ОтветитьIs this a smurf account?
Ответитьdont tell me about "if you were in my shoes" dude my average game is me the support carrying every single one of my team while they litterally run down 1 after another, trying theyre best to avoid ANYTHING usefull and try theyre best to never group. litterally bots that follow my pings will be more usefull than any of my average teammates
ОтветитьPeople like that briar are the ones that are keeping people away from rank up and riot doesent give a shit about them ruining the game for others i guess
ОтветитьI like how this video got so many views since the first time I watched it. Maybe people just really like watching zwag suffer
Ответитьthis game gave me depression
ОтветитьZwag literally plays this game 24/7 then smurfs on a silver/bronze account and pays out on the people for not doing the right thing. Mate, we don't fucking live, breathe, eat, sleep LoL, we are doing this as a fun release from work/life; you know, that thing you gave up on to play video games 24/7?! Give these people a break, they probably just got home from an 8-12 hour shift, then played with their kids for 3 hours, talked to their wife to 2 hours and then had a game or 2 of LoL to decompress.
ОтветитьI've been playing this game since 2012 and it's been cool all this time, but starting in 2020, the game is sinking deeper into a bucket of shit and soon it looks like it's going to sink to the bottom. It's a pity, but I somehow came across AFC teammates and 30 games in a row were ruined because of this. It's very difficult to play seriously when you see this. At first, I thought that maybe the hidden balance system was punishing me for something. But after watching a video like this, I'm more and more convinced that it's the same for everyone. I would like Riot games to make a separate low priority, as in dota, for such scum who tilt, steal and spoil games for other players because they want revenge. But they only take revenge on those who have done nothing to them. You cool, Zwag, thx for vid.
Ответитьleague just seems like a chore to play now.
Ответитьman i still enjoy watching league gameplay but games like these and teamates like that briar are a big reason i quit the game last year XD
ОтветитьZwag hardstuck (Challenger) confirmed. Grats on the expose Briar you turnip
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ОтветитьFuck that briar I would have malded so hard if I was Zwag, would made death threats ngl
ОтветитьWtf is this game😂😵
ОтветитьThis game was infuriating
ОтветитьI love more Zwag videos like this one
ОтветитьI deleted League, this game is just so not fun now. It shouldnt be that one inter ruins an entire game, it just shouldnt. I will simply watch Zwag play and suffer from now on
ОтветитьDo a try not to complain challenge.
Ответитьhere, have a comment and like for your pains.
ОтветитьI just witnessed a man in pain... It would be inhumane to like this.
ОтветитьNow this is high elo!
ОтветитьProud of You pushing through
ОтветитьThat Briar is forsen
ОтветитьI almost wish you lost that game for the sole reason that it would mean the Briar lost too
ОтветитьThe briar filming you while ur making the decision that won u guys the game is crazy
ОтветитьHuge balance issue within the game, many people have quit the game because of it:
The worst of all 10 players affects the outcome of the game WAY MORE than the best of the 10 players.
This is the definition of anti-fun.
Jg gap
ОтветитьThanks Zwag ❤️
ОтветитьThis was so painful to watch. It really sucks when you're super strong but your team won't play with you
ОтветитьYour theme music is Ryu theme from WO, right? 😗
ОтветитьBriar was bad but the vayne too... Vayne was doing great and clearly mechanically good at fights but literally 0 common sense and brain on when to fight and how to defend and push.
ОтветитьIts funny cuz briar will def get a VERY long ban. Baus got like 2 week ban for like 12 deaths. Briar having 30 is easily a month ban lmao. Honestly should just be permanent imo. She does nothing but ruin the game.
ОтветитьВот почему я больше не вернусь в эту помойку которую люди игрой называют
Ответить20+ deaths briar .... that's player in person is the stpdest mofo CRAB MENTALITY person you will ever meet.... 1 of most negative person in the entire world.... that guy... will literally has the mentality of a LOSER...
ОтветитьLeague was way better back in the day when you could solo carry harder by creating leads early.. nowadays its so team oriented and that doesnt fit well into a 4 random format game.
Ответитьwhy does Bloodletter's curse lowkey look like a Headcrab?
Ответитьholy shit! the ending was insane xD good work on not losing hope, you made the biggest comeback while tied down by 3 of your members! keep up the vids man and hope to see more.
ОтветитьPlayers like Briar have to be mentally deranged
ОтветитьDid someone count how much times he recalled??
ОтветитьBuilds the most needed item last, says "this wont do anything", starts to lifesteal as there is no tomorrow > shocked pikachu face, "i had these items from a long time, how could i do that?"... -.-
Ответитьme and my girlfreind loves to watch your videos 😁
ОтветитьThe way they coulda won this if Kayle bought Mr and magic pen😭
Ответитьif i get this briar on a match id perma target her. disgusting like this is so dumb.