Rating: 8/10. No NPC requirements. Build details in description.
Victreebel @ Air Balloon
Ability: Any
Tera Type: Grass
EVs: 128 HP / 252 Def / 128 SpA
Modest Nature
- Giga Drain
- Acid Spray
- Clear Smog
- Growth
Vitamins: 12 HP Up (or Health Mochi), 25 Iron (or Resist Mochi), 12 Calcium (or Genius Mochi)
Feathers: 8 Health Feathers, 2 Resist Feathers, 8 Genius Feathers
Stats at lvl 100 w/ perfect IVs:
HP : 333
Defense : 229
Sp.Atk.: 294
Sp.Def.: 176
Speed : 176
NPC Advantages: no requirements. intimidators (tauros, staraptor, arcanine), gardevoir (life dew), and drifblim (will-o-wisp) help.
Strategy: clear smog. terastalize ASAP. acid spray. giga drain when you need HP. giga grain until your stats reset. 1-2 growth, clear smog right after torterra uses shell smash a 2nd time. 3x acid spray, giga drain to victory.
Notes: victreebel can get 1HKO'd by a non-critical hit earthquake on turn 1 even with max HP/Def EVs and Def+ nature. that's why it needs an air balloon to be viable without NPC intimidators. it forces torterra to open with smack down to pop the balloon, ensuring you land the clear smog before it lands an earthquake. by the time you get to the 2nd shell smash you no longer need the balloon because you're terastalized and resist earthquake. with intimidators, covert cloak may be a better choice of held item because intimidate will cause torterra to prefer earth power.
Pros: supereffective tera type matching base type, decent HP and defense stats, excellent special attack stat, outspeeds torterra. resists earthquake, wood hammer, and earth power after terastalizing. double resists wood hammer before terastalizing. no weaknesses. clear smog wipes all of torterra's stat buffs from shell smash. growth buffs special attack 1 stage. acid spray debuffs special defense 2 stages, even if shield is up, while charging tera orb. giga drain has 75 base power, 100 accuracy and deals supereffective STAB (tera-boosted when terastalized) damage. it heals an amount equal to 50% of damage dealt. metronome boosts damage by a factor that increases with consecutive attacks (1x,1.2x,1.4x,...). air balloon grants immunity to earthquake and earth power until popped by smack down.
Cons: atrocious special defense stat
#pokemon #scarlet #violet #raid #torterra #victreebel