Why Dumb People Earn More Than Smart People

Why Dumb People Earn More Than Smart People

Noelle Randall

55 лет назад

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@demose255 - 14.02.2025 07:56

She is always spot on. Impressive

@billoliver8940 - 14.02.2025 08:08

Noelle I love your energy! It is truly pouring in to my cup ! Thank you sister !

@jeffu3248 - 14.02.2025 09:01


@tbj6037 - 14.02.2025 09:52

Madame Noelle is speaking facts.

@JohnnieMoore-td1on - 14.02.2025 12:47

❤ !!! A really nice video, Noelle.

@LightingYourLifeEnterprises - 14.02.2025 16:40

Okay, I needed this reminder this morning. Thank you ♥️

@mrofnocnon - 14.02.2025 17:15

Dumb people making more money, works best with a dumb government.

@milenakisel2855 - 14.02.2025 17:32

Noelle is 100% correct❤

@CrashRebootL3 - 14.02.2025 17:46

You have book smarts and you have street smarts both can make you good money.

@madant22 - 14.02.2025 21:35

perfect example of this. Donald Trump and Elon Musk ass. There you go. They play dumb there you go.

@wellingtons32 - 14.02.2025 21:50

Dumb people are too dumb to watch or want to even learn of this video anyways.

@loveneedandwantu - 14.02.2025 22:26

Calling someone stupid or dumb is not cool at all

@SharmahiMaNsHuVlogs21 - 14.02.2025 23:54

I’ve read so many manifestation books, but Vibrations of Manifestation by Alex Lane is different. It finally explained the missing piece, and now things are happening in ways I can’t even explain.

@GoutamMondal-pw8by - 14.02.2025 23:54

Wasn’t expecting much when I bought Vibrations of Manifestation by Alex Lane, but wow. Never had a book explain manifestation like this before, and after making just one change, I’m already seeing results.

@tailusilusi2206 - 14.02.2025 23:54

Saw Vibrations of Manifestation by Alex Lane mentioned in so many comments and finally bought the book. It’s not like other manifestation books—it actually breaks down why most people stay stuck and how to fix it, and it seriously works.

@rbelle8 - 15.02.2025 01:00

This video is pure click bate. Obviously, any intellectual individual earning less than their potential is the stupid one... 😂

@NewsBeat-z4v-y9z - 15.02.2025 01:34

Thank you for the info you share.

@TLS-in-Japan - 15.02.2025 02:21

Great job with this video. Defintiely confirms everything that I am doing, but I have been following your channel for a while now; sound advice. THANK YOU!

@3Det_ailing - 15.02.2025 03:04

Thank you for the knowledge n information!

@gohardproduct - 15.02.2025 04:03

with the significant amount of money the internet could generate it makes school/college look like a bad decision these days

@Neji1984 - 15.02.2025 05:12


@wealthhacking - 15.02.2025 22:54

Incredible video! I also think dumb people struggle learning numbers so they adapt by learning people instead. Understanding people can be more valuable than understanding numbers in business. It’s easier to find apps or tech that can help with numbers than with people.

@victor-g8i9g - 16.02.2025 19:25

Amazing video you've absolutely said it all. I've made a smart reinvestment, especially with some great guidance from a pro for a half year now, and it's been a game changer. I was able to reinvest my RMD strategically, and i'm now pulling in about $35k a week, despite doing very little trading myself. It's a nice cushion against financial stress. Best of luck with your RMD decisions!

@ElevateResumeDesign - 16.02.2025 21:53


@MariamRaheem-u9l - 17.02.2025 06:37

This is splendid

@lashawnrush3530 - 17.02.2025 17:51

It’s interesting that you covered this topic of conversation, because I have believed this to be true for years after having struggled financially while I watched others, “dumb” people be financially successful.

Also, I tried to order your books but I was going to be charged the full price. However, it does say that’s it’s supposed to be free on the Site. It might have been a glitch or something, but I just thought that you should know.

@YURTZYN42 - 18.02.2025 00:17

your intro is fire. Short, sweet, illustrative of how you are, very catchy. Don't ever change it LOL

But yeah it sucks being smart in today's job market when the job market pretty much doesn't cater to you. The main issue is your own intelligence realizing how much you're being played as well as not feeling satisfied with a "simple grind". You try to innovate and put your own creative twist on a project and it just doesn't go as planned and at times your own intelligence makes you too prideful to do things dumber people do. Thats my experience, at least.

@GuiasyButta - 18.02.2025 08:59

You have the greatest story❤❤❤❤❤

@InternationaLChefSue - 18.02.2025 18:43

No one is dumb!

@InternationaLChefSue - 18.02.2025 18:43

Crazy faith!

@InternationaLChefSue - 18.02.2025 20:36

Purpose vs Accumulation😊

@InternationaLChefSue - 18.02.2025 21:04


@Walking-MY-Path - 19.02.2025 12:38

She's spittin' nothing but facts here. You gotta have street smarts too not just book smarts. Once you have both then you'll be pretty untouchable and quite invincible 💯

@Lovelymamib - 19.02.2025 17:43

IQ is man made, America created office jobs for YT men to become rich

@deborahdacosta9009 - 19.02.2025 22:57

Hi is your pick a horse and journey books still available free? I tried to send and email to your address no luck?

@ISILENTNINJAI - 20.02.2025 08:19

Ill summarize in one sentence:

We are in a society that values entertainment over knowledge and skill.

@thothheartmaat2833 - 22.02.2025 07:05

stupid people dont understand boundaries.. they do whatever they want and get whatever they want. the truth is theyre probably just getting away with a lot of illegal activity as we've seen with doge.. thats how they get rich.. they have no morals and they dont understand limitations..

@blackjellybean678 - 22.02.2025 23:20

Good video.. I found your channel a few weeks ago and now I'm lock in.. just popped up on the algorithm.. I was thinking bout that topic in my head as well a while back.. you deliver with this video..

@AuthorMarlonLDotsonInkOrgasms - 23.02.2025 19:27

You’re Absolutely Right.

@curtlove9781 - 24.02.2025 22:42

The dummy is actually the intelligent one. The smarter person is less intelligent

@PrettyandBlessed888 - 25.02.2025 03:48

Man this video is such confirmation. I keep hearing this lately and I know that I am holding myself back by overthinking. Thank you for making this video because I get so frustrated sometimes seeing these ppl making so much money while I grind nonstop and keep getting it then losing it 😢

@user-er6dp5dd2g - 26.02.2025 23:39

Freemasonry 👁️

@deniseintampabayllc1790 - 27.02.2025 06:02

Sick of being smart. Likely the reason that 37 acres available for sale in citrus County is just sitting there. Likely the reason I’m not finding the right JV partner for the 28 unit 55+ community in Venice off the market. Likely the reason that this 5 acres That needs funding hasn’t been funded yet. Likely the reason that the 27 acres in Port Charlotte, Florida that’s a mixed use retail and residential space has has severance thank you, Ms. Randall. I need to get REAL Dumb and stop failing😢

@doubledthacollegekid644 - 27.02.2025 19:44

How do I get a hold of her, I need her help

@doubledthacollegekid644 - 27.02.2025 19:44


@melodysgreatescape - 28.02.2025 03:27

Why did she have to come at us so hard?! 😂❤ This was a great reality check for those of us stuck in our head over analyzing EVERYthingggg.

@hyberkonawa272 - 28.02.2025 03:42

Even the Dumbest people has the Highest Earnings capable to afford Expensive universities
such as Harvad to increase their IQ, while smarter people are running away from Debt!

@optimismresonance - 02.03.2025 12:55


@femopinionator3599 - 04.03.2025 10:40

Wow "A Beast in a Cage"
