximately 6 million SMEs in the UK alone and over 400 million worldwide, if you’re not engaging your audience through video, you can be pretty sure one of your competitors is.
So let’s get that sorted out.
#entrepreneur #sme #academy #localbusiness #video_marketing #video_tips #video_training #video_expert #confident_on_camera #harness_the_power_of_video #make_video_your_most_powerful_tool #confidence_on_camera #how_to_be_confident_on_camera #how_to_be_more_confident_on_camera