unboxing - RFID NFC Tag 215 Card - Programmable NTAG215 - NTag Kartu PVC Tagmo

unboxing - RFID NFC Tag 215 Card - Programmable NTAG215 - NTag Kartu PVC Tagmo

maverick lesmana

55 лет назад

51,942 Просмотров

onlline shop: https://www.tokopedia.com/aeriqa/rfid-nfc-tag-215-card-programmable-ntag215-ntag-kartu-pvc-tagmo

NFC Kartu PVC tipe NTAG215 yang berfungsi untuk baca tulis data untuk semua gadget yang support NFC. Cocok juga untuk membuat nintendo AMIIBO.

Spesifikasi :
- Frequency: 13.56 MHz
- Protocol: 14443 standards
- Chip NTAG215
- Size : 85 mm x 55 mm
- Storage: 5 years
- Lockable: yes (can be made read only)
- Packaging materials: coated paper
- Memory capacity: 504 bytes
- Working temperature: 25 ~ 85c
- The time to read and write: 106 kbit/s (MS)
- Read and write distance: 1 cm - 3 cm
- Wipe life: 100000 times

NTAG215 EEPROM: 540 bytes, organized in 135 pages of 4 byte per page.
26 bytes reserved for manufacturer and configuration data
28 bits used for the read-only locking mechanism
4 bytes available as capability container
504 bytes user programmable read/write memory

Tidak bergaransi. Barang selalu kami cek manual sebelum kirim jadi kami jamin kualitasnya.

Hubungi 085648519662 atau 5E8F89B4 jika membutuhkan penjelasan lebih lanjut.


#rfid #nfc #tag #215 #ntag #card #kartu #tagmo
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