Troy (2004) Cast Then and Now

Troy (2004) Cast Then and Now


55 лет назад

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This Video is about the Cast of the movie "Troy 2004" and how they Look Today. Enjoy!

Troy 2004 Cast:
Brad Pitt as Achilles
Eric Bana as Hector
Orlando Bloom as Paris
Diane Kruger as Helen
Brian Cox as Agamemnon
Peter O'Toole as Priam
Rose Byrne as Briseis
Saffron Burrows as Andromache
Brendan Gleeson as Menelaus
Sean Bean as Odysseus
Garrett Hedlund as Patroclus
Julian Glover as Triopas
James Cosmo as Glaucus
John Shrapnel as Nestor
Julie Christie as Thetis
Vincent Regan as Eudorus
Trevor Eve as Velior
Tyler Mane as Ajax
Nathan Jones as Boagrius

Electronic Vibes - Don't Leave Me (ft. Mime) [NCS Release]


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