Great job with the hay....the children a good job helping.Well done everyone,and just in time before the rain came.
ОтветитьAnother option for when the cow steps in the bucket is to get the children bottle feed the"spoiled" milk to the calves as well as giving some to the pigs. ❤🌅🌵😷
ОтветитьTrust but verify😇😇😇
ОтветитьGreat video, glad the hay turned out well. It does look like good quality. Hopefully you guys can strike up a good friendship with the farmer and get a sweeter deal on more cuts of hay. :D
What song was that? Sounds like Michael Hedges-esque. Need to check it out.
I'm also hoping the delayed fermenting works out as well. All y'all work so hard. The baby goat looks good, I couldn't tell of a limp but from previous videos, I'm sure it's still there. Glad the goat is getting better, and was saved. omg.
Hi Art and Bri.I live in the UK and I have enjoyed watching your channel for the last year. The reason I am posting is that I am worried about your potatoes. If they have been left out in the daylight too long and have turned green they are inedible as toxins have built up in tbem. They are a member of the nightshade family. I could not see your potatoes clearly from your video and I hope this has not happened to them.
ОтветитьTalk about a happy crew!!! 😁
ОтветитьWon't storing all of your furniture in the barn with the dust, insects and fluctuation in humidity ruin it? Wouldn't renting a storage unit be better?
ОтветитьMentioned moving furniture to the barn? And homeschooling stuff? Don't they live in a house ? Or are they doing different now? Just curious
ОтветитьLove and Hugs from Sapulpa Oklahoma
ОтветитьWhat a lovely family!!
ОтветитьThat’s why I loved the country. I’m in my 60’s now and live in a relatively small town. The country is like the family.
ОтветитьThere is actually a device to keep cows from sucking themselves. We've had to use them before.
ОтветитьI love watching the family on the river such a nice reward for a long hot days work
ОтветитьIt's a lot of work to put up your harvests, but after it's done,a great feeling of accomplishment.The best feeling of all is to share your bounty with others. Feels great deep in your heart, dosn't it!
ОтветитьGreat family teamwork. I hear you on the hay purchase. Up here people do 1 cut. Years back, we did 2. Better quality.
Ответитьwe use to leg rope our cow as the witch would kick the buckets over in hopes of drinking her own milk lol
ОтветитьA nice fun way to end a busy busy morning..
Have a good evening 🌻🌻🌻
What has happen with the house plans?
ОтветитьI love to see the whole family helping in the things you do. Reminds me of when I was a kid. Will always remember it. Good times!
ОтветитьReally enjoyed this video. I feel like we viewers can’t see that you guys are way more happier lately. High five 🙌
ОтветитьHow heavy are your bales??...ours are $75-80 lbs each we pay around $7-8/ bale in Montana and need anywhere from 45-60 ton of hay per year to get us through the winter and about 20 ton of straight alfalfa
ОтветитьOh my a lotta hay, agreed! I've got pretty picky on hay too. the 3rd cut crap and "friends" that keep horses wanting me to buy the leftover hay.
ОтветитьThat calf is really pretty, the bull made a pretty calf. The original calf is so much prettier than the last one that she birthed.
He might be worth keeping for breeding and loaning him to friends as a breeder as well. Part of the year him being away it will be cheaper and you wont need to find one that often. The house project will take a year or 2 to completely finish.
Dont rush too much because your health might get affected and that is not good.
Have you thought of making a temporary second story in the barn to store stuff so the floor is clear.
ОтветитьWhat another great day on the homestead! You are so fun to watch and your children are the sweetest ever. You are so blessed. Thanks for sharing.
ОтветитьThat is beautiful hay. The goats will love that as well. Always nice to have a good farmer found.
ОтветитьI know she has talked about them before but I can not remember for the life of me. What kind of overalls is she wearing? They look so comfortable!!
ОтветитьLove the garden which I had the time to grow my own but when you are running a farm of 26 dairy cow 20 goats 15 lambs and 14 pigs 30 chicken takes up all my time partner working from sunrise to sunset
Ответитьyou have a lovely FAMILY
ОтветитьI was always told to stack hay on end to help dry it and if it gets wet it will go to the bottom.
ОтветитьI noticed you guys haven't mentioned your house and the mold issue. When will it be ready for you all to move back in and have you all been able to figure out how to prevent this from happening again?
ОтветитьI really love your videos!!!
I am gunna be 60 yrs old in 2 weeks and it’s my dream to have a small homestead, I watch your videos and live vicariously through them! Lol I am looking in Georgia, the area you are in is gorgeous, what state is it?
HOw do you protect your freezers in the winter?
ОтветитьIs Grace now taller than Bri? They are all growing so fast.
ОтветитьIs there a bar that can go side to side in front of cow’s hind hooves to keep them from putting foot in pail or kicking it over?
ОтветитьThose bales sure were light, maybe 40-50 bales a ton, you probably only got 2 ton, hope you didnt spend over $200 for the load.Looked like nice hay but got to figure in price per ton
ОтветитьYou have one 🐄 cow??
ОтветитьWant to watch Victorian farm, Edwardian farm, victorian pharmacy, 1900 house, So it’s this group and in the 1900 house is actually a family and they live like it would’ve been in the Victorian era this is shot in Britain and they spend a year on a farm but they have to do everything with Victorian equipment with only horsepower and do you think it takes like five days to do laundry it’s really amazing I’m sure you guys would love it because you get to see how they would do it 100 years ago and how you would do it and they actually showed this hey cutter and Baylor that was invaded by 16-year-old farmhand. It was amazing
ОтветитьIce cream for everyone
ОтветитьI am so very, very impressed with your children. Your older girls are such a delight and so responsible.
ОтветитьAfter a hard day of work on the homestead, my friend used to "swim the kids clean" rather than try to run them all through the shower/bath. Win/win for everyone!!
ОтветитьArt this is maybe more for you. Re sexing of your geese. I’ve never had any experience with geese but ‘guess’ they are similar to most poultry. Just as in the human pelvis the pelvic ‘spines’ are much narrower than that of the female pelvis. In ordinary chooks the female spines are a good 2 fingers wide. (To allow the passing of eggs) I’m sure if you check out the spine spacing of all your geese, you will find some are very narrow (males) others are considerable wider (females). I may be very wrong, if so I apologise right here and now. My dad was excellent at sexing even young birds. Just thought I’d try and pass on what info I can. All my love,
Ellen. Queensland, Australia.
<3 <3 <3
ОтветитьWell done the whole family working together