Todo mundo no mundo inteiro já está careca de saber qual é a verdadeira reputação do Peter Jackson. Não é preciso mais portanto que nem eu e nem mais ninguém continue publicando e revelando os podres dele na Internet pra que as pessoas em geral realmente saibam quem ele é de verdade pois aqui se faz, aqui se paga.
ОтветитьPeter Jackson foi a piada de Hollywood quando tentava em vão fazer suas próprias adaptações cinematográficas de O Senhor dos Anéis e King Kong sendo que mesmo tendo conseguido fazer sucesso e bilhões com ambos esses empreendimentos, ele ainda continua sendo motivo de riso e de zombaria na Internet e no mundo inteiro os dias de hoje.
ОтветитьPeter Jackson e sua Nova Zelândia natal são apenas mero motivo de riso e de escárnio na Internet e no mundo inteiro também. Ele apenas teve o que mereceu.
ОтветитьBruce Campbell?!? That would have been the best!
ОтветитьBrisco County vs Kong? I think that might work.
ОтветитьAm I the only one who read Percy Jackson💀
ОтветитьI think this would have been better than the 2005 king kong
ОтветитьI would have preferred the 1996 version instead of the 2005 shot for shot remake, which is my least favorite King Kong movie.
ОтветитьWhy do i not remember the bi plane fights in the king kong video game ? Thats a joke right ?
ОтветитьKing Kong meant so much for me back then when I was a kid.
First playing the game on the PS2 which my uncle had gifted it to me, being absolutely hooked on the game. And then later my mom and I buying the movie after seeing it in a store.
Little kid me instantly realized that the movie looked heavily like the intro sequence that played at the beginning of the game, and thinking that they made the movie was inspired by the game. 😅
I love how the Kong now is in the Monster Verse and is fighting alongside Godzilla, but King Kong 2005 just hits in a different way.
I love the 2005 movie it was my favorite as a kid
ОтветитьPete did a great job in the end
ОтветитьI’m sorry but starting the movie with two pilots playing baseball in the sky is crazy or did I hear that wrong? 🤔
ОтветитьWe All Kong Fans Really Want A Sequel Of King Kong 2005/ Peter Jackson's King Kong!
ОтветитьIn an alternate universe, Kong's movie released in 1996 and Godzilla's movie got pushed to 2007. I wonder what that version would've been like.
ОтветитьWeta Digital is now WētāFX. I use it so much, it’s in my autocorrect.
ОтветитьThe King Kong in the thumbnail looks kind of like the Monsterverse version.
ОтветитьThere’s absolutely no reason someone can’t make this version too! I mean besides legal distribution rights🙄😜 But other than that, no reason why not! Lol translation: I want this movie! Ima greedy bitch, give me ALL the monster movies😁🥰💕
ОтветитьHow did Peter Jackson go from puppets,zombies and gore to lord of the rings and King Kong in a span of a decade
ОтветитьThey should totally go for this movie
ОтветитьHave a great day
ОтветитьThat time had a lot of King Kong I guess because Deep Rising (1998) was supposed to lead into their own version of King Kong as they land on Skull Island at the end.
ОтветитьCan you make a video of the legend of King Kong that was going to happen back in 1975 but failed
ОтветитьKing Kong 2005 is my favorite Kong! Despite it being 3 hours! It feels like a love letter to the original King Kong!
ОтветитьThis movie was one of my childhood favs growing up
ОтветитьI think the movie turned out to be a pile of poopy poo. Peter Jackson before Lord of the Rings was a much better director than Peter Jackson after. I wish we could have gotten that one in the '90s. Would have been a lot better film by a lot better director.
ОтветитьAmerican Godzilla: Nice 1st draft and canned before being ruined and a disgrace to its name on its 2nd try
King Kong: 1st draft sounds aight. But the 05 grew on me.
I genuinely would have preferred this to the film we actually got. It’s still the familiar King Kong story, but with enough changes to keep the concept fresh. Not to mention much shorter.
ОтветитьKing Kong (1996)
Godzilla (1998)
Mighty Joe (1998)
Well I think that the 2005 King Kong movie is brilliant as it is, and I didn't even knew that Universal wanted to do a Kong movie earlier! Amazing and interesting video!
ОтветитьIf jack black had not been in Jackson's Kong, it would have been a LOT better
ОтветитьFirst Godzilla '94, then Kong '96, all we need is Mothra, and the iconic trio is finished.
ОтветитьDid he really need to make it 3 hours long?
ОтветитьOriginal version ??? Excuse me, but there's only one original KING KONG -- it's from 1933 and it's still the best of the lot.😊
ОтветитьI agree the 1996 King Kong is scrapped
ОтветитьMusic: James Newton Howard(2005)
Lyrics: Stephen Schwartz
I'm in, let's d9 it. Someone get started.
ОтветитьActually this trexes were cold vastatosaurus rex not trex man.
ОтветитьWhile I really wish we could have seen Jackson's 90s version of King Kong, I believe we ended up with the best-case scenario. We got the Lord of the Rings and we got his 2005 version of King Kong, all in just 9 years.
But man, just hearing about what Jackson wanted to do with the 90s version makes me wish the script would be made today. A more fun, adventure flick would have been great to see. But again, I have a feeling that we ended up with the better scenario, and that our imaginations would be better than any product that could be made today or even then.
I think this one had a happy ending.
ОтветитьWho are you calling an inbred pug? Justice for Monster!
ОтветитьSounds interesting 🤔 👌 😊😅
ОтветитьOverall I give Jackson and the production crew high marks for their effort. My only criticism was the fight between Kong and the two vastatosaurus rex was more like an exaggerated circus juggling act. I preferred the mano a mano brawl of the 1930's version.
ОтветитьThe 2005 version was spectacular to look at if a little boring.
ОтветитьHey Bullets And Blockbusters can you do What Could Have Been Terminator Salvation sequels?
ОтветитьI would have to say this version sounds like a fun badass movie