USA launching an invasion of Sicily | July - September 1943 | World War II

USA launching an invasion of Sicily | July - September 1943 | World War II

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@rachelmyriam7943 - 04.07.2023 12:16

À tout hasard...mon père, français d’Algérie et engagé volontaire à l’âge de 17 ans et 3 mois, portait l’uniforme amé il était dans l’armée française (2ème régiment algérien de tirailleurs).
Il a fait la campagne de Tunisie, le débarquement de Sicile, le débarquement de Naples, la campagne d’Italie, le débarquement de Provence, la campagne de France(*), la campagne d’alsace, et la campagne d’Allemagne. (*)Blessé par balle au poumon droit le 1er novembre 1.944 à Remiremont, démobilisable, il se réengage. Et tout ce temps, sous l’uniforme américain.

@marcedw400 - 09.07.2023 03:39

The background horror music is weird, and a bit distracting.

@vishawnathgangode6286 - 09.07.2023 18:11

This really history is very important

@rajanbhole1448 - 10.07.2023 17:53

The west always ignores the contribution of Indians. The only ones who fought for allies on all the three continents.2.5 million perished.hardly any mention

@manoelalmeidajunior6203 - 15.07.2023 22:46

EUA and GB…

@billb7876 - 17.07.2023 22:33

Bloody yanks invading other countries, Its about time you stopped your warmongering and sorted out your own problems instead of robbing off others

@sergiiyershov5795 - 20.07.2023 11:32

В Сталинграде ссср взял в плен 91 тысячу немецко фашистских войск, а тремя месяцами спустя союзники пленили 250 тысяч немецко фашистских войск в Тунисе , из которых половина были немцы .Так кто внес больший вклад в победу над фашистами ?

@فردایایرانیبهتره - 22.07.2023 16:14

زنده بادرایش سوم، زنده باد ورماخت قدرتمند، زنده باد ملت غیوروشجاع المان اریایی

@فردایایرانیبهتره - 22.07.2023 16:15

Down with astalin and cccp and cherchil and england

@honeybear8485 - 24.07.2023 10:01

That music is cool.. 😎

@floppysmith1181 - 26.07.2023 19:23

Read the book by Jack Higgins - Luciano’s Luck

@E-motivationow - 08.08.2023 02:54

Germany was a worthy opponent

@josetavares1681 - 10.08.2023 01:26

E nesse meio tempo, poderia me dizer onde estavam os Russos; Ukranianos; Brasileiros; Brasileiros etc....? Até parece que os Americanos venceram a guerra sozinhos!

@bernardmcgowan4129 - 10.08.2023 15:56

Factually wrong. Was NOT an American invasion of Sicily but following on from Operation Torch in North Africa it was the 1st Army although mainly American also comprised British and other nationalities.

@asullivan4047 - 15.08.2023 03:51

Interesting and informative. Excellent photography job enabling viewers to better understand what/whom the orator was describing.Professional class A research project!!! Fortunately for Russian general Zhukov/General Guderian was ordered to change plans to fore stall the invasion of Moscow. ( 20 miles away ) enabled Zhukov to reorganize his demoralized forces. Fortifying the perimeters of Moscow. Preventing Guderian from obtaining the Kremlin. The German military forces never regained there blitzkrieg momentum again.

@josericardo4276 - 15.08.2023 18:52

Material pobre em detalhes.

@josericardo4276 - 15.08.2023 19:00

O Brasil também lutou nessa guerra o editor esqueceu desse detalhe e quem tomou o monte castelo foram os soldados brasileiros graças ao Brasil a Itália foi conquistada.

@KhoDo-mn3fz - 20.08.2023 02:24


@rooftopcat1785 - 22.08.2023 01:57

See how fast the german army unasssed that island, their logistics were second to none, it took the us army a whole year or more, just to swap out a battalian for iraq. 15 months later.

@gariferrari9416 - 22.08.2023 21:09

Гребаные США ещё тогда были ахиревшие !!!

@barrywipelancien4867 - 03.09.2023 18:02

la bande son n'ai pas celle du documentaire en image derriere , affiché les sous titre et vous aurais les vrai texte du moins une partie . la bande son proposer dans cette video et celle d'un autre documentaire sur la seconde guerre mondial

@elvinsmatthew - 04.09.2023 17:11

Docos like this are the real deal. What put out there these days are crap.

@briantneary2248 - 12.09.2023 08:22

My grandfather Frederick Neary was part of the invasion force in Italy. Respect to all of those who fought and died in ww2

@dominiqueroyer418 - 28.09.2023 14:42

Les images n'ont rien a voir avec le texte, les sous-titres sont totalement décalés avec le même texte, bref on écoute mais l'intérêt s'en trouve moindre.

@lafayettemoreira4423 - 29.09.2023 02:22

As soon as americans disembarked, the King sent someone (Badoglio) to put Mussolini in jail. Now the house of Savoy really surpassed all the known limits in perfidia, first - suffering Mussolinis buffon regime, accepting his arreglo with the Vatican in the name of italy, and when the tide seemed to turn - incarcerating the Duce. How easy it always has been to get rid of Benito ! Savoys lost the throne with this excess of velhacaria (port).

@lafayettemoreira4423 - 29.09.2023 02:31

Alemães não foram parados em Stalingrado, foram parados antes / 6 de dezembro de 41 nas aforas de Moscou. Ali foram parados pelos russos e nunca mais avançaram. Em Stalingrado já estão recuando e não por obra da força aerea americana nem da RAF.

@roypowell3655 - 01.10.2023 03:40

Here we go again! there were other allies taking part during the invasion of Sicily' Please stop trying to change history.

@edson1840 - 02.10.2023 04:36

Guerra é negócio de fresco, os caras morrem de graça para um monte de velhos políticos com os seus interesses próprios de território, riquezas e principalmente o poder.

@IvanRaimundo-s3q - 12.10.2023 10:27

Eu Nunca Vou Ser Contra Os Russos Da União Soviética Porcalsa Dos Americanos Solhão Vacilões

@leostar71 - 27.11.2023 10:23


@robertbarlow6715 - 29.01.2024 17:14

No mention of our own Navy shot our paratroopers planes down. This is where the white and black stripes came from so our planes could be identified. My daddy's plane was hit with the right engine on fire

@anarchie30 - 31.01.2024 13:07

... there is a problem in the narration of the documentary: it talks about the Pacific War, while this documentary is supposed to tell us about the Sicilian campaign ^^

@angloaust1575 - 01.02.2024 20:13

Probably had help from the mafia
Criminals fighting each other!

@panoupanou9918 - 02.02.2024 18:58

Ouf enfin maintenant ont est sauvés ya plus de cretin.

@ulissessimondasilveira225 - 07.02.2024 15:31

I thought it was an Allied invasion, not exclusive to the US? In fact, the landing was only less costly because the British carried out counter-espionage work and threw a corpse dressed as an officer on the coast of Spain with a folder of documents about a landing in the Balkans.

@vladimirdutra9087 - 10.02.2024 17:57

Os brasileiros fizeram história, mas não comenta nada sobre isso

@lisdiwondabule - 25.02.2024 21:25


@tinofiori4380 - 26.03.2024 02:11


@yrgehrussjy6755 - 02.04.2024 05:30

Мне интересно кто вас истории учит, 1940 по 1944 г. готовились к высодки в францию, вояки.

@adilsonten - 13.04.2024 18:55

Creio que COMEÇAR PELA PONTA DA BOTA foi findamental.
Por outro lado, creio que milhares de pessoas foram mortas, EM CONSEQUÊNCIA das mentiras dos políticos e militares (Generais, Coroneis e Capitães).

@johnhopkins6260 - 28.05.2024 23:49

"Kool Force": reserve forces Gela; My father was with Battery "A", 32nd Field Artillery Battalion, 18th RCT, 1st ID... No Amphibious landing Arrowhead award/credit (landed the 11th)...
Later, Arrowhead and Bronze Star w/"V" for Omaha/Easy Red, Normandy. He was a 29-year old Wisconsin farmer at that time.

@MatthewOConnor-d1p - 07.06.2024 09:39

Et les Britanniques de la VIIIe armée ?

@horsewithnoname8795 - 13.06.2024 07:57

One of those "3 German strugglers captured at Regio Calabria" by the British troops was a 15 year old German soldier who, some how, had been left behind in Messina when the rest of the German forces crossed the Straight of Messina in their retreat to the mainland.  
He was discovered by the locals who at first wanted to kill him, but realizing he was just a boy scared to death and crying for his mother took pity on him. During the night my uncle, who was 17 at the time, and other local people of Messina smuggled him on a fishing boat off the island and to Regio Calabria to rejoin his unit. I heard this story straight out my uncle's mouth who lived it. My uncle wondered all his life what became of that German boy, I wish I could have told him what I learned years later about his fate, but my uncle passed away before I find out...I bet he now knows.

@franciscostoffels6766 - 01.07.2024 16:31

Eisenhower chefe das forcas aliadas era de descendência alemã.

@franciscostoffels6766 - 01.07.2024 16:34

Lado B da Historia e sala de Guerra são ótimos canais sobre a 2* guerra.

@Эми_имми_грация_недвижимость - 12.07.2024 14:36

Спасибо за видео!!!

@Chris-xx8jr - 23.07.2024 01:35

Why are you covering maneuvering of diabolical oppressive movement?

@MarcioRoberto-hh2so - 01.10.2024 01:15

Márcio roberto da fonseca

@johnhopkins6260 - 03.10.2024 05:04

Regardless of the title of the video, this only gives cursory information on the Sicily Invasion (aka "HUSKY"); but digresses into a diatribe about Nazis vs. Soviets on the Eastern Front... again, worthy of far more extensive coverage. The Battle of Troina is deserving of far more detail... as well as action in the Pacific, at that very time.
