CAT 2023 DILR Slot 2 Marathon | DILR Solutions | 2IIM CAT Preparation

CAT 2023 DILR Slot 2 Marathon | DILR Solutions | 2IIM CAT Preparation

2IIM CAT Preparation

55 лет назад

34,441 Просмотров

Hello folks!

Every year, we release previous year CAT's PYQs as a marathon - marking the start of the next intense CAT prep season!
Here's all 4 DILR sets from CAT 2023 Slot 2 solved by Rajesh sir - solve them on your own and have a look at the solution given by Rajesh sir to improvise your solving technique and speed.

To solve PYQs of CAT 2023 DILR Slot 2, checkout this link:

00:00 - Intro
00:03 - Set 1 - Coin Box
15:52 - Set 2 - Random Draws
26:47 - Set 3 - Odsville Farms
45:17 - Set 4 - Entertainment Park

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