River Gushes Through Vienna as Region Braces for Floods | News9

River Gushes Through Vienna as Region Braces for Floods | News9

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@PoireiYumlembam - 16.09.2024 09:54

The wrath of mother Nature cannot be defended by mankind and we mankind must act accordingly

@kanank13 - 16.09.2024 10:11

jesus would have turned that water into wine or beer.

@dainismichel - 16.09.2024 14:48

Thank you. Should I fly into Vienna tomorrow?

@OptimistOptimistik - 16.09.2024 17:52


@ranjanaarya6803 - 16.09.2024 18:33

Yes there is too much rain

@clivedytor2069 - 16.09.2024 23:46

Bizarre…just returned last week from a roasting Vienna… 35C

@PrezMerkin - 17.09.2024 03:09

Vienna is a well engineered city that is designed to flood. I am impressed.

@9953448084 - 17.09.2024 04:09

We are flying to Vienna on 3rd October. Will it be safe and aş a tourist can we enjoy the place or ot will be impacted with floods

@HansSchreiber-k9n - 17.09.2024 06:06

I have seen many floods at this location when I was a child - but nobody cried like today

@mischa1880 - 17.09.2024 06:57

Putin did it!

@mohebalikalani2115 - 18.09.2024 14:25

Change effect of global warming
Hello, thank you, prevent effect of global warming, New energy from sea will change world soon, minerals and temperature of water and air from sea are huge source of energy, reduce more than 50% using fossil fuel, fresh water, fertilizer(minerals+O2,N2,C), electricity, zero pollution, I invented new method base on designing this machine, it produces 150Megwatt/hour electricity and 20000M3/DAY fresh water and fertilizer, using power magnet of machine as catalyst to separate N2 and O2 from Air , economy will rise by using jet plasma machine that it compresses gas(hot Air) in isolated structure in water pool with more than 80 % efficiency, it has two vertical cylinders, without crankshaft, in first level it transfers compressed gas(hot air) temperature from engine to sea water(hot air + compress's air temperature+ engine heat+ hot sea water) in pool for steam electric generator, steam combines with high cold Air pressure( gas rules) to produce pure water and electricity , there are other source of energy that with international cooperation in coastline we can reduce effect of global warming, further more we can prevent these phenomena like cyclone and flood and wildfire , earthquake and ocean water level by using this hot seasonal atmospheric condition, recent years in summer, geothermal energy happens in surface of coastline, there are many countries in coastline with seasonal hot weather and water condition in comparison with middle Ocean, its more than 12 degrees ,this differences must decrease, in sum-up, by using this energy not only is economical but also reduce global warming in countries like Japan, China, India, Mediterranean countries, Iran, Brazil, Mexico, Us, Canada, (Africa and Arabian countries....) . I invented new method base on air pressure rules and quantum physics ionization sea water minerals in strong dynamic permanent magnet(SMCO) with special frequency(1500or 3000)/minute bases on paramagnetic and diamagnetic particles and electrical microwave electron wave field and electric chemical reactions and photon wave from semiconductors with special angle Cations like(K+, Mg++, Na+, H+, H++, li+, H2, ..) are transferred to in the second level into up level by vacuum pump from storage into combustion chambers and they combine with O2 and N2 ,... as major part of fuel, they increase speed of machine, modern induct Gearbox to control speed of opposite direction, in the end point, dynamic magnet significantly reduces by air compressed, it is controlled and stopped by maglev force and spring and hydraulic jack and opposite force from second cylinder, for producing electricity and fresh water (removed minerals by accelerate ionization system from sea water) and fertilizer. Increasing amount of ionization minerals in magnet field despond on how many electrolyzes uses.
producing pure water and fertilizer haven't any cost by jet plasma machine. 7 methods zero pollution for reducing global warming I mentioned in my profile. it optimizes with AI programs (G20 countries can solve these phenomena like injury and death, billions of US$ in global warming damages).

@vernettacarten7965 - 20.09.2024 13:36

I am traveling from US to Vienna on Sept 29th , will the city be ok to stay there?
