Countertop Makeover with Epoxy, Does it turn out? | Stone Coat Countertops

Countertop Makeover with Epoxy, Does it turn out? | Stone Coat Countertops

Stone Coat Countertops

3 года назад

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@marcusmayne3831 - 16.06.2021 05:39

Is ordering online only way to get you're products??

@user-lu2bs1ns2j - 16.06.2021 09:27

The brave age neatly paste because baker therapeutically practise circa a macho stranger. military, ruddy siberian

@Krashnburnz123 - 16.06.2021 10:29

He nailed it, presentation and skills! Well done sir.

@BevinEG - 16.06.2021 12:07

I agree

@santiagogrant486 - 16.06.2021 16:58

Can I apply the epoxy clear coat to the vertical surface of my backsplash? Backsplash is already in place in my kitchen.

@scottpetroff5753 - 16.06.2021 22:55

Is there a video on the edging/sanding process? I know epoxy is at it's thinnest on the sides. Don't want my sides to run off and not stick. How do you round your edge?

@johndorazio2400 - 16.06.2021 23:43

What a joke nothing compares to real stone don’t cheat your self get the real thing

@grzegorz9786 - 17.06.2021 06:38

Super !!!!!!

@stregarossa2112 - 17.06.2021 08:06

I noticed as the camera panned over the surface, the surface appeared uneven. Is that because the epoxy had not finished flowing? Was this because of the chopping that made some areas thicker than others?

@derlyndaniel7786 - 19.06.2021 15:30

I’m in the Caribbean I am a fan of your show I want to re do my kitchen I tried epoxy but no matter what I do it doesn’t work!!! 😭😭😭 helpppppo

@derlyndaniel7786 - 19.06.2021 15:31

I just love your work!!!!

@dana22 - 19.06.2021 18:55

Could you please ask the cameraman to give a good view of the countertop as a still? I find a good still view missing in a lot of these videos, and I don't want to commit until I can get a good solid look at it. The constant panning seems to blur the view for me. Thanks in advance for your consideration! I'm excited to see an upclose view, big fan!

@carmelinarosinski8953 - 20.06.2021 06:06

I have done very similar with Woodprix designs.

@kylethem9969 - 20.06.2021 10:41

Met you guys by the pool at Kona, if you need employee’s let us know! A trustworthy company and a product that sells itself! A pleasure.

@edwinsolomon77 - 21.06.2021 22:15

Surely you can't say it looks like real blue pearl😒

@ronb5801 - 22.06.2021 00:20

I would like to see a video addressing the underneath of a project. For example, besides sanding off drips, what other techniques do you recommend? For example I was thinking of redoing a mantle for a fireplace. I wanted to epoxy the top and edges but keep the bottom the way it is now (which is visible from underneath).

@pblackcrow - 22.06.2021 19:30

I want to see you do a lapsus luzia.

@kimhall7005 - 23.06.2021 18:29

It needed more Blue and less silver!

@miriamherrera4693 - 24.06.2021 01:04

Que hermosos trabajos

@alteredexistence4115 - 28.06.2021 22:44

I don't think it really mimics the granite you were trying to copy, but I DO think it looks really good.

@maym6260 - 29.06.2021 20:12

Can I use the metálic powder alone, without the epoxy???

@Alputherock - 06.07.2021 12:42

looks very good , but how resilient is the surface? i mean in the kitchen you cut with knife or you put a hot pot on it and so on .

@coasterkat4432 - 16.07.2021 23:27

Blue Pearl is my favorite too! I’m totally doing this!

@svr7429 - 17.07.2021 01:14

Its like watching Home Improvement, better cast tho.
Nice work guys!

@Hotzenplotz1 - 17.07.2021 18:51

The big piece does not have enough blue but the effect is like natural.

@kimberlyhall9303 - 19.07.2021 04:42

I think if you would have added some large mica flakes, it would have been identical to the inspiration piece, however I love how it came out

@LeahStorm - 26.07.2021 04:22

I'd like it way less uniform to look more like that black and blue granite piece behind you. But that's just my taste. Your technique is amazing, and I love how enthusiastic you guys are.

@katieshuppe7074 - 30.07.2021 08:51

It's beautiful. I would've used more blue over the top. I actually did this 2 years ago when we built our house but I added clear and black flakes to the top layer. It was pretty damn cool!

@teresagriffin - 03.08.2021 16:44

I wonder what that same recipe would look like over white? My dad wants “light” colored desk. I’m going to try this!

@نهشاه - 09.08.2021 03:12


@waynesmith2942 - 20.08.2021 13:29

looks real

@Kreative_Rainbow - 07.09.2021 21:11

It really helps that you have experience with real stone. I wouldn't know where to start to get inspiration for real stone looks... it created an interesting look.

@ricklewis9369 - 23.10.2021 03:16

That is one of my two favorite colors. That color is beautiful if it truly looks like it is.

@ricklewis9369 - 23.10.2021 03:21

The color on screen looks great but on live it doesn't look like it on screen. I love that blue it dominates I hope I can get it like the way it looks on TV.

@maryjanekeao2351 - 28.10.2021 08:37


@dougphillips5686 - 28.10.2021 21:42

Granite crystals are square and sharp. Your fake granite is made up of round cells. Better stick to fake marble.

@cardfan9652 - 02.11.2021 03:50

Could you put diamond dust with alcohol to get some bling?

@cardfan9652 - 04.11.2021 09:49

Once your epoxy is dry, can you put another layer on that if you're not happy and want to add more color?

@esthermcgough3995 - 13.11.2021 19:40

The blue disappeared when you put thr blsck effect

@julientobyfullmer7230 - 20.01.2022 07:02

One thing I wish you would do is at the end show the finished product more. A slow pan over to see the design more. 😘

@julientobyfullmer7230 - 20.01.2022 07:10

Blue pearl is my favorite granite!

@tracythompson3345 - 09.04.2022 05:38

How much alcohol did you use?

@genesmith8062 - 20.09.2022 00:43

I like it!!!

@contactjoy4140 - 16.10.2022 09:10

The color is spectacular.
I don't know how it compares with real granate, but it would be an absolutely beautiful addition to a kitchen, Rec area or office.

I've watched many videos on your channel and seen way too much black being used. (Black bathfrooms show shampoo and soap scum immediately)

The blue is much more appealing.

Thank-you guys for taking great care in giving outstanding instructions.

I've been as art instructor in Decorative Arts and Faux Finishes for 40 years and you guys are terrific instructors.

Thank-you for recognizing that each of your viewers is a student.

@Tombstone_Todd - 22.02.2023 04:52

where do I find the royal blue ?

@randychupp7903 - 08.04.2023 22:51

I'm doing the caramel system, I'm going to do a sample piece and just spray the 91% alcohol on it to see what the effect will be. What do u think?

@marymiller3967 - 11.08.2023 10:20

Like it...I love the blue pearl granite...this is pretty good!!! Thx!!

@amywalton2282 - 23.09.2024 22:05

Can I do the metallic and then just cover it with a sealer versus the epoxy? I want to redo a counter in my bathroom but I didn't want to remove the old counter. I think the epoxy will just drip everywhere and make a mess.

@Brooklyn.NewYork - 03.12.2024 00:33

Could I do this on a bathroom floor by myself the same way you did the table because I have a very small bathroom. It says big as that piece of table you just did.

@StoneCoatCountertops - 08.06.2021 21:16

👉Do you think the Granite Effect Fog and Fracture Helped or Hurt this Project? WE NEED YOUR FEEDBACK!
