Really great
ОтветитьHail the 🇧🇻 Spirits! 🔥🔥🔥
Thanks BMP 🤘😎🤘🇲🇾
Har vært borti tømmermenn i Bakkadalen før. De var prominente når eg våkna med spy i øret (gilde referanse). Kul låt. Seilte opp som favoritt fra sleppet. Første eg ska spela etter jobb❤
ОтветитьThis is more "True" then corpse painted torch blowing clowns
ОтветитьA wholesome music video of Norwegian men having a fun time in the winter.
ОтветитьVery nice....and different. 👏🤘🏼🍻
ОтветитьWooow this is amazing video, to be honest didn't understand a word but I felt it, no one makes black metal songs like Norwegian bands, btw i have very good logging skills with an Axe if u need help. Cant wait to hear the Album
Ответить🤘🏿💀💀🖤🖤💀💀🖤🖤💀💀💀💀🖤🖤💀💀🤘🏿 ave bro BMP nocna porą bracie przyjacielu co za fantastyczny zajebisty Black Metal z Norwegii ogień super
ОтветитьI love this kind of folk-black. No violins nor flutes.
ОтветитьMe gusta ese ambiente , disfraza algo que desconozco, pero que es oscuridad ...
ОтветитьThe honesty in this clip is pure. Great work
ОтветитьJust a bunch of dudes in a cabin getting their black metal on lol. Love this.
ОтветитьKonge! Urnorsk🤟👍🤘
ОтветитьIt appears my official winter soundtrack has arrived 🤘🏔️🤘
ОтветитьRural fjord metal! Great❤
ОтветитьIt's nice to see a band of this kind of music that don't look like those classic gothic clowns.
ОтветитьOddly enough, I love what BMP does
Ответитьune superbe vidéo j' adore l'ambiance que dégage ce titre🤘🤘🤘
ОтветитьI watched this vidéo to the end, I like it. Cheers guys 🔥🔥🔥
ОтветитьThis is awesome, epic&hard! Very good stuff!
ОтветитьНа изгибе не пилят, пилят на ровной части
ОтветитьMirror mirror on the wall, is Ulvhedner the truest of em all
ОтветитьHail from CDMX!!🤘😎🇲🇽
ОтветитьAmazing 🤍
ОтветитьAmazing! Rural Black Metal - I really appreciate this (btw, just a few hours ago listened to Brume d'Automne, village BM from Quebec). Notice that band's image of Norwegian rednecks is no less Black Metal-related than regular corpsepaint, leather, spikes, machinegun belts etc. Because it's all about Norway. Salt of the earth, so to say. A deep tripping mood of Northern life as it is.
I discovered Ulvhedner back in 2009, their "Før I Tida" album got me instantly - and since then, these guys never disappoint. Respect and greetings from Ukraine! 🇺🇦
I really like Ulvhedner, and here they have created a great song with melancholic melodies a bit à la Windir. And this clip is really nice and pure. It is too bad, as always with Ulvhedner, that the execution does not follow, it is a bit borderline rythmically speaking, we can hear that double kicks have been added post-recording, the mix is not super,...
But overall I still like it!
Rural metal, I like this one...
ОтветитьNothing connected to true Norwegian black metal.. Actually it's parody.
ОтветитьOmfg 😮 Raw Norwegian Black Metal 🖤🖤 realy good Video ....pls more 🫡
ОтветитьThe best example of pure metal
No makeup needed
Gods of Valhalla, how similar this composition is to what Valfar from WINDIR created! This is a magnificent composition, like the whole album! Ulvhedner you are super!
ОтветитьDo not use to comment much but you bunch of dudes in norwegian cottage made my New Year’s day with this well executed and authentic on spot video and atmospheric song on repeat… Truly outstanding raw & rural pheasant metal at its best. Let your pitchforks play loud !
ОтветитьAwesome, guys! 😀🤘🏻
ОтветитьAku suka..kereeen
Ответитьfy fæn.....
ОтветитьPeak black metal aesthetics.
ОтветитьThat basss
ОтветитьTrve Norwegian Fvcking Misanthropic Anti Religious Black Metal and Folk 🇸🇯🤘🏻🔥💀🖤🌹😈
ОтветитьCo to kurwa jest? Żart?
ОтветитьГруппа превосходная!! Клипа нештяк👹🤟🤟🤟🤟музыка улёт и песня супер....
ОтветитьPopeye!! Are u singing???😂😂😂🤘🤘🤘 saludos fraternales desde Morelia México
ОтветитьKongestemning! Valhalla!!
ОтветитьGREAT !!! TOP 💯🤘👍
ОтветитьHaulin lumber 🎸🙌🏼