What if indominus killed Rexy part 2 #jurassicworld #jurassicpark #jurssicworld

What if indominus killed Rexy part 2 #jurassicworld #jurassicpark #jurssicworld

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@dangerousdictionaryjr - 11.06.2024 08:26

The campers would’ve most likely been killed eventually whether by the Indominus or another dinosaur. Since we know the dinosaurs behavior would’ve changed similar to how to the Scorpius Rex had an effect on other dinosaurs.

@Pickle_Style-22 - 11.06.2024 10:14

Spino appears
Spino: fight me.

@EuraHanazawa - 11.06.2024 11:49

mosa would not die at all there's fish on the lagoon.

@Spinosaurus_0 - 11.06.2024 17:13

if mosa had no dinos to eat how did he survive till jwfk

@Polski_wilk11 - 13.06.2024 17:39

I guess that mosa would eat rexy??? And it could realy be infinite of scorpios and that is terifying😨

@ethanhayward5254 - 14.06.2024 09:40

Giganotosaurus Vs indominus rex

@Gossler1 - 15.06.2024 21:21

Storyline ( my version )

So the mosasaurs who’ve eaten Rexy but blue still of cased him I would’ve finished, but I touched grass😂

@kacsomarci5175 - 16.06.2024 03:14

Mosa's life a small preci for Rexy's worthless life...

@jakubsawczuk2243 - 17.06.2024 17:38

Oh wait, what has Mosa been eating all this time? Because even indominus is not enough for her to survive half a year.

@BillyFord-hj9ly - 18.07.2024 18:59

The only thing That could save us if this happened is the spino or giga

@MarkoDesancic-b7z - 19.07.2024 15:59

Pa mislim skorpiosi su jaki i opasni predatori i mogu se razmnozavat imaju otrovne bodlje na repu penju se po drvecu to im dae prednost iznemadnog napada sve se to vidi u mojoj omiljenoj seriji Svet iz doba jure kamp iz vremena krede i tu na snimku je seria aliii skorpiusi se nevole bore se jedan protiv drugog 2 stvar ako skorpiusi udare indominusa repom a xoce indominus bi oslabio zbog otrova Semi je zamalo umra da Jasmina nije nasla proti otrov u Vuovoj rabaratoriji 3 stvar indominus je isto jak predator veci je od skorpiusa i dosta jaci ali ima prednost to sto se skorpiusi nevole necega oboica napadat 4 stvar sva tri xibrida su nenormalno jaka i skorpiosi skacu a indominus se nemoze najboje borit sa tim raptori su isto skakali to je problem indominusu da se bore u djungli skorpiusi bi imali prednost a u glavnoj ulici indominus bi imao prednost i zakljucak indominus je pobjednik 🎉🎉🎉🎉 zato sto skorpiusi mogu ranit ili ubit jedan drugog a ranit xoce i ako ubije indominus bi pobjedio xvala sto ste procitali komentar komentarisite recite ako se neslazete😁

@Officialykpowera - 20.07.2024 22:44


@BRONSONHIGGINS - 24.09.2024 01:20

Mosa wouldn’t die he didn’t even eat the Indom I don’t think and Spino after his long trip to Isla nublar from Isla Sorna Fight me little Bi…

@Melvin-k2j - 03.10.2024 05:02

Guys think about the campers they wouldn’t have made it tiff and Mitch would not have came so no boat for the campers

@JaegerLuciusMallari - 08.10.2024 16:38

Spino be like:I AM THE ONE WHO KILLS REXY NOT YOU!" Indominus "crap'

@JayceonMatthewPineda - 25.11.2024 11:25

OR hear me out what if they teamed up

@KeaneBarbe - 25.11.2024 18:27

indominus would probably win against the scorpios, because he would just go invisable and wait for them to kill eachother, orkill them off 1by1. And mosa would eat spino since both of them go in water.
