Why doesnt anyone ever try to fix jens wr÷
Chichi is tired of watching this video hugs
ОтветитьJens art work in her home is very boring
ОтветитьRichard's temper is ugly God bless uncle ralph and. Morgan
ОтветитьRichard is deplorable
ОтветитьChichi just btought me my third boiler maker no more comments xoxo
ОтветитьRita's the kind of woman who is nothing without a husband saddness
ОтветитьWish I could find a hair dresser that could make my hair look like Brian's lol
ОтветитьEvil and mean richard appears he is two faced
ОтветитьGod b)ess jens mother mom for doing her own thing on Xmas the holiday's are so over rated and usually sad and hurtful
ОтветитьRichard looks like a cuppa doll gross
ОтветитьThe rudness of richard going into his parents home and not shutting the door says evening jerk
ОтветитьRichards a narcissist doesnt put on a full Santa's beard as he thinks he is so handsome eeyuck
ОтветитьStill love fhe little girl that checks out Brian at the tree lot adorable
ОтветитьChichi and i are on our 3rd boiler makers nitenite
ОтветитьStill cracking up over the cheap bottle of wine that richard brought to xmasdinner for 5 adults oh dear
ОтветитьThat was enjoyable, thanks!!! Goes to show money isn't everything.
ОтветитьJens mom is not a flake just exhausted from a year of work knows xmas is over rated xoxo
ОтветитьChichi are on our 4th boiler makers will hold back any rude comments xoxo
ОтветитьRichards mother is a rude human and his dad is a whimp know wonder they created a rude whimp for a son nite
ОтветитьKnow wonder Jennifer hates xmas as richard uses her as a hood ornament here comes Morgan and uncle Ralph earth angels
ОтветитьI still can't believe an x Brooklyn cop is eating tuna steak and vegetables. Morgan must be a fabulous cook xoxoSandra
ОтветитьJennifer can be so annoying lol
ОтветитьRichard is pure evil
ОтветитьLove it how uncle ralph digs at richards parents in such a subtle way
ОтветитьBreaking news. Chichi just gave me a ruby necklace in a heart shape w matching earrings from Tiffany's for valentines day wow
ОтветитьThank goodness morgan wins
ОтветитьWhy are the blinds closed in jens office just noticed it
ОтветитьRichard is so vain that he wontcover up his face in a proper santa beard pretty boy floyd
ОтветитьHow did richard think he was worthy of jen arrogance with blinders on total jerk
ОтветитьChichi and i hate rita and chett downers and drainers
ОтветитьMorgan is beyond handsome
ОтветитьRichard thinks uncle. Ralph is ruff around the edges what about his parents gross and disgusting nite chichi i need another boiler maker love
ОтветитьUncle Ralf reminds me of my Uncles/Mamas. 🙂
ОтветитьAunt Margarets earrings rock uncle Ralph has a heart of gold
ОтветитьChichi i need another boiler maker my love nite
ОтветитьChichi hates that gross engagement ring right on
ОтветитьRichard is an idiot
ОтветитьRichard and his parents sicken me
ОтветитьJennifer sighs more than she smiles
ОтветитьI’ve grown up and old watching Mr. Winkler . ❤️
ОтветитьRichard is not good looking eeeyuck
ОтветитьChett is a gross person
ОтветитьUncle Ralph rules xoxo
ОтветитьUncle Ralph's sister isn't nuts she is wise spoken from chichi
ОтветитьSeattle washington Sandra
ОтветитьChichi just spit a boiler maker on the rug he hates that god awful ring nits
ОтветитьRichard is so in love with his self
ОтветитьBrooke Burns, you are so beautiful. I was madly in love with you when I was little. Brooke Burns was getting fucked by old bald Bruce Willis while filming this movie. This must have been bad for Brooke Burns, to go and surrender herself to a guy 25 years older than her when there were all these handsome guys in the movie in front of her.
ОтветитьNot related but hmos are horrible