Learn To Wing Foil in 10 Minutes

Learn To Wing Foil in 10 Minutes

Duotone Wing & Foiling

6 месяцев назад

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@windchaser924 - 14.09.2024 13:59

Nice vid, but very careful guys on the Fanatic / Duotone wingfoil gear ...
I bought last year a complete - and expensive - wingfoil setup : board Sky Wing 5'6 + wing Unit 5m + foil.
After 3 sessions, I had the very unpleasant surprise of noticing tearing/cracks on the rear part of the rails. This is obviously a manufacturing defect and should be covered under warranty, but Duotone does not want to replace the board, whereas some of the sales guys of the shop told me on the phone that they clearly had problems of defects on this specific series ! Amazing ! And at the same time, they told me that the defect was my fault because I had hit the bottom with the foil. However, my foil is in perfect shape, as shown by the pics I sent them, so it is obviously not true.
I was so disappointed by the lack of honesty and the contradictory arguments !
Long story short : they do not want to replace the board, saying the defect is my fault.
Obviously client satisfaction is not their priority.
And of course when you try to contact them directly, they send you back to the reseller ...
Brand is cool, and as a windsurfer, I've had a lot of boards, some of them Fanatic. But when it comes to client servicing and being honest, then things are getting complicated and they don't fulfill client expectations ... So be very cautious and think twice when you buy Fanatic / Duotone because you can have very bad surprises ... 😥😞😞😞

@greenstripeypaint - 14.09.2024 23:59

'last' and then 'finally'

@mikeb1039 - 18.09.2024 00:32

I'm ready for her to teach me but I think it's going to take more than 10 minutes. Maybe a couple of days.
Really nicely done!

@flpalacios9633 - 19.09.2024 21:54

Capitulo 0: si pesas más de 75 kg, adelgaza

@BitSafe-t4f - 21.09.2024 15:08

The video helped a lot, thank you! Everything is working flawlessly.

@rasta4ever1 - 21.09.2024 21:56

Half a day. It is so easy

@robp3431 - 24.09.2024 12:34

Screws falling into the sand while attaching the foil......ahhhh

@Ma-pz5kl - 24.09.2024 22:23

very good !

@XavierKragen - 25.09.2024 05:32

May I know where this video shooted?

@e_skie2685 - 28.09.2024 16:28

Sooo wind surfing but with out an attached sail. Looks intriguing

@israelmarcus5419 - 01.10.2024 00:59

A modelo comprometeu minha concentração.

@brahamyoung1951 - 04.10.2024 01:03

Electric “electric
One wheel...

@MicBergsma - 05.10.2024 12:21

So awesome, going to try it next week and I live on Maui for 6 years, time to try it!!

@hyoungseokham7124 - 05.10.2024 14:58

pleas let me know where it is here, it could be more helpful to planning the travel~ thanks

@Jhfrbcf - 06.10.2024 01:32

I had to watch it like 5 times to figure out it was instruction, then I spotted foil. What a beauty!

@davidcurious4055 - 06.10.2024 09:56

i just finished the hydrofoil and efoil courses, and now I am on the wind foil course!

@The_Blessed_Cowboy - 07.10.2024 17:18

We'll just tuck this wrench into our bathing suits now...

@xPikaZzHD - 07.10.2024 18:52

Gentlemen, here you are i was searching for you all day long but you never miss.

@PhilippeStrübin - 10.10.2024 21:25

where was this filmed?

@dna9838 - 11.10.2024 23:00

Why would the manufacturers choose torx screws? Surely cross head is a lot better as it only requires a readily available tool rather than specialist

@Bill-in-SF - 12.10.2024 05:22

I'm a wingfoiler, and the biggest mistake I made when self-teaching is thinking that I would get up in the light winds that all these videos show. (If it looks like this, don't bother going out!) Otherwise, great video.

@qubit0002 - 12.10.2024 16:34

looks dangerous with all that equipment tethered to body during a crash

@jannsander - 13.10.2024 16:36

Beautifully explained! I never heard of this before but u bet i'll give it a try soon!

@KePenArs - 21.10.2024 09:07

Menuda stupidez.

@glennl70 - 28.10.2024 23:53

Excellent instruction video !

@WingfoilInstructor - 04.11.2024 11:22

Reall good explanation 👏

@LoanwordEggcorn - 10.11.2024 12:19

Really good video. Thanks!

The fundamentals are pretty much the same as sailing, with some surfing.

Using sailing terminology like sheeting and jibing (gybing) may add some confusion for non sailors. The American Sailing Association calls sheeting in trimming and sheeting out easing. (Technically there's no sheet on a hand held wing. The sheet is the line (rope) that controls the sail clew (back corner) on a sailboat.)

That said, understanding the points of sail would seem to benefit all wind sports.

@Serge-x3q - 11.11.2024 20:00

Voile Delta..planche à voile....c'était en 8O sur la côte d'azur en avance sur le reste en France.....sur les parking on voyait des rollers avec la voile delta...des skates avec la voile on appelait le Wind skate ....le speed-sail à voile ça allait trop vite......en 45 ans après quelle avancée....surtout avec le Foil

@goetzlehnig2600 - 16.11.2024 17:34

Where was the video shot?

@standinthor8941 - 24.11.2024 07:00

Thankyou camera man

@Bigd0gg - 27.11.2024 05:07

Excellent primer on getting going on a wing foil- thanks!

@kwakakak - 04.12.2024 13:23

You know someone is good at this if they have a dry shirt after

@un-factory - 07.12.2024 10:07


@jacobjonm0511 - 04.01.2025 15:47

I keep getting drifted down wind even if I (think) I am going in 90 deg in respect to the wind. It has been frustrating.

@BigVine-m5i - 17.01.2025 21:11

Best video on the subject that I have seen.

@thoms999 - 23.01.2025 00:51

Very good video, but sometimes hard to concentrate 🤭

@SamOlynes - 30.01.2025 14:08

What kind of spot is this? Where is it?

@JP-qt7yd - 01.02.2025 04:54

Dont lose any of the screws in the sand

@VeganBytes - 17.02.2025 18:10

I had seen another video about this sport and was wondering how the foil was propelled. I thought it was electric, as the speeds they were travelling were quite high for an aquatic environment.

Regardless, this video explained everything, and thanks to the very beautiful young lady who was demonstrating 🌸😇

@petriepretorius4085 - 18.02.2025 11:21

The stuff dreams are made of... Ocean, wind, sunshine and equipment like that... I am not coming back to work sorry boss, i could survive on fish and mangoes alone... Do i need the newest BMW? NO... i need that windfoiling equipment to achieve the optimal mental health⛵

@NikitaNikitaNikita - 24.02.2025 16:19

i knew thats so easy))))))

@eric209 - 25.02.2025 07:18

That's an amazing invention.

@aLeGya25 - 25.02.2025 16:31

Believe me I am not interested in wind foiling🤪

@bjelfin - 01.03.2025 05:44

What is the weight of the wing? Is it one size only?

@Эдуардос-ъ1п - 07.03.2025 09:42

Я в восторге обязательно куплю такой набор когда перееду жить к морю. Набор и девушку.

@vittoriobaisi - 08.03.2025 00:40

interesting, any sport that gets people out there is cool. would love to try
