People just by mink for hunting right?
ОтветитьI need a male and female
ОтветитьWildlife thanks you.
ОтветитьGot a mink that lives around my shed. He welcome here but he not coming on my home
ОтветитьWhere an how did I get a mink?
ОтветитьSir I can't massage you on Facebook I didn't contact you but want mik
ОтветитьChallenge accepted!
ОтветитьYour book is still available yes?
ОтветитьHey so I saw that the black and white copies of your book are out… maybe you could figure a way to download purchase a copy? Same price… I may buy the color copy
ОтветитьHave been interested in getting a mink for quite a few years now. Just purchased your book. Actually placed a deposit for a baby mink with an exotic pet business ( I won’t mention) and I was ripped off. Despite placing the deposit, they refuse to reply to emails and Facebook messages. Do you still have your Facebook group? Looking to learn and obtain as much information and have a proper living environment before it would come home.
ОтветитьWhere do I get your book ?
What's your book called?
Your book is $50 not $10 so
ОтветитьI want 1
ОтветитьI would like a pet mink or stoat, but for a kind of unorthodox reason. I’d LOVE a a ferret, but, my parents are complete cheapskates when it comes to animals and their care.... they rarely, if ever, take animals to the vet, even in emergencies. Worst example was my dog shitting blood for MONTHS, and they didn’t do anything about it. When they finally took him to the vet, surprise, surprise, he had parasites. They constantly complain about how vet bills are expensive, and that we should DIY/home remedy stuff when possible (and also when we had rabbits, would EUTHANIZE any rabbit with a major injury)... the reason I want a mink over a ferret is because it won’t end up being killed by my parents eventually. Though looking at this, truth be told, I should probably wait til I’m on my own and free from my penny-pinching parents before getting a pet like a ferret or mink.
ОтветитьHi good morning _ I look for a mink black colour and I hope you can help me to get couple of years mink baby for sale
ОтветитьSounds like you deal with a lot of Yuppies too... I ordered your book in color! You should charge more. In college i paid $130 per book and it was about topics that were outdated by a couple decades. And now all the books hold my tv up higher. I want to learn more about minks before i say i want one. And i don't intend to use it as cute pet but more of a solution to the never ending rodent problem. I prefer nature vs nature when it comes to the problem. I would almost suggest you should look into the that too because pest control people make $200-400 just to come out and set up the traps. They also charge per rodent they catch. My one client had 20 voles and they paid $10 each.
ОтветитьDo you use them for killing
This is EXACTLY what I was wondering today and looking for the answer. I look forward to watching the video now....
EDIT : I LOVED the video and your high standards, Joe. Your family and friends are making the world a BETTER place. EVERY SINGLE WORD you said was 100% logic and love.
I don't think you rambled at all. You confidently said what needed to be said! "The people perish for a lack of knowledge" and "count the cost before you build" are basic principles of wisdom. Your heart is for those who are interested to be WELL informed. That's part of equipping people to be successful. There is love, respect and honor in that. Thanks!!
ОтветитьI wish I had someone near me who had a mink. I need mouse control.
ОтветитьI would love to go on a mink hunt or have the opportunity to handle a mink. But I'll happily admit that I have ZERO capability to care for one at this point. Animals aren't decorations. They're living things with needs that must be met. If someone isn't prepared to meet the needs of an animal, then they shouldn't attempt to keep such animals.
ОтветитьCould training of minks be applied to ferrets or polecats?
ОтветитьThank you for making the book can’t wait till it gets here
ОтветитьHow do I get one? I'm still interested.
ОтветитьThat's a great thing you do keeping everyone in mind. And being fair to the animal or as fair as you can be.
ОтветитьIf you love your animals they will love you back but we always treat are animals better than ourselves that's what makes a Bond right Joseph
ОтветитьI heard they have minks at petco
ОтветитьI want a mink ,what book do I need to buy so I can read it.
ОтветитьGreat advice! ❤ your adorable child trading you a book for a mink 👏🤣✌️
ОтветитьWill a mink hunt a nutria?
ОтветитьHow do I get ahold of you
ОтветитьI could be way off, but watching how well you made a pet of the one in a video of yours, I had to wonder if I could get a mink to share space with my ferrets, If you could explain the difficulty of that it would help me decide to me
ОтветитьI totally agree with you
ОтветитьI have difficulty at times finding links at times, so If you could tell me which book you're referring to??
ОтветитьGreat. Most people can't even care properly for a dog.
ОтветитьI'm 14 and I'm really passionate on getting a mink and I would love if you could teach me
ОтветитьIs it possible to get a mink or 2 i have no money and in just trying to get a new pife started
ОтветитьOMG i want them all
ОтветитьI really wish you were around where i live we had a mother mink and her babies fall out if our ceiling and we cared for them I built a big cage for their momma to raise it was a wild mink and she was gentle and had no anamosity towards us but i released them on the shore right where i live we live on a beach and we have been considering trying to get a mink as a companion
ОтветитьI can tell you that a ferret is a challenging pet. Get one of those first and see if you can handle that. My last few ferrets I adopted were from people who could not handle it
Ответитьi need a mink but i doubt i can have one bc i have chickens and rabbits and all are free range. what’s the answer for me cuz with that comes rats? any hope? plz reply
ОтветитьWe love you ‼️. We know your right about the mink ‼️♥️🌹
ОтветитьWhere can I get minks? I want to save & train them to be a ratter.
ОтветитьThis guy totaly used his baby as video bate and it worked 😂 ... so many lil babies in one video 😂 .. ans one dude bragging about how hes not gona sell you a mink 😂
ОтветитьMy wife wants one there so cute but I need to know how to take care of it properly
ОтветитьIt's basically Alf, always stalking the neighbors cat.
ОтветитьA mound of Mink