“The War for Chinese Talent in America”: A Conversation with Dr. David Zweig

“The War for Chinese Talent in America”: A Conversation with Dr. David Zweig

Asia Society

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@SpaceWalker2013 - 07.09.2024 10:54

Would any US organisations ever and even discuss a topic like this if the subject is about British, or Canadian, or Australian, or New Zealand born professors/talents? No!

This really isn’t about China, in fact is more to reflect US’s inherent distrust and mistrust towards China- a nation most of US political elites really are ignorant about (how many of the US congressmen speak Chinese? Been to China? Studies Chinese history?) The change of US’s attitude politically to China started from Trump when he was first elected as president in 2016. Then all things went downhill from there.

A society could nominate people like Trump twice for presidency really reflects US is a troubled society.

When last did US or in fact UK or West Europe have a long-term strategic leader/? The wars in Europe and Middleeast reflect US/West incompetence in leadership. Peace, stability and prosperity on the other hand, reflect competence.

The world would like to move to the future yet we are still led by US/UK/Europe leaders who are stuck in the past with cold-war mentality, with deeply rooted distrust and mistrust of China or foreignness, protectionism and even dreams of their past glory of imperialism and expansionism.

I think it is a huge waste to politicise fields in arts, music and science fields. These areas are and should be carried out as a common property for the advancement for human race as a whole. Where the talents live or choose to fruition their talents should be a decision by the talents themselves, not dictated or pressured by any politics.

@demonridera - 07.09.2024 11:07

Asia Society. A place where non Asians lecture Asians on why being a slave for white people is a privilege that they should be thankful for.

@godfrey3053 - 07.09.2024 12:03

This thinking is so outdated!
Check China's hi-tech patents compared to America's before spreading this propaganda!!!

@allahdinosamo7654 - 07.09.2024 15:14

Without those 80% ignorants not going back to their homeland , still China developed on a scale that she left US and those 80% scholars behind ! Well-done CCP , Vow ! China .

@charlesyang4923 - 07.09.2024 17:39

The Chinese, actually India, Italian, Brazilian …etc them all, had no complain to American to captivate or engross their talents to study overseas because America then owned the most advanced science and research environment which is an accumulated results of years of non-America born immigrant scientist and researcher from the globe. The biggest contributor to attract global talent is the vitality of the said society. America should re-create if not improve a social atmosphere of preferential lifestyle filled with amity, safety, equality and most importantly opportunity for every non-American talent to apply visa from.

@charlesyang4923 - 07.09.2024 18:02

I doubt commentator like Dr. David Zweig who applauded US “China initiative” program is really a “helping hand” to US? What a real helper to retain or even attract more offshore talent to continue or to open up their research work in US is fairness and openness, except I don’t think US congressman or congresswoman, or senator can grasp this dialectical nuance at all. The last thing you need is a Sinophobia American to formulate a well-thought thru strategy to attract Chinese talent. It’s simply a death wish.

@mitnonnarath5745 - 07.09.2024 19:27

It’s Amazing conversation insights very interesting to hear thank you for sharing

@wma2140 - 07.09.2024 23:30

The point is everything in the PRC is under CCP control, one way or the other.

@wma2140 - 07.09.2024 23:46

I’m not aware of the stories Zweig is relating. There are presumably some truth to it that certain Chinese scientists were investigated by the FBI using less than courteous methods. It’s easy to point to racism as the motivation behind the China Initiative. After all that’s what the CCP goes on about, every time the US does something the communists don’t like. Actually the most famous case involves Charles Lieber of Harvard. On the other had I would rather be investigated by the FBI in the USA than by the MSS in the PRC.

FISA was established in 1978 and has been constantly under scrutiny by Congress. Why do you think the PRC is pushing Chinese Telecommunications everywhere they can?

As for doing cancer research in the PRC, do they even have informed consent? I’m sure small or big Pharma would love to run their trials in places with few regulations and an ignorant populace.

@PahatRout - 08.09.2024 01:55

One sector that shows that the Chinese could out-perform US is in the development of batteries for EVs. Though it was the US which started experimenting on the batteries for EVs, now China had taken the lead in the sodium-based battery manufacturing. Of course, it was Elan who really popularizes the EV industry but now the whole West simply could not compete and then come out with all kinds of practice to prevent China from selling them in the West. China should just produce the simple models for the emerging nations to help them with their logistics progress and this will offer them the needed advantage in international trade.

@buxi9428 - 08.09.2024 02:15

I just hope more Chinese grad students in the US have enough pride to look at this status quo - and realize how humiliating it is to stay in the US as second class citizens, forced to bow down and pledge loyalty, artificially ignoring the needs of your kin and homeland.

Come home - China is the country of the 21st century, and you can develop your career here successfully and proudly.

@RobJNY24 - 08.09.2024 02:37

Very informative talk !

@jeffreylo9203 - 08.09.2024 03:13

Where did the US get their technologies from in the first place? How many homegrown scientists are China producing today? How is Asia Society funded?

China taking over the world? Whose narrative is it? Have the US not taken the world since the WWII? It’s not concern of the US? Where does it say, the US have to lead the world? Is it in the US constitution?

@enjayl.9681 - 08.09.2024 03:32

What War ? More like Expulsion vs Attraction

@KSMrK - 08.09.2024 03:36

Its not the everyday normal americans that that dont like smart chinese but it is Zionist minded americans that can't seem to accept this and trying to spread the hatred.😂😂😂😂😂

@manishdhawan551 - 08.09.2024 04:46

how can flight mh370 malaysian airline disappear. carrying with it 200 chinese nationals. in 2012. umbrella movement in hongkong. even corona virus in wuhan. all american doing . now all western spies purged in everyday covid screening for two years. and now usa is behind 30 years with their spy program in china. each attack of usa given a fitting reply by china

@PhilipWong55 - 08.09.2024 05:13

Western scarcity win-lose mindset vs Eastern (sans Japan) abundance win-win mindset.

@henryho9641 - 08.09.2024 05:42

America is not the greatest country and they should just accept it

@HeviFirza - 08.09.2024 05:53


@tfk884 - 08.09.2024 07:44

Racist channel spreading racist topics as usual.

@charlesyang4923 - 08.09.2024 08:07

NSA 702 decree presents negatives which work in reciprocity towards both America and China. This suggests American is also being blocked from accessing advanced technology, especially in 5G or 6G communication, green technology, hypersonic aerodynamics, 4th generation nuclear power, nuclear fusion, quantum computing ...etc. The bottom line is there exist multiple routes to tackle technicality whatever achievable by one human species proven doable to others, and will be re-produced, and most probable improved as well, by different means. This also suggest talent is still only a human-owned property which in all its nature shares a common ground for communication better for cooperation rather than prohibition. The US policy “building high fence and small yard” had proven backfired and in the end only isolate America itself from the vast majority of outside world.

@yong4265 - 08.09.2024 08:30

Whatever the US does won’t stop China’s technology and science advancement anyway. The US will lose more Chinese talents.

@gregwang8628 - 08.09.2024 09:29

Washington establishment has shown persistent hostility towards China and Chinese people, so why should Chinese scientists and scholars trust US government institutions anymore? Trade place would you?

@toliverwrist6770 - 08.09.2024 10:56

This is not how international scientific collaboration and basic research is supposed to work. A rising tide lifts all ships.

What I'm hearing instead in a thinly veiled attempt to defend Atlantic Council narratives, the China Initiative, the newly passed "CCP Initiaitve", and other politically repressive and fearmongering policies that will ultimately damage the world and America's standing.

Utterly horrifying, hateful, and immoral.

@captiansteven5711 - 08.09.2024 11:14

Obama is a Dork

@beautifuldream108 - 08.09.2024 11:21


@p3yp649 - 08.09.2024 11:47

Please do not go to US to study STEM , you will be treated as a spy from your home country by US authorities. Better keep your money and study in other countries that welcome you .

@user-gp9mk7wm1s - 08.09.2024 12:58

So the US want to perpetuate this model of exploiting Chinese talents for their technology advancement and also making money with cheap skilled labour in China for manufacturing their goods.

@christophchen6319 - 08.09.2024 13:35

When china was weak, everything was fine.... the only sin china has was to challenge US and its hegemony

@kooisengchng5283 - 08.09.2024 17:32

After the WW2, US spirited a few thousand Nazi scientists from Germany to the US. These were the people who made US the leader in rocketry, space exploration, weapons tech etc. Later, starting in the 50s, US being the only wealthy country in the world, attracted hundreds of thousands of skilled, and talented scientists from the rest of the world. They came because they were offered large salaries, unlimited funds for research and facilities abound for anyone with the talent - even sportsmen and sportswomen. US is therefore the biggest thief of talent. And here we have people accusing China of stealing 'knowledge'! What a hypocrisy.

@richardgoh6697 - 08.09.2024 17:47

About 2500+ years ago in China, talents from a prosperous Chu nation were migrating to Jin nation and used by Jin resulting in them greatly improved and enhanced Jin economically and militarily, hence an idiom had had been coined as: 楚才晋用。

@chitmengkhong4057 - 08.09.2024 17:48

Very informative and apparently without blatant bias

@jdjssd.n.jsjssjs8951 - 08.09.2024 18:10

US policies for going after Chinese professionals as alleged spies are bad for US but good for China. US has millions of migrants from S. America to replace them.

@chandraaiyar3228 - 08.09.2024 22:59

The Chinese government is using the Ph.D. students as spies and encourages espionage to steal advanced US technology.

@lokechanmun8587 - 09.09.2024 02:03

Rorry Daniels should let Dr Zweig do most of the talking. I want to hear from him, not her. China has the right to be great again.

@Johntor8888 - 09.09.2024 05:59

nsa is the bigges spy individual with the help of google and others...

@chtan17 - 09.09.2024 06:13

Do you realize that most modern technology, whether in the west or elsewhere, lie in the hands (or minds) of the yellow race of HK, China, Korea and Japan. If they gang up together, the west will be helpless. Do they have the political will to change the world and turn it on its feet?

@hongqi5734 - 09.09.2024 06:53

China has the right to attract Chinese talents back, having nurtured them since childhood.

@lawrencengu9505 - 09.09.2024 07:25

Are these Chinese-ethnic, American Citizens, are said to be the only threat to transferring high tech to China? How about other scientists who could be lured by the incentives offered by China? While the CIA concentrated its efforts on the Chinese diaspora.

@MTSeeker-jc1xm - 09.09.2024 07:50

Two white people discussing about China on a channel called "Asia" society. Just amazing

@rossmullins8708 - 09.09.2024 12:45

Dr Zweig provided insights for me to understand the importance of the tech war between China and the U.S.. this is a very sad commentary for one who believes in cooperation and dialogue. American military aggression and paranoia toward everything Chinese is a sorry system that seeks to kneecap China.

@zhengsheng4128 - 09.09.2024 18:34


@tristanx3508 - 09.09.2024 19:42

USA is the one stealing China's talents. There are a handful of smart individual out of a million, hence Chinese government sponsor majority of them to top university abroad paying triple the intuition fee during the time most Chinese family doesn't have the means to send their kid. USA government and private institutions use various tactics and means to lure them from returning back to China after finishing the study. I could understand many find USA attractive when compared to China prior to 2008 and as a result many decided to get US Green Card despite their own parents advice and beg knowing full well borderline being a traitor and betrayal.
USA have a history of stealing intellectual and copyright before the 20th century, especially against European countries.

@tonycaine5930 - 12.09.2024 00:39

FBI, CIA, NSA have been targeting Asian Scientist, Asian Politicians, Academia in Universities, etc. and accusing them of working as spies for China. It will get worst if Trump gets into the Office again. If you are Asian, be careful. Indians are not Asians so they no worries.

@tannhaeuserx464 - 12.09.2024 04:04

Many smart people like to move to US and the West in general, including smart Chinese. This is the greatest advantage the West has to maintain its scientific and technological advantages over China. I hope the West does not shoot itself in its own collective foot by harassing Chinese scholars and make their lives miserable, so they end up going back to China.

There was this example of Qian Xueseng who was hounded by FBI. He eventually went back to China and became the father of Chinese rocket program. The current and very successful Chinese landings on the Moon and Mars are witness to that.

Of course, the best example and the worst blunder of a nation committing technological suicide goes to Nazi Germany which persecuted and kicked out all the prominent Jewish scientists, including Einstein. These people all moved to US and invented the atomic bomb.

@weiliwang5730 - 12.09.2024 16:28

What if the USA treats the foreign talent nicely?

@Mister_Rooster - 13.09.2024 02:13

Politicians often say China owns us, but the fact that we retaliate against Chinese companies and individuals within the United States or abroad with impunity goes to show they do not. If you really like to see who owns us just look at the one country in the Middle East that 98%c of politician dares not to talk against and if you were to investigate them you'll probably have your career ended aka that country is Israel

@GodfreyThemba-r6u - 21.09.2024 07:11

USA us a soar loser . They acuse China of unfair competition and turning around and do loser.

@GodfreyThemba-r6u - 21.09.2024 07:17

You get it wrong sir. Chinese scholars did not go back so as to accumulate skills. It takes time to accumulate skills. That's why when they finally did, china developed as quickly as it did. So it was a deliberate move by China.

@mbahgugel271 - 06.10.2024 16:12

This transfer of knowledge happened to Japan too in the early of their industrial revolution during Meiji era.
