Nova vs Supernova vs Hypernova

Nova vs Supernova vs Hypernova

Science Of Space

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A white dwarf star pulls matter off of a companion red giant star until a powerful nuclear fusion explosion occurs on the dwarf’s surface. In this process, the star is not destroyed and additional explosions can occur, this phenomenon called a nova or recurrent nova.

A supernova is much more brilliant than a nova and can shine brighter than an entire galaxy for a brief time.

Astronomers identify two major types of supernovas:

Type I Supernova occurs, when a white dwarf star pulls matter from a companion star until the dwarf’s dead core re-ignites in a thermonuclear explosion that destroys the star. This is similar to a nova but the explosion is much more powerful. A Type I supernova has no hydrogen in its spectrum.

Type II Supernova occurs, when a star several times more massive than the sun runs out of nuclear fuel and collapses under its own gravity until it explodes. A Type II supernova has hydrogen in its spectrum.

SUPERLUMINOUS SUPERNOVA or Hypernova is a burst 5 to 50 times more energetic than a supernova. A hypernova may or may not be associated with a powerful burst of gamma radiation.

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