YS Virtual Series continues with Brendan McGrath on piano. Originally broadcast live on YS Facebook Friday May 8 at 7pm.
Brendan says, "YS at its core is an educational institution; not just through pedagogical ventures like Littlebirds or Jazzworks, but through the very nature of the Tuesday Night Jams, and the challenging, varied programming the Suite offers. The Yardbird is not a building, however, but an amalgamation of invested players, listeners, and volunteers. It’s moved locations a few times over the years, solidifying a reputation as an institution by the jazz community for the jazz community (and beyond), that won’t be tied down to a particular physical space. The Yardbird Suite virtual series further affirms that mentality, featuring solo/duo artists online is just another way for the Suite to exist in a post-physical creative space, fuelled by tension surrounding health, isolation, and trying to assert that it isn’t a physical space that defines our humanity."