This guy is 100% going to eventually act out on this nasty pedophile behavior
ОтветитьSo Gross!!!
ОтветитьAnd 3 months later, God sent a plague. Coincidence?
Ответить27???? Lol
ОтветитьThe ending 😂😂😂😂😂
ОтветитьWell I'm Alice in wonderland
ОтветитьHide yo kids.
ОтветитьWth did i just watch
ОтветитьGet help😊
ОтветитьI couldn't finish the video. it's too painful. 😢
ОтветитьJesus Christ what State is this located?
ОтветитьIs this real? This is a joke right?
ОтветитьThey lying about their ages😭
ОтветитьTbf it’s better than him actually acting on his desires and being a true pedophile… hopefully he hasn’t
ОтветитьShe ain’t 27 she’s like 87
ОтветитьWhat in God's name
ОтветитьSo this grown man is turned on/fine with his girl acting like a child for the ENTIRE day?? This is just an excuse for p***phil*a since it is a consenting adult, fine do whatever you want but imo this is revolting.
ОтветитьWhat the hell? They are both messed up!!! Grow the F up!!! Thank God we get Trump again!!!
ОтветитьI don’t think he’s attracted to his wife, he’s attracted the child she pretends to be
ОтветитьThe wink did anyone else see that!!
ОтветитьThats Just ..... different😐😑
Ответитьage play is p3dophila. there is absolutely no way it’s not
ОтветитьTalking about a pedophile
ОтветитьI mean if it makes them happy let them be
Ответить27?! 😭
ОтветитьQue enfermos
ОтветитьReally 27 😮
ОтветитьThose must have been some har 27 years
ОтветитьSo he a pedophile ?
ОтветитьI was eating erm...
Ответить27 more like 53
ОтветитьBring asylums back. 😂
extreme cringe
Wazungu muna shida😂😂😂😂did she miss a dad in her life?
ОтветитьI’m only here because of Layze
ОтветитьThis story is ICKY!
ОтветитьL o l her husband looks like my boss
ОтветитьSo sad😢
ОтветитьI'm all about kinks...but this is just ewwww....
Ответитьa 17 yr old??
ОтветитьThis is disgusting
ОтветитьHer boyfriend or whatever the Hell is a total pedophile… 😂
ОтветитьDear lord I have seen it all!
ОтветитьDdlg mdlb and cgl is not everytime a fetish you can life it without sex and sexual things
ОтветитьYou need help this is not ok