"The Blossoming Reveries" (Directed, edited, and shot by Caden Kraus) tells the story of a woman caught in her reveries. From returning back from thrift shopping, she sets up everything she bought in the park and starts drawing. She can't help but imagine her self living in her little houses she bought. However, an encounter at the thrift store lingers in her head as she imagines her self with her soulmate. Reveries mix with reality and she cannot distinguish if what she is experiencing is real.
NOTE: For stereo audio immersion, headphones are preferred.
Directed & edited by: Caden Kraus
Starring: Diana & Caden Kraus
Director of Photography: Caden Kraus
Music by: Various Artists
This film is part of the Kraus House Studios original series: Story Sequences. Story sequences are short stories told in creative unconventional ways. Learn more at kraushousestudios.com