Testing New Essence Makeup 2020 - Best And Worst Products

Testing New Essence Makeup 2020 - Best And Worst Products

Vasilikis Beauty Tips

4 года назад

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@sierrafriend4330 - 27.05.2020 16:33

Loved this!!

@Call-me-Al - 27.05.2020 16:35

That huge brush looks like it would be fun to use with a setting powder.

@tinaclark75 - 27.05.2020 16:44

I couldn't find this collection on their website but they did have an elements eyeshadows based on the four elements I would love to see you try those. Your so fun and adorably funny I love your tutorials you got me to buy most of the travel pallets, Now off to buy the rest😂🤗

@illiyeen0024 - 27.05.2020 16:57

Essence colour boost mad about matte is my most favourite product from essence ❤

@kekkelpenneypeckeltoot5700 - 27.05.2020 17:21

Not only do I enjoy your videos but I respect your commitment and work ethic so very much!! As always great job!!😘 On camera your bronzer looked beautiful and natural with the fan brush. I loved it!! Not to say it didn’t look nice with the BH brush, just a different look.

@daminisingh4473 - 27.05.2020 17:33

You are a joy to watch! Love❤

@heidihurn9828 - 27.05.2020 17:58

I love Essence and Catrice x

@katrinka4259 - 27.05.2020 17:58

You're the best and inspire me)

@tamiraangel1962 - 27.05.2020 18:02

hey how are you doing if i need to say the bronzer and de brush

@missesse3207 - 27.05.2020 18:50

I have those tattoos too, but I don't know in what occasion to use them..I use them just for photos 😂

@filmsbynix - 27.05.2020 19:29

Can you do a brush collection video

@filmsbynix - 27.05.2020 19:43

The oil seems useless

@ΒάσωΓακοπούλου - 27.05.2020 19:52

Γεια σου γλυκειά μου βασιλική πολύ ωραία παλέτα έχει τα χρώματα του ηλιοβασιλεματος πολύ όμορφο μακιγιάζ κ πολυ χρήσιμα τα tips μακιγιάζ που μας έδωσες ευχαριστούμε για ακόμη μια φορά για τα όμορφα βίντεο σου φιλάκια πολλά

@michelledally8720 - 27.05.2020 20:59

Very pretty eye-look! I love the whole animal/African vibe of these products, and the tattoos are super cute.

@amoxmo - 27.05.2020 22:24

From essence I love the blushes. I have 6 of them in different shades and they are as good as mac blushes. I also like the make me brow gel and plumping nudes gloss in the peachy shade. But overall I prefer Catrice. Can you also review their summer products? Its a setting spray and other face products. Its called the sungasm limited edition collection

@Liliaholivia - 27.05.2020 22:26

Omg you are so pretty ✨💙💙

@nancysasso5556 - 28.05.2020 00:04

Lol, that brush is bigger than your face!

@Salsayrockxjf - 28.05.2020 00:15

Lo que me encanta de Essence, es que tiene unos precios espectaculares para la cantidad de producto que traen los artículos, sus polvos son enormes. 🤗 adoro Essence!! 👌🏼

@heidihurn9828 - 28.05.2020 00:48

Elf brushes are my favourite x

@heidihurn9828 - 28.05.2020 00:50

They used to do the bronzer in a smaller container called mosaic it was in a blusher to x

@a.avelinmary1263 - 28.05.2020 09:03

The hair band is very pretty for u, good the nail colour is very unique for u 😀😀 cute

@Jess-ne6fw - 28.05.2020 22:44

I love how you just get straight to the point instead of rambling for 10 minutes like other beauty "influences". You are so pretty I love your accent ❤

@poookkii - 28.05.2020 22:45

I loooooove your accent!! 🥰🥰🥰

@lup6974 - 29.05.2020 23:03

Me too! 😂😂😂😂 Briliant moment. I like anything about Essence, but probably my favourite thing is their traditional matt bronzer with the coconut smell. I would like to try the baked blush/bronzer thing 😂
Looking beautiful as always x

@RhaenysTarg - 30.05.2020 16:15

About the brush.. I think this brush would be good for a darker bronzer that you would apply just lightly. The other bronzer brush is good for a bronzer like this essence one, that is lighter, and you can go with a harder hand.

@dianacalance2454 - 30.05.2020 17:00

If you use a small concealer brush for the sparkly shades they will look just as shiny on the eye as in the pan!

@scotzmnswife - 01.06.2020 21:37

Hey Vasilikis! That matte bronzer looks so pretty on you, & I'm loving the leopard print! The wee tattoos are really cute too. 💕🌹 I have never tried a shimmering oil, as I doubt it would show up on my pale skin. One of my favorite shimmer products for summer is actually from Avon. I don't know if you can still get it (I bought it last season, I think), but it's from their Skin So Soft line, & is called Satin Glow Skin Illuminator. It's a cream which moisturizes with sunflower oil, but has optical illuminators which blur imperfections & it has a slight tint, so it's perfect for my ghostie legs if I don't want to look so pale 👻, yet it doesn't turn my skin the typical unnatural orange like many of those kinds of products can. You might be able to find it on Amazon or ebay. Do you have Avon available where you are? I know it's in the UK, but didn't know if you had it in Europe. The eyeshadows in this collection look fantastic, although I'm not a fan of pressed glitters. Really pretty summery colorstory! 🌞☁️🌈❤️🧡💛🧡❤️

@raffy8556 - 25.06.2020 00:12

Love the eyeshadow pallete.

@Justcallme-Marie - 05.07.2020 04:02

The one with glitter 😍 so beautiful eye look! I have this collection too and love the eyeshadow formula 💛💛🌞
