Hedgehog heart by James Antoniou I Read Aloud I Children's books about emotions and love

Hedgehog heart by James Antoniou I Read Aloud I Children's books about emotions and love

12,148 Просмотров

To buy the book: https://www.amazon.com/Hedgehog-Heart/dp/1927305640

Read with the author’s and publisher’s permission

Please visit Nikki Slade Robinson’s FB and Instagram

Hedgehog Heart by James Antoniou, illustrated by Nikki Slade Robinson
32 pages, Duck Creek Press
ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1927305659 ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1927305652

Graphic design adaptation: Turn Left

Music: Canon in D Minor by Johann Pachelbel (Musique Libre de Droit et Musique Instrumentale) Musique Libre de Droit Club


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