*THIS* Mega Heracross Raid Day was Amazing in Pokemon GO

*THIS* Mega Heracross Raid Day was Amazing in Pokemon GO


10 месяцев назад

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@BrandonLough-zo7ws - 14.04.2024 01:04

0 shinies from remotes and 3 male shinies from 16 in person raids

@Ace-vx4ej - 14.04.2024 01:05

Went 0/24 on herracross so not the best day for me

@xansmoker8834 - 14.04.2024 01:16

got the shundo on my 4th raid and traded an extra shiny one to my mom that also turned out to be a shundo. Lucky day for us

@bertbarr6664 - 14.04.2024 01:36

4 total. Best was from your invite. 93% shiny. Hope you got one from my invites.

@francismendoza7997 - 14.04.2024 01:41

I got two shiny heracross today from the raid day

@PandaPlayzPokemon - 14.04.2024 01:47

8 shiny’s and a hundo from 44 raids! Got that 98% shiny from you on stream thanks again mate 🫡🫡

@brendonm2316 - 14.04.2024 01:58

Nice catches Milo I got myself a shiny 93 as well on my 3rd raid would love to see more raid days

@karissawong-jf9ex - 14.04.2024 02:12

Omg, milo got so many shinies. Congrats!

@PandaPlayzPokemon - 14.04.2024 02:20

748039521597 PandyWandyHehe. Can’t wait to join for another raid hour 🫡

@samfling5907 - 14.04.2024 02:43

What phone do you have? I have a cheap Motorola g power. I played bagon com day like a pro for the whole 3 hours one battery charge no extra pack. My phone got hot as hell the screen almost burned to touch. Still let me keep playing like normal only crashed when my phone hit 10%. My entire small town had 20 people play today we all crashed in unison at 3pm not sure what happened but everyone froze and most everyone got logged out.

@jamess3178 - 14.04.2024 02:46

Got the Shundo first ever!!! Such a good day

@SmallishBean - 14.04.2024 02:50

I did 14 heracross I got one hundo 2 shinies one of them being a shiny 98 I got a a base stat and a lucky trade raquaza!

@Gbearguy89 - 14.04.2024 03:01

Only had time to do just the 2. Second one was a shiny 98% which I was extremely happy about.

@bambib4186 - 14.04.2024 03:19

Out of the 20 remotes I got 5 shinies!!! Lol,,, including a shiny on my 1st raid,,, and then a back to back!!! I’ve never had that much shiny luck from one of these raid days,,, I have to say niantic did pretty good w this event overall ,,, great vid,, and stream, ❤❤

@aaronnhem7282 - 14.04.2024 03:55

57 raids 4shinies maxed out on mega energy and no hundo,

@aaronnhem7282 - 14.04.2024 03:58

The absolute crap ive been getting from raids since the new dialga an palkia came out almost makes me what to stop playing, 99% of every raid is 2star its the absolute worst luck ive ever seen

@reevenl - 14.04.2024 04:19

Got a female shundo, a 93% shiny male and a regular 98% IV male. Out of 40 raids I only got 17 XL candy though, dont know why it´s such a low amount.

@ButterflyPajIab - 14.04.2024 04:30

This has been my worst raid day. I maxed out my 20 remote raids and no shiny caught. Had to go out and raid locally. My 1st raid locally was a shiny. And then, got another shiny after another 10 local raid. Using 20 remote raids with no shinies caught kind of put me off into a bad mood for the day.

@kayaakgul2530 - 14.04.2024 04:59

I did 15 raid no shiny no good iv thanks niantic

@Jaymonster859 - 14.04.2024 05:33

3-40 didn’t get any under 1700cp got maybe 2 rare xl from in person maybe 10 rare xl from remotes no male shiny only 3 female but I had fun

@Jaymonster859 - 14.04.2024 05:41

I also had max lvl bug type active but didn’t seem like I was getting much heracross xl from the catches

@TheEightyFive - 14.04.2024 06:16

I did 12 raids. Got a 2-star female shiny. And nothing else I caught was over 90%.

@LongShibe - 14.04.2024 06:42

35 raid 2 shiny 1 male 1 female 1 hundo 🥰

@davidm4773 - 14.04.2024 06:50

21 raids. Got 1 shiny 3 star.

@batykozs97 - 14.04.2024 08:33

6 shinies (3 of them were back-to-back-to-back ) and 1 hundo (right after the hundo had a shiny haha) out of 28 raids. It was a fun day, hope there will be a raid day in May for Rayray aswell🤞🏻

@clarencioofficial6542 - 14.04.2024 08:43

9918 5497 8009


@ingaskurbe - 14.04.2024 09:49

Can’t watch this 😂 0/47 me, no hundo.

@leemartinsalvin - 14.04.2024 10:25

Let's be friends in Pokémon GO! My Trainer Code is 683262767942

Level 50 from Grantham UK. Will join raid hour :-) please

@daanlegoman - 14.04.2024 12:41

I did 23 in person raids and 1 remote raid and I got a 98% XL Heracross and a 10/10/13 Shiny Heracross. The Shiny odds felt very low to me and the boosted Rare Candy XL drops were horrible aswell (yes I did buy the ticket).

@cedricgant8535 - 14.04.2024 13:22

6 shiny Heracross ✨🪲

@sunshinegamer5807 - 14.04.2024 13:30

57 raids and get a 7 shiny and a 98iv shiny

@JenPapp - 14.04.2024 14:19

I didn’t get a single shiny 😅

@cianscout2008 - 14.04.2024 14:22

Out of ten raids I got 2 shinys with one being a 93%

@Thewo1verine - 14.04.2024 14:52

70 raids. 13 shines and a shundo !

@BrandonLough-zo7ws - 14.04.2024 16:11

Wish i could invite you and others to shadow entei....

@AceOfSpadzz - 14.04.2024 16:35

I did 2 raids back to back shinies and 1 was a shundo omggg I was eating at a Irish pub and nearly screamed my arse off lol

@cjram - 14.04.2024 17:59

Congrats on the shinies, Milo! I managed to do 10 raids yesterday, and I got a tiny shiny, a 98% and a 96%! Super happy with that. 😀

@ixdagupion - 14.04.2024 20:12

Thanks for the invites! I returned the favor sending invites from the Seattle center. ✨️✨️✨️

@Blstimac - 14.04.2024 22:58

Only one shiny.

@lucydavies7788 - 14.04.2024 23:03

Dunno how many raids I did but we did a lot & I got 5 shinies. Unfortunately the best shiny was 87% but got both male & female shinies 🥳 gained over a million xp too & today hit level 50 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳

@craigmaycroft5672 - 15.04.2024 00:40

35 raids 8 shinys and a 96 non shiny

@KingKonks - 15.04.2024 12:38

I did 33 raids, got 7 shiny, an XXL hundo and a 98…also got a 2nd shiny shadow Entei with decent IVs 😎

@chrjahn - 15.04.2024 14:57

Congrats on all the sparkles. I did 15 Raids with 2 shinies and already had a 100%IV one from London GoFest so it was more chilled one for me. Great video mate.

@monstar861 - 15.04.2024 16:15

IGN: Monstar168
FC: 1148 0514 2206

@TautestCrane - 15.04.2024 22:45

Where do people raid on weekends in London. Ive never got any strong shadow pokemon or only remote raid in london. Ive tried victoria park but no one ever seems to be playning

@sage61079 - 16.04.2024 00:50

Grimm456 073192148706

@DalaTuy - 17.04.2024 08:57

Got 2 shinies and a hundo after 20 raids and ended it there lol.

@joaquettaconnors7925 - 18.04.2024 00:40

I got 3 shiny Heracross, and 2 shiny cutieflies . I'm HAPPY.

@chrisboden7916 - 26.07.2024 06:59

Please add me to Pokémon go 😊 826248439871

@HermesNinja - 14.04.2024 01:18

👉 Want to join Milo for Tapu Bulu raid hour? Drop your IGN and FC in the comments here. Milo will pick a few lucky peeps to join his raids! And while you’re here - like, subscribe and enjoy!! 👈
