Adam Sucks At Video Games - Battletoads in Battlemaniacs (Full Playthrough) #SNES #Retrogaming

Adam Sucks At Video Games - Battletoads in Battlemaniacs (Full Playthrough) #SNES #Retrogaming

Remember The Game

2 месяца назад

191 Просмотров

I've been plugging away at Battletoads in Battlemaniacs since I was a kid, and when it got added to Nintendo Switch Online, I decided it was time to put this thing to bed. It's tough but fair(ish). Let's get the Dark Queen.

0:00 Intro
0:17 Khaos Mountains
4:58 Hollow Tree
8:52 Bonus Stage 1
12:00 Turbo Tunnel Rematch
14:34 Karnath's Revenge
20:08 Roller Coaster
21:54 Bonus Stage 2
25:13 Dark Tower


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