RTX 5090 Final Specs & Release Date

RTX 5090 Final Specs & Release Date

Graphically Challenged

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@rafaelacash7 - 20.12.2024 20:34

If you think that’s crazy, just wait for the 6090…
only REAL ones will buy it 🤫🧏

@stultuses - 20.12.2024 21:31

The only way you will get cheap graphics cards is if everyone refuses to pay these insane prices, then they will be forced to drop the price

But people are like children, they want to brag about having the fastest gpu so they will pay stupid prices rather than hold out and force a price drop

You get what you are prepared to stand up for

@ThePindar - 20.12.2024 22:14

As long as whales continue to feed Nvidia, the prices will continue to rise

@christopherarocha92 - 20.12.2024 22:26

eyeing the new asus zephyrus rtx 50 series !

@chriswalker3257 - 20.12.2024 22:34

Is now a good time to buy a used 4090?

@Blazemaster9 - 20.12.2024 23:25

I need 32GB VRAM

@kozad86 - 20.12.2024 23:57

So... Just rumors still. If true, $1,899 for a base model of the 90 class card is criminal, but Nvidisimps will line up to hand over their credit cards, which just means the 6090 will be $2,199. 💁🏼‍♂

@LowsHand - 21.12.2024 00:05

Nvidia is just doing a long term experience - how much money can they press out of gamers....

@mz1929 - 21.12.2024 04:29

first 2 weeks?!! are you crazy? it took me 3 months for BOTH 3090 and 4090!! spamming refresh every day at 9am and using stock checkers. Bots scalped everything for months. i didnt get either the 3090 or 4090 till basically new years

@VillainVonBadGuy - 21.12.2024 05:35

Excited to see the specs compared to actual reviews

@luciferhzd - 21.12.2024 05:46

Wait, you're not The display guy?

@Neonmirrorblack - 21.12.2024 06:25

I think you completely forgot how gen to gen performance works.
No shit the card is going to be more powerful than the previous, but claiming a 50% increase for 30% more cost is "worth it" is losing the plot entirely.
You aren't supposed to be paying 30% - 40% more for a new gen to get an increase in performance. That trend only started happening with the 20 series.

@ryuukeisscifiproductions1818 - 21.12.2024 07:53

unfortunately for me, I am one of those whom will benefit greatly from the RTX 5090's increased performance, despite the price increase. I do a lot of blender rendering, and those faster render times make a big difference, and the VRAM is really needed for more complex scenes, but damn is that price painful. Especially after already dropping a ton of money on a threadripper pro 7965 wx system.

I would implore people to get only what they need. If you dont need a 5090 for your use case, dont get it.

@Joh00226 - 21.12.2024 10:48

Ppl ser talking 2000 $ the 4090 depending on brand here in sweden cost between 2k - 2.9k $

So 2k for the 5090 is good . But im sure it Will More likley be 3k $ here in sweden.

Wife not gonna be happy when i switch my 5 4090 for five 5090 😅

@Gary1973-1 - 21.12.2024 11:34

Most people’s best option who play at 1080/1440 is to buy a used 4090 from someone who is upgrading.

No cpu on the market can yet consistently max out my 4090 at 1440. Next Gen CPU’s in a few years might get there. The 4090 has 24gb of vram so you’re good to go.

@OkiDingo - 21.12.2024 13:07

I have a 3090 and have never maxed out the VRAM.....why does it need 32gb of DDR7?

@IraqWarVet03 - 21.12.2024 13:30

You kept showing the 4090 specs and not the 5090.

@Epic3032 - 21.12.2024 15:07

FE price USD$1899 AiB? way more expensive

@Anubisrunner08 - 21.12.2024 15:14

finally a card i should be able to play ultra settings at 1080p on every game with zero issues

@scratchacker - 21.12.2024 19:16

Triple 4k 144hz

@DJEylisium - 21.12.2024 19:59

12gb for a 5070 is downright criminal.

@anotherhuman9974 - 21.12.2024 20:32

I’m definitely getting the 5090 as soon as the 9090 gets released😂

@renesrensen1660 - 21.12.2024 20:40

Please shave.

@deanwhittle1301 - 21.12.2024 21:07

what the chance of me getting rtx 5090 full build coz i cant build myself for £4500

@Zimmerman743 - 22.12.2024 01:42

i am hyped on the design, in the Moment 40 Series looks the best imo

@Carllizard - 22.12.2024 02:35

Finally you stopped the silly head flip intro.. you just levelled up.

@93ChayZ - 22.12.2024 03:57

I just learned yesterday GPU Card model’s are based off of how many of the CU bank’s are damaged or failed testing and that’s how we get the 4090 (All CU’s operating) 4080 (some CU’s not operating) etc etc. so basically when you buy a 4060 you are buying a completely busted 4090 🤣

@zedvids - 22.12.2024 12:18

If you're not gaming in 4k, the 5090 is not for you.

@CoyoteRoadRunner - 22.12.2024 16:01

First Card who bottlenecks CPU in 4k Native

@ALPHA_N3RD - 22.12.2024 19:59

...the more you buy, the more you save......

@DB-vl9ob - 22.12.2024 20:44

RTX 5080 16gb hahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah

@PrefoX - 23.12.2024 01:08

32GB VRAM are not working on a 448 bus, your specs are wrong.

@beachboy_boobybuilder - 23.12.2024 01:36

Mentally challenged has the full specs for 5090. I like this funny guy.

@aaron2001911 - 23.12.2024 05:09

Nope, I am not that rich. NVIDIA doesn't know What the economy look like right now, does it? Selling a Graphics card with a price of a whole PC ?

@Ghettochild.2600 - 23.12.2024 07:35

Darn... I just finished paying off my credit card.

@gaz74205 - 23.12.2024 15:54

24 to 32 is a 25% increase, not 50%.

@rustyshackleford4117 - 23.12.2024 18:19

450W is what the card will draw at stock settings, if under max load it's simply the max power draw Nvidia has set, not indicative of the cards actually efficiency. It's just a number that's made up and is useless in the real world, so stop wasting time commenting on it as if it's a useful course of discussion. No one who cares about FPS or gaming will actually be running the card at stock settings with zero tweaks, as they didn't with the 4090. The difference between running the 4090 and the stock voltage and power draw is the difference between it running at 2.2Ghz and 3Ghz, which pushes the power draw up from ~400W to ~530W in the most demanding games, ie those that use DLSS, Frame Gen, and Ray or Path Tracing ALL at once. This is going to be a 500W+ card in the right games, especially if you want that extra 10-15% performance difference the higher core and vram clocks dictate. In most cases you don't even need to touch the clock speeds to get this boost, just increasing the power limit will do the trick. So the TDP draw you keep commenting is literally just the default setting that Nvidia decides to dictate in the card's BIOS, and it's a meaningless setting as it can be overridden in seconds in MSI afterburner or similar with literally 2 clicks, at which point the card will draw as much power as it's boost curve determines is necessary to reach specific clock speeds so long as temperature targets don't go over. It's not a damn hardware feature, it's a software setting so please stop droning on about it like it actually matters to anyone.

Likewise, in lower demanding games that don't use the Tensor cores or upscaling, these cards will struggle to pull above 250-300W if that. They are actually incredibly power efficient even compared to the lower end cards in that regard, but not a lot of people talk about or recognize that. A 4090 can run an older title at higher FPS than the 3090 could, and often at half the wattage if it isn't demanding, and I expect a similar if not quite as large bump when going from the 4090 to the new 5090. Likewise, if you compare the 4090 and say 4070, and cap the FPS to say hit 60 in a certain title, the 4090 will be able to pull the same framerate with even less power needed than the 4070 due to the additional cores.

@HEARTBEATexe - 23.12.2024 19:29

someone wants to buy a kidney?

@charlespester2398 - 23.12.2024 23:21

I have heard everywhere from 1900 to 5900 $ on this chip.

@darktucci1221 - 24.12.2024 12:14

Soliti video stronzate insomma.

@GregoryShtevensh - 24.12.2024 14:11

Dude, you're not doing enough homework.
How can it have a bus any smaller when its 2gb modules and 32gb?
And people haven't known about it having 32gb for a while.
I know you can do better man. Its needs a 512bit bus. No other option

@ACEHILMGAMEZ - 25.12.2024 06:10

at this this point the 5070 should be 16gb at least.

@optronixatron - 25.12.2024 08:02

Will there be versions that have liquid AIO coolers instead of fans?

@pincludestudio5562 - 26.12.2024 08:37

I love how your shitty videos get so many dislikes and YT just won't let you grow! 😂

@YBSOCIOT - 27.12.2024 00:23

The only specs you have is speculation.

@fdjw88 - 28.12.2024 03:06

I don't know why people complain about the price of a 5090, NVDIA is the only company on planet earth who is capable of making a card like this, and since there is no competition, of course they should charge w.e. they want. Companies are not here to provide social services, they are here to make money, and no company should give up an opportunity to make good profit.

@Jebbydafry - 28.12.2024 06:57

$2000 not bad for a 5090 in the u.s not suprised but I can’t wait for it

@omarllama - 29.12.2024 00:05

Title: Final Specs
Video: We don't know sh*t
Me: Downvote, ignore channel and never coming back.
