學雞終於買到樓係最鍾意既一間?之前3間都買唔成校網影響有幾大?5層chain你會唔會等? #BNO #移民英國 #買樓

學雞終於買到樓係最鍾意既一間?之前3間都買唔成校網影響有幾大?5層chain你會唔會等? #BNO #移民英國 #買樓


2 года назад

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@alaskachinesebible - 25.05.2022 23:31

I have counted all the rules
So Gu mainly problem legally is
She had not naturalized with China 3 years
Counting her date of birth as 9/3/2003
And on 9/3/2019 she was 16
And she only submitted her China Passport
To have her representing country to be changed
From USA to China
That submission of China Passport
And request for representing country
Nationality change was only submitted
In Dec 2019
In time for Gu
Time stamp international competition
Of Lausanne Switzerland competition in Jan 2020
So all that factors when you add them in
To do the calculation
Gu submitted her China Passport to
International Olympic Committee, Switzerland
In Dec 2019
In time to use that new issued China Passport
To represent China Team in international competition
Lausanne Switzerland Jan 2020
When you factor all those in
The biggest legal problem Gu now
Is around 9/3/2019 when she became 16
And it was not possible around that time
Counting from the date Gu was 16 on 9/3/2019
To thr actual Beijing Winter Olympics
Competition date
It was not possible that Gu had already naturalized
With China
3 years
Before the Beijing Winter Olympics started
I see Gu biggest problems of breaking the
Laws and rules
One, she did not tell Stanford University
On application form 2020
That she not represented Team USA National Team
She used her China Passport
And represented China Team since 2019
According to IOC time stamp
(International Olympic Committee)
And this point she did not tell
Stanford University on the application form
Two, legally biggest problem for Gu is
If you count from her birthday 9/3/2003
And 9/3/2019
Was her 16th birthday
Between that date to the competition date
Gu had not naturalized with China
She had not become China citizen 3 years really
And being naturalized with that country 3 years
Before you could represent China National Team
In Olympic competition
Is a stated law within the By-law
Olympic Committee
(The highest authority to judge in this case
FIS in Switzerland
Federal International Ski
The less higher authority to judge in this case is
International Olympic Committee)
IOC approved of the representing country
To be changed from USA to China
For Gu case
In Dec 2019
And asked you to refer any questions you have
National Olympic Committee, Beijing
Gu is a person
A lot of laws rules breaking and mugging

8300 signatures had been collected
Search"current Stanford University petitions"to sign

@ttcalvincalvin4550 - 26.05.2022 00:31

最初睇你啲片都覺得幾好 語調又舒服 之後睇睇下覺得唔對路 淨係你罰款嗰單嘢 仲要出片好似講到自己啱咁 再加埋今條片 算吧 唔好再教人走精面

@wingho6838 - 26.05.2022 00:54

不知道你的council, 我幫女兒申請學校時, 收到offer後, council是白紙黑字列明如搬離catchment area, council會收回學位, 當我找物業時, 一定會先查清楚是否同一個catchment area, 否則會出大問題. 另一方面, 即使在同一個catchment area, 妹妹是否必入家姐間學校, 中小學有聯繫? 還是會因應學位多少而定, 仍是未知之數, 都有機會派同區其它中學, 要有心理準備

@ukwah23 - 26.05.2022 01:07


@wongwalok - 26.05.2022 07:01

未睇片只睇留言時,以為你同時hold 4間屋,個感覺係幾差。

但睇左片,原來唔係同時hold 4間。我又好諒解你個case, 況且你地頭兩間屋由accept offer 到pull out都係幾日內嘅事,並無阻住人地,對業主其實影響不大。你地係心急左啲,但明白的,始終英國買屋難賣屋更難。Anyways congrats第四間屋終於成功!

網上太多haters, 人云亦云,未經曆過又站在道德高地,唔好太上心。take care!

@bp5883 - 26.05.2022 08:44


@candychung0510 - 26.05.2022 12:08


@waifongng3088 - 26.05.2022 13:31


@Michael-of6mi - 26.05.2022 16:08

大家有小朋友讀中學的話 告羅士打係一個好地方Gloucester 因為有六間文化中學 埠仔人口少 入讀機會高 有兩間中超 買華人食品非常之方便

@chanwhhk - 27.05.2022 01:17


@yalanyang2342 - 27.05.2022 03:31


@yalanyang2342 - 27.05.2022 04:14


@Sunday-sp3ug - 27.05.2022 11:49

恭喜你一家找到安樂居! 請教可以在哪兒查到中學catchment?學校網頁嗎?謝謝🙏🏻

@angielam1282 - 28.05.2022 14:03


@changhinalan - 30.05.2022 07:21


@irenecheng8263 - 30.05.2022 19:34


@JC-iq5uc - 30.05.2022 23:52


@SuperChansy - 31.05.2022 09:40

Admire your willingness to be transparent and honest about your recent experiences. Fact is things work both ways. As long as no contract is signed neither party is committed. Conversely seller can rescind sale of a property as long as contract is unsigned and leave buyer in a lurch. We recently had to back out of an offer fortunately not in contract, when we discovered the location was close to a landfill. Thanks to Google Maps we discovered this in the nick of time. Our agent was totally understanding and went over and above herself in extricating us out of this mess. We loved the property. But in the end we found something else with the same agent so she never lost a sale. Agents are professionals with experience to deal with the unexpected.
I am certain many after reading the missteps will avoid the same mistakes. Anyway those who stick with and support you will and as for those self righteous viewers you are better off minus them. Ironically comments are helpful to the channel. Take care of yourselves and make the most of a new season in your lives and ignore naysayers. Many Blessings for a new season in your lives.

@amyyau5272 - 31.05.2022 11:40

Thank you for your sharing about the house that you search. You have a happy family. Though I am still in Hong Kong, I also would like to go to UK. Pls share some tips for us to buy apartment though my budget is less than you are.

@APchinesebible - 02.06.2022 00:26

American culture civilization places
A lot of emphasis on getting in line in queue
Never jump queue
This kind of sense of you have to line up
Cannot jump queue jump space
Is stronger in US than in Europe, I think
Cause I had in Europe before
I feel in US
One space you cannot jump
Space and line are important
Americans keep every space every line, I think
Do not mix up
This is how I feel USA is slightly different from Europe

Why Gu case
Americans quickly responded
It is because
There was no reason Gu jumped queue jumped line
Olympic athletes don’t normally go back
To represent his her original country
Except in certain circumstances
The main circumstance of it would be
The US athlete does not make a cut into
The US Olympic Team
Then he she goes back to his her original country
To gain a chance of representing
Then gain a chance into the Olympic Games
Gu was surely not this case
Because she was in Youth Team USA Olympic ski
Since 9 years old

Other circumstances like retirement
In retirement an athlete going back to
His her original country to join the Olympics
Otherwise it will not be switching National Team
Like that

Another point is lack of population base
Resource deprivation in domestic leisure
Or the home team treats you poorly
Which did not happen in Gu
So there is no reason of Gu switching
Representation team

Gu said that she represented her mother’s country
In its tradition culture and civilization
But told the 1.4 billions Chinese
Who lived inside China Wall Internet Exclusion
That Gu loved China
And had renounced her US citizenship
To become a China citizen
To represent China Team in
Beijing Winter Olympics 2022
In front of the around 200 news reporters
Around the world that gathered in Beijing
For the Beijing Winter Olympics
Gu did not even open her mouth
To confess that she was an American citizen
But opened her mouth and scolded the
International press
Everybody in the world that
You did not like her it was your loss
You were a loser
You were uneducated
Did not have a good heart
You were not going to win an Olympic anyway
She added
She was there to
Block out hate
To promote positive change
She was there to unite the world in sport

Why Americans quickly reacted
It is because Americans do not jump queue
Jump line
Respect space

Gu had just done a treason
She was she was going to study Stanford University
(I don’t know who
Gu mother Gu grandmother how do they teach her
Any family value
Or teaching or not)
Gu is a particular case
Never happened in US history
So shameless
So no face
They do not know how to write the word

Gu is a particular case
Never happened to US history
How she sold out her birth right citizenship
US citizenship
To do a job
A high paying job for money
And came back to United States
Normally if you had just done a treason to
United States
Had just done a dis-junction
And shame
To a USA institution
The Team USA
Which was a government National Team
You would come back to USA shut up
And kept quiet
Gu was not like that
She would be louder
And talked more
Going to national TV NBC Today show5/3/2022
Going to Met Gala Show
Metropolitan Museum Art Costume New York
5/2/2022 Monday
And that 5/2/2022 Monday
Proclaiming on the red carpet Met Gala Show
To interviewer Emma Chamberlain
That she was an Asian-American, a minority
You remember that just 5 days ago 4/27/2022
Still in Beijing
Gu scolded everybody else in the world
That she was <more holy>
She United sport
And she refused even to open her mouth to
Confess that she was an American citizen
When she was still in Beijing
Now was only 5 days‘ difference from Beijing
To New York
When 5/2/2022
Gu told the interviewer on the red carpet Met Gala
That she was an Asian-America, a minority
Gu was all the more louder and said
If you did not like me
"Find your way to help the world then"
<Do Noh bother with me>
She went on to claim that
She was a bi-racial
And because of this
She was equipped with the ability
To unite US China, to join together West East
To be a world global cultural leader ambassador
An Olympian phenom
To promote to unite the world
Girl sport

God saves the United States of America

There is a signing going on right now
Around 8300 signatures had been collected
Search "current Stanford University petitions"
To find out

@yuwaipun - 04.06.2022 06:34

Surfshark 無 LINK?

@leddylau453 - 05.06.2022 15:16


@alaskachinesebible - 06.06.2022 17:08

The only time you change representing country is retirement. You go back to your original country. Or, you do not make it into the Olympic Team. Resource deprivation, lack of population base in domestic leisure. Gu is not the case. She had been in Youth Team USA Olympic ski since age 9

IOC FIS (International Olympic Committee, Federal International Ski) can follow through check requiring Gu to fulfill the full settlement naturalization requirement China 3 years, and abiding by the China Nationality Law of "a person whose application as a Chinese National has been approved shall not retain foreign nationality"

Stanford University can follow through by application form 2020 Dec check of Gu claiming herself to be a US Presidential Scholar Award nominee $50,000 US scholarship, the failed bid result of which would only come out in March 2021, and by that time Stanford University had already "Early Admission"Gu without seeing the result of the failed bid US Presidential Scholar Award US$50,000/Stanford University can follow through by checking Gu application form 2020 Dec of not telling Stanford University she was not Team USA despite of the fact that Gu was in Youth Team USA Olympic ski since 9, and despite of the fact that Gu had submitted her Chinese Passport to the Olympic Committee and had represented China Team since Dec 2019 in international competitions Lausanne Switzerland (Jan 2020) Calgary Canada (Jan 2021), by not telling Stanford University on the application form 2020 Dec she was not representing Team USA, Stanford University athletic programming athletic scholarship (United States Summer Olympic athletes majority of them concentrate in Stanford University)

There is question Gu 3 pieces of medals
Beijing Winter Olympics 2022
Because you have to fulfill do the full set
Of International Olympic Committee rule
Naturalized 3 years China Nationality Law
Gave up US citizenship at 18 but Gu never did
Saved competing because she did not
Do the full set of IOC rule of complying with
China settlement naturalization law

There is a question Gu 3 pieces of medals
Beijing Winter Olympics 2022
Because Gu was still US citizen when she competed
Beijing Winter Olympics 2022
(She never renounced her US citizenship)
There is a question Gu 3 pieces of medals
Which country to belong USA China the medals
Because Gu was still USA citizen when she competed
Beijing Winter Olympics 2022
But she only did half a set of the
Settlement requirement to naturalize with China
Whereby IOC instructed Gu to comply
With the settlement naturalization requirement China
Nationality Law
So greedy these people
Gu Gu mother Gu grandmother
They only did half a set of Gu’s naturalization
With China
Never done the full set
Ie vis-á-vis Gu still America citizen when
Competing for those 3 medals

Search "current Stanford University petitions-Gu"to sign

@mikewong1120 - 08.06.2022 17:59

想請教一下大家,council剛派左中學位俾小女,但學校同學校距離都唔太理想,咁我係咪應該先接受offer,之後再份同council appeal? 定係接受offer再申請轉校?大概程序應該要點做? 煩請賜教🙏

@florang6009 - 12.06.2022 20:19

明知心急都揀chain 玩咩

@3crazycatsss356 - 12.06.2022 20:41


@alfrednggmail - 13.06.2022 19:32

Council blamed you rightly.

@kuilam - 16.06.2022 12:24


@hermanlo5758 - 18.06.2022 18:29

先生你真係好多懶音 😵😵😵

@amylamcf52 - 19.06.2022 08:26


@kwoksharme5201 - 24.06.2022 00:18

你地拎哂彩的背後,系一班年輕人傳媒人議員代我地坐緊監。唔該唔好唔記得,佢地都有老豆老母有屋企人 ! 唔係出左去的人就大撚哂,否則班細路出到去都唔知自由的寶貴!只會不斷停留不思進取的階級。唔係剩係同你地講,系同出左去又有一家大細的人講。唔好唔記得2019 年傷既傷,死的死,失去家人親友仔女,唔係有班人行出黎,你覺得香港人可以走到去英國咩?DLLM

@kittyyi9277 - 24.06.2022 19:51

Thanks for your great sharing 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

@danny-id6od - 25.06.2022 18:59

學雞,你哋好!近期有新聞話英國service charges 6000磅加價到16000磅,請問你哋間屋有冇咁誇張?請問你地睇法如何?謝謝。

@ericatse9451 - 27.06.2022 11:58

恭喜你們一家成功買到樓🥳🥳,很喜歡你們的真誠,而且感受到有用心做資料搜集👍👍👍。最近很擔心住屋大有機會被老鼠,松鼠raccoons 等動物侵佔loft及chimney的問題。見到你們買了屋,可能也會做此資料搜集,希望你可拍片分享意見呢,謝謝

@allezvenga7617 - 02.07.2022 09:11


@rjearoma - 05.07.2022 19:35

誠信係好重要,尤其係英國,點解有credit check? 冇左誠信,又同某國人有咩分別? 直選又去左邊?

@練居敬 - 21.07.2022 13:54

工作順利 學業進步身體健康 生活愉快

@woosir68 - 23.07.2022 23:09


@waterloowar - 22.08.2022 10:14


@dorothyc9571 - 24.08.2022 13:41


@willieho3056 - 05.10.2022 03:55

果然係舊樓,入去就見到space heater, 正常不過,又霉又豆泥!

@janhuen4434 - 11.10.2022 05:56


@changlingmah2317 - 11.11.2022 16:12


@BEN_1217 - 21.11.2022 01:39

請問可唔可以知第三間屋屋苑post code?謝謝

@sumayhong8701 - 23.05.2023 13:31

覺得房子外型幾靚, 乾淨企理,環境清幽

@MC-mw4ns - 09.03.2024 02:58

點解唔係一早知道個學位制度?睇完屋落咗offer,其實係必買必賣。去了別的國家,不要用香港 mode 去行事。

@powpow514 - 15.03.2024 00:03


@allthebest2441 - 15.06.2024 02:29


@2sistersinuk - 23.05.2022 13:16

