Benedict Donald
ОтветитьOrban is a security risk, although his vain stupidity could be useful.
ОтветитьThank you Director Biscop
ОтветитьHi folks, we should respect Hungary’s change in sentiment and quietly begin article 50 with them. I believe they should continue to be themselves and considering that it’s incompatible to the goals and security of Europe, the EU council must begin expulsion. Yes in terms of decoupling from the US in terms of defence and trade, respectfully, quietly and through fostering local industries buy European weapons, create a European defence command with a federated force with the residue of NATO and friends like the UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. The world is changing and in all fairness your security is dependent on strength, the survival of the Ukraine and unfortunately the economic collapse and suffering of the Russian people.
ОтветитьSo crazy how the EU keeps talking like Russia is going to war with an entire continent after they invaded the Ukraine which isn't a EU or NATO member.
ОтветитьTo all those calling for the ousting of Hungary please remember that most Hungarians hate him too and care for the EU. Orban is not Hungary he is a crook and thief and he is hurting Hungary the most.
ОтветитьCanada would join the EU. Since we are losing a market of 330 million but picking up a market of 400 million. Canada could still trade with Mexico. We just to ship around the dead zone.
ОтветитьGet Orban out of Hungary or Hungary out of the EU
Ответить"Things have become too important for democracy."
- Europe
More talk from Europe,the 27 will agree to disagree 😂
Ответитьorbán is not Hungary! He kidnapped the country 15 years ago, changed the voting system, cheating in all the elections ever since with “foreign “ help! Hungarians are not like orbán!
ОтветитьClimate catastrophe is so yesterday.
ОтветитьEU doesn't have an expulsion mechanism. However article 7 may allow them to leave voluntarily, brexit style,article 50 used to impose sanctions vs rule of law and human rights violations against Hungary
ОтветитьUS will regret this when EU stops buying equipment from US.
ОтветитьUse the frozen 300bn and don’t give any of it to the US.
ОтветитьGo into debt, Europe, to create your independent military.
Without all that re-armament money for your social programs, you are now going to feel just like the Americans.
Kick Orban out he is not on our side
ОтветитьA lot of brave talk with nothing to back anything up. You all are heading the world to destruction.
ОтветитьThe EU is an economic union, they need a "Euroforce" separate from EU detractors and post NATO (which will be broken up). This Euroforce should be part of a Global defence force that include willing commonwealth, east asian and south east asian nations.
ОтветитьEuropean stabilizing force in Budapest modelled on the force sent to Albania in the 1990s' that's what is needed
ОтветитьEU should consider Hungarys membership.. Orban is clearly happier in Moscow..Seing Hungary under Orban go, would not be a loss at all..
ОтветитьEU VOTE Hungary out of the system 🎉
They are Russian assets and traitors to humanity!
Trump wants to be a dictator, just like his bro, Putin. The world better be ready for when america and Russia form an axis of evil. Never thought I’ll live to say this but America is no longer the good guy. People like trump only understands strength, the free world has to stand up to bullies.
ОтветитьOrban needs to be removed from the mailing list. 😂
ОтветитьHungary should be expelled from NATO and the EU!
ОтветитьTrump's Amerika likes to punch people who can't hit back.
Ответитьso, Orbi is more afraid of the EU than of Ruzzland? :-D
ОтветитьDoesn't looks like they gather together for some global level serious crisis discussion, more like having fun in a carnival or something with all those bright smile and very relaxing atmosphere.
ОтветитьFearmongering...paranoid android...phobia...
ОтветитьHungary is more like a third world country, a leech that does NOT countribute a single dime, nobody can even locate it on the map LOL
ОтветитьEurope is done bye bye
ОтветитьWonderful to see President Zelensky treated with the respect he and the Ukrainian people deserve. Slava Ukraini
ОтветитьSo everyone who wants to kick out countries because they don't agree, agree that the only thing that matters is their own version of authoritarianism?
ОтветитьKick Hungary out of EU, and Slovakia too, they couldn't enter at this moment because they wouldn't fill the requisites of freedom and democracy.
ОтветитьWhere are the Hungarian people???
ОтветитьThe armament company's and shareholders in Europe will be delighted
ОтветитьRearm Europe asap!
Reduce dependencies from USA, products, services.
Kick Orban from all meeting or remove Hungary from EU, remove their right to vote, do anything. Orban/Hungary are against what EU stands for. They can look for alliances elsewhere
Illegal migrants and Wokeism have already destroyed Europe…… Comedian Zelenskyy is putting the final nail in the EU coffin…..
ОтветитьSo many idiot Trump fans in this comment section it's unbelievable. Sure, Europe will re-arm and re-mobilize without the US support but, instead of having a loyal democratic ally, you will have another powerful contender on the global scale to deal with. This was in your own interest as well to maintain influence around the world. Also, the US is the only NATO member to ever invoke Article 5 and its European allies took part in aiding the US. This just shows what kind of an "ally" the US is. An undependable one.
ОтветитьThe EU needs reforms. While the consensus driven system has worked ok in peace time , that has changed. We cannot allow a system where a single country can block/delay important decisions to black mail the rest of the union.
ОтветитьThe world can no longer rely on the USA as a partner. Time to buckle up folks.
ОтветитьOrban is with 90% of the world.
The other EU leaders are with 10%.
In the UN, the vast majority voted against EUs anti-peace proposal.
Who is sidelined?
what a pleasant change from the White House
ОтветитьOrban Jabba the Hutt 😊
ОтветитьThank God Europe is finally ignoring Orban - he is one of the most hated people in the world and just a pathetic puppet of the Kremlin.
ОтветитьORBAN AND FICO ARE THE ONLY ONES WITH REALITY AND TRUTH ON THEIR SIDE. The others like prancing around at EU meetings, making empty threats, and stealing their citizens' money. They are pathetic.
ОтветитьKick this sheet dicataor country out frome EU
ОтветитьOnce upon a time Hungary was a brave nation that fought for its freedom.
ОтветитьSubtitles please