FRAGMENT 40th year anniversary release: "We’re still here"
Yes. That’s right. 40 years! And we’re not done yet! To celebrate, Fragment have released a new single and video. The song is called ‘We’re still here’. We hope you like it. For more details about the single and future releases, see below. Enjoy.
Dave and Jono are very proud and slightly terrified to announce that this year, 2016, marks the 40th anniversary of the band Fragment. While still at school, they formed the band in 1976 with Tim Alexander among others. The rest, as they say, is history. One day, when they grow up, they might get proper jobs.
The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame have so far refused to acknowledge Fragment’s contribution to music, but Dave and Jono aren’t particularly bothered about this. For years now they have exhibited a steely determination to avoid awards and Top 40 charts, with an impressive degree of success.
To mark the worldwide 40 year anniversary celebrations, Fragment have released a new single and video “We’re still here”, a nostalgic romp through the band’s history with some embarrassing photos thrown in. An album is planned for release later in the year, loosely based on the themes of nostalgia and reflection [with a few songs about murder and self-loathing to add a bit of light relief].
Throughout the year, singles and videos will be posted on the band’s website and Facebook page. Downloads will be available on iTunes, Spotify and other such sites whose main purpose appears to be stopping bands from earning a decent living. If you so wish, you can of course download the songs illegally. Be aware however, that the Fragment Death Squads will be roaming the streets, checking mobile phones and dispensing justice in imaginative ways.
For all those people who have enjoyed, endured and supported us throughout the years, Dave and Jono wish to thank each and every one of you for making it such a brilliant, unforgettable and fun journey. Along with their ridiculously tall Dutch bass player, Jeroen ’t Gilde, the band will be appearing at venues throughout The Netherlands on their “Not Dead Yet” tour. Please come and see us, say hello, and bring some cake.
Here’s to the next 40 years……
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