Can't wait!!!
Ответить100 view
ОтветитьCan't wait!
ОтветитьI love the approach....I can't wait for this!
ОтветитьSo excited for this series to start!
ОтветитьIt would be nice if Jimmy McGill aka Saul Goodman, ran into Walter White and his family at a grocery store or something!
ОтветитьExtremely excited for this, so much potential here. I can't wait to get sucked back into this world. Can we get a full trailer already AMC?! God forbid you stop posting " hell on wheels " teasers that don't get more than 1k views per vid and Dumb behind the scenes videos for The Walking Disappointment like we already don't know what's coming.... More characters traveling along side river beds and train tracks talking about nothing and forced character development with shitty B list characters like carol and Beth.
ОтветитьI cannot wait for this show. I hope we get to see Mike in this series.
ОтветитьI think it has the potential to last longer than Breaking Bad without feeling dragged out. Breaking Bad was a very intense show with a straight forward story (that was very very well written) and if it went on too long it might not have been thought of as great as it was. But Better Call Saul's only story from what I can tell is "this is how he becomes Saul Goodman" which allows for so much wiggle room. I'm not saying we'll get 10 seasons out of it. but I could see 7.
ОтветитьCan't wait to see this show!
ОтветитьNot sure what the point of this show is other than riding the Breaking Bad money train bit more.
ОтветитьI really hope there is alot of Gustavo Fring, Jesse Pinkman, and maybe some Tuco in this series. V. Gilligan is a genius! Can't wait.
ОтветитьIt all good man!
ОтветитьThis show is clever, cause in Breaking Bad, Saul states he pretended to be some celebrity named Kevin [Something] to trick a woman. He states it worked because he believed he was Kevin himself, which means he believes he is Saul Goodman. From what I gathered from Breaking Bad, Saul's 2nd wife cheated on him with his step-dad; So you know there's a lot of crazy history in Saul's life.
ОтветитьVince is so humble, he's my role model!
Ответитьwhat was the point of making the TEASER not available outside of US(and maybe some other countries)
ОтветитьI can't wait!
ОтветитьBetter call Jimmy!
ОтветитьIt's funny because Saul is going to be more of a badass than Walt at this point in time.
ОтветитьOh come on! Make it available elsewhere!
ОтветитьGod I can't wait
ОтветитьIt would be cool f the show goes all the way and wee Saul after the events of breaking bad.
ОтветитьHas it been delayed? I thought it's coming out this year.
ОтветитьThis is gonna be awesome. Saul Goodman is such an amazing character who didn't get enough time on Breaking Bad (which is understandable).
ОтветитьI hope we see Emilio Koyama and Krazy-8 again, we know that Saul represented Emilio and possibly got him bail in the BB pilot.
ОтветитьWill this air in uk
ОтветитьYeah bring back breaking bad, not this shit fucking show.
Ответитьwell since Vince Gillian created the multi emmy Breaking Bad, i have hopes for this show. i just hope it doesnt fail or end up like crap like other spin off shows. but i have my hopes up
ОтветитьThis show will get cancelled after one season.
ОтветитьThis was uploaded not even a half a month ago
ОтветитьCan't wait
ОтветитьThere always has to be negativity in something good. First people bitch WAHH BREAKING BAD IS ENDING TOO SOON, then it has a perfect ending and now people are like WAHH WHY WOULD YOU RUIN A PERFECTLY GOOD SERIES.
ОтветитьThis looks like its probably gonna be a dark comedy but have a more serious side too.
ОтветитьRemember episode 2x08? When Jesse and Walt kidnap Saul, take him out to the desert, masked & at gunpoint, and put him on his knees in front of a hole? And then Saul pleads: "No, it wasn't me! It was Ignacio, he was the one!" and says in broken spanish that he's "always been a friend of your cartel"? Remember the sheer relief in his voice when he finds out "Lalo" didn't send them? Yeah, I can't wait to see what that's all about :)
ОтветитьA spin-off of mike and his struggles might have been more entertaining.
ОтветитьMr. Gilligan
What's goin' on...
Let me know what ideas you've got next, my friend
Less than 3 months away! So psyched...
ОтветитьThey should make that in the serie half shows his prequel then shows a sequel with Jesse
ОтветитьI like soul
Ответить"We don't need a criminal lawyer, we need a CRIMINAL lawyer."
One of the best lines in the show (of many).
I hope the show ends with Walter White meeting Saul for the first time
ОтветитьIf wae feel dizzy we can think to ourselves My soul is happy and is asking for this infusion of light that penetrates my cells it will allow you to walk more upright it will also make me feel brighter
ОтветитьI love coming back here looking at the hype that not only delivered, but exceeded it