Mysteries of the Universe | Space Documentary 2023

Mysteries of the Universe | Space Documentary 2023

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@darhettiarachchi6439 - 29.11.2024 22:25

#. Is there any Human Creature that count the age of GOD ?
#. "විශ්ව ප්‍රභව ​හේතු මූල්‍ය" ​යේ වයස ගනණය කිරීමට සමත් මිනිස් ජීවි​යෙකු සිටින්​නේ ද ?

@AbubakarSiddik-pt1mg - 02.12.2024 04:27

This is one God performance so it is true.. One God is Allah.

Learn Quran then u will say this is true book.. 🎉🎉❤❤

@jass1352 - 07.12.2024 10:57

Waheguru Waheguru Tu hi Tu
$50M My Dream Comes True

@hendrikfourie - 08.12.2024 16:19

Spaces is so big and so maaitie 🇿🇦💯🚀🔭🌠 🛰️🧲🌐💺🛸👾🌡️🌠🔭📡🌏🤖👽🌝🌞⭐✨🌟💯👍

@TechTomer-m6j - 16.12.2024 15:37

Yes i like to know how we get here

@kimdracula95 - 22.12.2024 11:37

so many ads its sad.

@MaxBlake8 - 22.12.2024 13:24

How beautiful

@reelsstation6006 - 22.12.2024 22:00

Sir wonderful video from india ❤

@ebatkopat1 - 23.12.2024 23:27

can't even imagine the sizes of our space, it is way bigger than tremendous, the most terrifying point is that space dont even want to stop his growing😦

@middlefinger74 - 28.12.2024 05:08

A f n m f h

@middlefinger74 - 28.12.2024 05:08

Full metal jacket

@nhaz652 - 30.12.2024 18:03

interesting video with great narration.

@YessmineHammi - 31.12.2024 12:46

The fact that we are may not alone is extremely frightening 💀

@MydarlingChristina - 04.01.2025 01:12

GREAT Video, learned a lot about these mysteries. Thought about some of them before but this gave me new perspectives.

@AmanKhan-p2c2n - 04.01.2025 18:13

Feel me

@s.l.a.6 - 08.01.2025 20:26

1;08, biggest contradiction ever

@sheetalsheetal2883 - 13.01.2025 22:15

Even though im literally just 10, I know about things like the big bang, galaxies, cosmics, and its not too hardfor me to be able to follow on! Great job explaining!

@_zed-_-ENz_ - 14.01.2025 08:29

You can't see stars on the moon??? > It was day time??? actually it was because when you use a camera with settings designed to pick up light from brighter objects you can no longer see stars.... Go outside and try it out.

@Teerey88 - 17.01.2025 15:29

You don't know if we're expanding or not because you cannot see the edge of us you cannot see the true edge you only see which as far as you can see now as things get older they get to a size and they stop growing they make fluctuate but they stop growing trees us the earth it stops growing it gets to a certain size now if you have two runners on the earth the Earth is not getting any bigger but the 2 runners go at different speeds the other 1 goes away you go the same speed you stay together you go faster than the other one you you meet up but you go in different speeds so things in the universe are going different speeds if we were expanding the Andromeda Galaxy would not be heading towards us didn't collide with us because we would be expanding and we would not hit each other so there's a contradictory right there and if we were expanding and things were going faster as it goes away as you say and 9.4 billion years it doubles then don't you think that we would actually be older than 13 because as it gets bigger it gets faster right so why don't you double 13 billion years could you take 9 point you take nine billion years and you double it that's 18 billion years we're 13 billion years but it's going to be doubled because as it goes away it gets bigger and faster right and plus you can't see the edge of us you don't really know the edge of us

@Teerey88 - 17.01.2025 15:35

They always say that as we look into the sky we look into the past so if something is 4 billion light years away it's four billion years old okay if something is thirteen billion years 13 billion years old it's 13 billion light years away correct now think about that our galaxy is how big 90 something billion Light years wide So therefore how old is it exactly hmm I wonder you contradict yourself constantly

@laidangtuan1979 - 18.01.2025 00:08


@sabitmiah819 - 22.01.2025 19:49

Alhamdulillah it Was very exclusive discussion ever about universe ❤

@ChristiMarieQuerubin - 23.01.2025 08:05

How to be pinned


@trafalgar22a8 - 25.01.2025 06:12

250125 💚

@APSFWO - 03.02.2025 10:49

Innovative but already knew 😅

@thangminlunthangminlun-zd6pj - 04.02.2025 03:01

Believe in Jesus 🙏🙏

@smt2649 - 05.02.2025 11:59

It all screams "There is one GOD."

@Sophia-f5d8l - 06.02.2025 16:22

Fuck these advanced civilizations if they can but refuse to visit us. We do not need them.

@MdMosawarHussain - 07.02.2025 15:30

Apollo mission is fake

@eddycheul5583 - 07.02.2025 19:55

Thank you!

@Michael-p3u2c - 11.02.2025 01:41

I be wondering how they figured out the lights and electric and telephones and all that ok and the heating and cooling and autos and so many things yes even the machines to make things out of a machine and etc. if it wasn’t for others I’d be out here like shit guess we fucked if anything happens to the gas or electric or most anything

@This_is_min - 12.02.2025 06:40

I love this kind of topic about the universe!

@EKava-k1n - 13.02.2025 14:08

will we ever see anything? will we become humans again?

@thesavingtruth8534 - 14.02.2025 04:29

Death did not claim the Life of Jesus Christ . Because Jesus overcame death by the power of God!

@s00utisking - 14.02.2025 11:21

Using this to sleep 😅

@penikmatpuisi_ - 16.02.2025 18:06

Tidak ada bahasa Indonesianya

@MrTherealgus - 17.02.2025 14:08

needlessly looooooooooooooong... what s the prupose of this.. i give up..

@J56609 - 17.02.2025 14:52

The physical abilities of our eyes and cameras to register light is limited. The Apollo astronaut’s cameras were set at approximately:

ISO / ASA 160
Shutter Speed 1/250
Aperture varies: 5.6 - 11
60mm lens (~39mm equivalent for 35mm)

There was no way the film would be exposed enough at those settings to show stars. Now if the astronauts put those same cameras on tripods but set the shutter speed to 30 minutes, the starlight would would show up in the exposure. However, the moonscape portion would be WAY overexposed. Our eyes work in a similar way to cameras. Human’s eye aperture cannot adjust enough to see starlight because the moonscape would be too bright. No apollo moon landing mystery.

@whatyoumightnowknow - 19.02.2025 22:08


@Slaveofallah001-ql - 21.02.2025 20:03

Those who know the truth and accepted it will have the peace in this world and the hereafter, but those who don’t know the truth and denying it will wonder around the earth like wondering desert without water, do you really think this all created from nothing or it itself created? Allah, (god) the creator will rise you after your death on the promised day, those who wanna know truth read Al Quran, and those who are arrogant bring book like this if your truthful, because only the arrogant one will deny it.

@ChuotTongTai - 23.02.2025 20:32

✨ Wishing everyone who sees these words endless happiness and joy! 🌟 May fortune smile upon you, and soon, you'll be a millionaire! 💰💫

What are you waiting for? LIKE now to claim this magical wish! 🚀🌈🎉

@Skyla254 - 24.02.2025 22:05

We all die anyway😂..
So no need ,chop rice worry less

@nickisnyder3450 - 25.02.2025 09:47

But our big bang is probably just one of many bangs.... So I'm sure if you looked out past our microwave background eventually you would find other microwave backgrounds from other bangs

@thenatu5009 - 26.02.2025 20:52

This is so beautiful 😍😍

@GhostlyEchoes-v7g - 27.02.2025 03:56

This video is absolutely mind-blowing! The visuals were stunning, and the way they explained black holes, dark matter, and other space mysteries made it so easy to understand. I love how they took complex topics and broke them down in a way that keeps you engaged the whole time. The combination of real NASA footage and animations made everything feel so immersive, almost like traveling through space. It’s crazy to think about how much we still don’t know about the universe! Definitely one of the best space documentaries I’ve watched—informative, thought-provoking, and well-made. Huge respect to the creators for putting this together!

I'd rate this a 10/10!

@Curio_LB - 01.03.2025 13:55

This video is really interesting! I recently started my own channel on similar science topics. If you’re interested, feel free to check it out!

@noc1670 - 01.03.2025 23:29

I’m an exchange student from Japan. This is comfy sounds while I’m studying.

@GavinEllis-ql1ke - 18.03.2024 16:23

