To start the new year, we are showing you How to Make the Ultimate Lamb Stew. It really is one of the great Winter Dinner Recipe Ideas. We debone a leg of lamb, braise with red wine and other delicious ingredients to make a great winter weather dinner meal.
#howtmakethebestlambstew, #howtomakealambstew, #ultimatelambstew
#winterdinnerrecipesideas, #dinnerrecipesideas, #wintermealsideas
#wintermeals, #lambstew, #lambstewrecipe, #howtomakelambstew
#debonelegoflamb, #lambstewrecipewithredwine, #coldweatherdinnerideas
#lambrecipesfordinner, #lambstewrecipefordinner, #lambstewmeatrecipes
#lambrecipe, #lambrecipeoven, #lambstewwithpotatoes, #lambstewwithpotatoesandcarrots
2.5 lbs Lamb stew meat
Render 5 or 6 slices of bacon in a Dutch oven pan and reserve grease
Season lamb with salt and pepper and dust with flour
Brown lamb in pan with bacon grease or oil of choice
In a pan with bacon grease, add 1 large diced yellow onion and 2 stalks diced celery, cook 5 min
Add 5 cloves minced garlic and cook 3 min
Add 8 oz mushrooms of choice, 1.5 cups dry red wine and cook for 10 min
Add browned lamb, bacon, 4.5 cups of beef or chicken stock, salt, pepper, 1 tbs tomato paste, 2 bay leaves .75 tsp dried thyme, and bring to a boil.
Place covered Dutch oven pan in oven pre-heated to 325 F
Cook for 1.5 hours
Add 3 sliced carrots and 1.5 lbs of yellow potatoes
Cook for another 30-45 min or until potatoes are tender
Garnish with chopped parsley and enjoy.
#how_to_make_the_best_lamb_stew #how_to_make_a_lamb_stew #ultimate_lamb_stew #winter_dinner_recipes_ideas #dinner_recipes_ideas #winter_meals_ideas #winter_meals #lamb_stew #lamb_stew_recipe #how_to_make_lamb_stew #debone_leg_of_lamb #lamb_stew_recipe_with_red_wine #cold_weather_dinner_ideas #lamb_recipes_for_dinner #lamb_stew_recipes_for_dinner #lamb_stew_meat_recipes #lamb_recipe #lamb_recipe_oven #lamb_stew_with_potatoes #lamb_stew_with_potatoes_and_carrots