EV Buyers Feel Cheated — Here’s Why It’s Blowing Up! Electric Vehicle Ownership Struggles

EV Buyers Feel Cheated — Here’s Why It’s Blowing Up! Electric Vehicle Ownership Struggles

Highway Herald

5 месяцев назад

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@BuckRogers2000 - 24.09.2024 18:45

I recommend citing your sources for the statistics you provide. A very good presentation, thanks!

@luiscardozo0000 - 25.09.2024 18:27

smart ppl already know all of this but there is some ignorants acting like blind and deaf, for them dont matter they already brainwashed ..thanks for the vid

@John-t2v - 25.09.2024 22:24

Dont upset the cultists they love them

@birdtherapy2601 - 26.09.2024 09:25

It is not rocket science , combine an electric motor , petrol engine , generator battery charger gas turbine, rocket peddles, and an extension cord . You can thank me later 😌 😂😂😂

@pwj9703 - 26.09.2024 10:57

I bought my first electric car 4 years ago and will never have an internal combustion engine again. I have no maintenance, crazy cheap to charge, never have to go to a gas station again, charge at home 95% of the time so I have saved over 200 gas station visits

@stivans1556 - 26.09.2024 11:26

If you have to charge it, forget it! I want my car to serve me, not me serving my car. And not adapting my lifestyle and habbits to charging schedules and locations. One day tech may improve, for now EVs are no-no for me as long as there are alternatives.

@reynaldomendiola5677 - 26.09.2024 14:51

😂 So typical. Only people who doesn’t own EV’s hates them. Hmm. So many experts of something they don’t understand.

@decimad1318 - 26.09.2024 16:14

I like my EV very much :)

@nikbangok - 26.09.2024 20:49

use numbers or stay stupi.d

@mattm1686 - 26.09.2024 23:32

Supposed to get something for your money when you purchase a large investment like a car but with electric vehicles, it’s always what they can’t do and how you have to make changes in your life in order to accommodate the new electric car instead of improving your day-to-day life like a normal car does

@mattm1686 - 26.09.2024 23:34

I’ve been saying this to people forever. Evies were never better for the environment. In fact they’re much worse. They’re just a bunch of media hype. They’re like iPhones on wheels.

@dboucher26 - 26.09.2024 23:38

We have 2 EVs, a BMW M3, and a pickup truck (Ram 1500). The M3 and Truck are collecting dust because we never drive them. EV Propaganda is getting desperate.

@chaupham1028 - 27.09.2024 00:22

"Consumer report found that EV experience 80% more problems than gaz counter parts "..... witch "Consumer report " was that?

@thenerdyone3369 - 27.09.2024 00:30

Where are your stats coming from? I've owned a Tesla LR Model Y new since 2021. It's got just over 20K miles. The reliability problems you speak of simply do not exist. I've had no drivability or build quality issues. Yeah, charging time sucks but if you plan your trip correctly there's no range anxiety. Anyone with the slightest amount of intelligence & common sense isn't going to make a decision based on your video. Do better.

@roman9762 - 27.09.2024 01:14

As a car guy, I have owned just about everything ICE has to offer. Currently still own two ICE vehicles but I'm not one to hate without trying. I bought a Tesla 3 in 2018 and loved it, then my wife wanted it but needed an SUV instead so we swapped it for an Audi Etron. Zero issues with either and they are absolutely amazing if you are able to charge at home. It's basically not for apartment dwellers or people who only have one vehicle, if you have several cars though, it makes more than enough sense and you will likely prefer if after ICE once you give it a shot.

@robster7787 - 27.09.2024 01:35

As an engineer with a few years in the EV manufacturing profession, I can tell you that the cost benefits of refueling will become irrelevant in the near future.

Whats cheap to charge right now will eventually level-out and cost the same as gasoline. As EV adoption increases, so does power utilization and increase of infrastructure.

The only people to benefit are basically early adopters, and even right now lots of EV owners can be classified as early adopters since EVs take up less than 10% of the new vehicle market, and roughly <5% of vehicles on the road today.

Interestingly enough, at a rate of about $0.30/ kWH produces roughly the same range as a non-hybrid compact car. This is something I was able to verify with my 2022 Model 3 and my 2023 Corolla out in my old residence of Washington DC.

@matthewwiemken7293 - 27.09.2024 22:35

I drove 1400 miles this month of September and spent $41 on the electrons = Don't care what anyone has to say about something they only find fault with:)
