Max0r's Incorrect Summary of Elden Ring MAKES ME TINGLE~

Max0r's Incorrect Summary of Elden Ring MAKES ME TINGLE~

Zeus ⚡️ Mythos

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@jtherealmccoy5309 - 18.06.2024 04:23

I think she missed the Pringles Can job

@orireth5107 - 18.06.2024 05:18

not even kidding was talking with my friends yesterday and someone asked if we know how you will start the DLC and i forgot Miquella's name so I said to myself, "I am Malenia blade of Miquella" to remember

@mrmason23 - 18.06.2024 10:52

She has to react to Max0r's Metal Gear Revengeance incorrect summary

@SULosk - 18.06.2024 11:19

Next episode is my favorite <3

@ryanp.2235 - 18.06.2024 11:52

If you follow Rogier/Fia's questline, you get other options when approaching Ranni. You will already know who she is and her part in the Night of Black Knives.

@PB-Toho97 - 19.06.2024 03:41

Mohg is just misunderstood. ^^'

@zombiepenguin7134 - 20.06.2024 03:24

Can't wait how Max0r does Messmer

@valentined9513 - 20.06.2024 05:43

'Michael-zaki' That's from zanny, isn't it.

@WorldsTallestLeprechaun - 20.06.2024 19:26

For those curious.

The Morgott boss fight music was “Last Resort” from the Punishing Gray Raven OST.
The music for Rykard’s boss fight was “Operation Pyrite” from the Arknights OST.
And the final song was “Operation Deepness” from the Arknights OST.

@montyturner6511 - 20.06.2024 20:16

I like how Zeus told someone in chat to not say they would visit hell.

And then the chatter responded saying:"Who's gonna stop me."😅😂

@Bondrewd__21 - 20.06.2024 21:24

Bud did most anime elder ring play through recently. I recommend to check it out

@RicardoMeansKing - 20.06.2024 22:08

Miyazaki is an Eldritch existence, Cthulhu is VERY afraid of this man

@josefsieffen18 - 20.06.2024 22:28

You actually can have a reason to seek Ranni out. It involves a quest with Rogier, Fia, and finding a particular Black Knife assassin's knife so we can finally figure out what caused this whole mess to happen.

Spoiler alert:

Godwin dying is Ranni's fault. Whether directly or indirectly, I'm not sure. What i do know is that she did it so she could kill her flesh body so she could move her soul to her new puppet body.

@Thaylien - 20.06.2024 22:47

Funny thing about meeting Ranni is that you can actually get prompted to join her without getting the blade and without randomly stumbling into her. If you go through Blythe and find all of his dialogue, then talk to Iji for all his dialogue, both of them suggest that you work for Ranni. It opens up a different dialogue option when you talk to her, which adjusts her dialogue a little.

@kalil6 - 20.06.2024 23:54

"oh my god is gidora"
Im so fucking happy that you said that.

@chriskoloski32 - 21.06.2024 00:42

Scrawny homeless men with sticks do more damage in this game than lava

@victorhenrique9135 - 21.06.2024 05:54

Really recommend you watch the ultrakill videos, and even play the game if it seems interesting, the game is already fast and 90% of the time you dont understand whats happening, put max0r editing on top of it and you got yourself one of the most chaotic and fun experiences ever made.

@TheShuckleNoob - 21.06.2024 07:21

Get Miyazaki'd.

@Kryxar - 21.06.2024 11:25

Zeus I think maxor videos need a higher bitrate

@Acesahn - 22.06.2024 00:35

Genius's are almost ALWAYS extremely difficult to work with. You really don't want to work for a genius lol

@BNuts - 22.06.2024 02:46

Still waiting on Max0r's review of Honkai Impact 3rd , after he made Aponia appear a couple times, and used MOON-Halo at the end of his second Genshin review.

Also, casting Mousey as Tanith with those lines was pure perfection. Watame, he's coming for you.

@moffant4916 - 22.06.2024 05:25

She's voring him?

@murasaika2776 - 23.06.2024 02:21

... part of me wants to believe when he called Miyazaki "that man" he was referring to happy chaos from guilty gear.

"sir, I don't understand, why are we adding another swamp?"

"because it adds DRAMA.~"

@irystocrattakodachithatmooms - 23.06.2024 08:36

I look forward to getting rid of those damned Quebecers in this game.

@tyjohns8731 - 23.06.2024 09:46

If you can beat the magma worm, you don't even need the lift.

@ghoul-corpse - 23.06.2024 16:40

i played elden ring for as long as i got good and got to journey 3 just so once i was good enough id also get every armor piece possible for then me refighting against the mimic tear miniboss as i overpowered and cheated it the first time, to regain my dignity i fought him with my best armor and weaponry to defeat him being the me who killed the elden beast with the spiked caestus on my first playthrough.

@williamjacob2060 - 24.06.2024 03:36

Margit was a joke fight for ya? damn i had summons and he still wrecked my shit i eventually got em though just so many attacks to remember lol

@adenwolski7179 - 25.06.2024 03:50

Watching this after learning the lore in the dlc is wild

@HavokEngine - 28.06.2024 23:39

Russian Badger "YOU CANNOT RUN FROM ME."

@chronosoldier01 - 06.07.2024 23:52

The mohg part aged baf with the dlc. Victim blaming at the finest.

@MrRavenVT - 07.07.2024 17:01

I swear elden ring was just an excuse to put all of his kinks in a game. 1st, he has a hand kink because just look at the fingercreepers. 2nd, he has a foot fetish because look at how many enemies you have to look at there feet in order to fight, there's even a boss that you have to fight no matter what in the fire giant where you're just looking at his feet for all of phase 1. And 3rd & 4th, I swear he's both a masochist and a sadist

@mrozz8472 - 08.07.2024 03:36

i have seen this maxor video a million time but this time i could concentrate cuz 2 big reasons dog

@redhoodofficial3202 - 12.07.2024 19:41

i have a question!! if ares is a girl and so is apollo and that makes you their mom I know that but who is the dad?.. unless this is some Amazonian " they come from clay" shindig?! answer me!! but still we all love and support you!

@everstudent0897 - 16.07.2024 02:19

Shes eating his snake so to become his snake

@TheCanadianGuy56 - 25.07.2024 17:37

You taking two streams to beat godskin probably made so many people think they're better at elden ring than you, but honestly that's fucking insane to me, I die to the same boss 10 times and gotta take a break, how insane is your mental to just keep getting back up? God damn woman

@hexheart - 25.11.2024 10:01

Fun facts about two things. One: The chest that teleports you to Leyendell is a lie. It teleports you to a grace just before the waygate that leads to Malenia's tower for her great rune. Except, you can't use the waygate or elevator unless you get there normally or have killed Malenia. Second, the lift of Dectus is actually not easily bypassed except for one thing. The Rya questline and other such ones tell you about a dungeon in the river Northwest of the lift. That lets you skip getting the medallion and also take a free swipe at a dragon early that does actually decrease their health at the fight where you actually get to kill them. There you go.

@atlasfp - 05.01.2025 01:24

My favourite part about Morgott's lore is that he canonically acknowledges that Godrick is weak af and sits outside the castle bc he's stronger. Like there's literally a lore explanation for Godrick being easier even though he comes after Margit

@Sweaty_lce - 25.01.2025 03:15

Wait, you can summon Melina to help you fight? When do you get that ability?!

@commentary2378 - 26.01.2025 16:04


@yunokage - 21.03.2025 13:05

Who is Malenia?
Never heard of any blades of any Miquellas.

The mimic fight is more fun, when you fight yourself full power in my opinion.

In my third run, I defeated the Draconic Tree Sentinel and couldn't get in,
because I haven't been to the Roundtable Hold yet....

I did stand in the lava for the Rykard fight.
Made it a lot easier actually.

At the time I got to the godskin noble, I didn't upgrade anything yet,
so it was even worse.
Although the pizza cutter did the job in the end.

Somehow actually escaped the skulls the one time I was totally prepared to die and killed Rykard.
The RNG in that game sure is crazy.
