The Dragon Age That Ruined Dragon Age

The Dragon Age That Ruined Dragon Age

The Cantina

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@ericlarochelle650 - 31.12.2022 09:58

I couldn't wait for DOA2 after beating origins about five times. Was. not. impressed. Very disappointed. you nailed most of the issues I had with the game.
*battles felt like a slog (as you point out)
*they reused the same dungeon over.. and over..... and fucking over.....
*the call of duty/battlefield 2 method of starting from the end with a person telling the story didn't work as usual. No conclusion, no idea who the chick asking questions is, get a glimpse of Liliana. not much of a payoff...
*The story is repetitive and needed more outcomes. all the mages are constantly turning to blood mages/ abominations like the their given a cheat manual in snack machines, and all of the templars are just portrayed as complete murderous ass hats. in the end you're stuck between siding with the mages who are actively hiding blood mages and shuttling them out of kirkwall and a knight commander corrupted by red lyrium.... yaay....
*Anders: "it's not a demon, it's a spirt of justice. nothing bad will happen trust me" Everyone else in the party: "oh yea" "cool" "sounds good to me" "totally not coping with shady shit all" "welcome aboard mate"

While I liked that they TRIED to make a complicated plot filled with political intrigue, it just felt like they were trying too hard to be grim and forcing the plot to be complicated. Origins pulled it off. But that's what happens when a game is rushed i guess....

@LyllianaofMirrah - 02.01.2023 21:17

the Dark Souls 2 of Dragon Age basically

@Sigurjon96 - 03.01.2023 02:26

So true. Hawke sucked so badly as the protagonist and the entire game is a grind to get through. Almost feels like a poorly made mobile game and it ruined the franchise until Inquistion came out. Isabela was annoying, Varric was annoying, Bethany was annoying, Hawke was annoying, Fenris was annoying, Aveline was annoying, Anders was annoying, Merrill was annoying and Carver was annoying. None of your choices matter and the dialogue sucks. The only character worth anything in this trainwreck of a sequel was Sebastian because his story was told so well and he was an interesting character and a companion that deserved more from the writers than the most tragic story. They threw him under the bus instead of making him a vital person in the plot that he had the potential to be. I hope to God they remake this title at some point because this was an all time low for Bioware as a studio. I was not invested in this borefest. Even Andromeda and Anthem were much better and more playable. Gameplay is good there.

@SoldMySoul45 - 05.01.2023 06:55

I got into this franchise because of Dragon Age: Inquisition. The combat was never my favorite aspect in Origins. I much preferred Inquisition’s because it actually feels fun, and I like to play a Mage a lot. For me it’s Inquisition, DA2, and then Origins. Dialogue is always fun in each game.

@LookingRound - 07.01.2023 19:04

lol i litterally fell asleep during some points of combat. just needlessly grindy and boring.

@Sigismund-von-Luxembourg - 11.01.2023 01:07

Jade Empire had a fun combat system that was never revisited for some reason

@L0vac - 16.01.2023 02:08

Huuuge step back but still better than that single player MMO called Inquisition.

@Testingthisname - 20.01.2023 01:40

Okay but when are you going to talk about Inquisition?
The title of this video says "The Dragon Age That Ruined Dragon Age" but you havnt ever talked about Inquisition

@darkknight_8809 - 23.01.2023 01:38

Cassandra was kinda hot in Dragon Age 2, and then look at what they did to her in inquisition 🤢

@Libby_izzy - 01.02.2023 18:13

Idk, was it rushed yeah but that was EA's fault. I agree it is the least of the 3 but I still include it in my replays. I hate that it reuses the same places over and over but it doesn't really bother me that much. I'm a DA fan girl and I would have loved to see what it would have been if ea kept their hands off it.

@tomblackjack6869 - 02.02.2023 22:19

It’s terrible not the game, but this video.

@sekai9906 - 19.02.2023 11:49

If you hate dragon age 2 then you clearly haven't played inquisition. I mean I understand your point of view, but at least da2 was fun, the combat system was interesting and the animations were epic. Inquisition on the other hand was absolutely awful, the characters are boring, the exploration is boring, the maps are boring, and your horse goes just as slowly as you do.

@abbytakano3340 - 24.02.2023 11:27

I haven't watched the whole video yet, but I would like to point out that the main character in Origins also received undeserved praise at the beginning, or maybe "deserved" but in the sense that the character has a lot of achievements but none of those were my achievements as the player. They keep pointing out that the First Enchanter spoke highly of me, despite the fact that I betrayed the Circle by helping my friend escape.

@skillet682 - 30.04.2023 04:17

No, Inquisition ruined it. 2 wasn't anywhere near the level of Origins, but I happened to find quite enjoyable. Wish the sister lived when playing mage though.

@amukav5749 - 11.05.2023 15:26

I played Dragon Age Origins 7x times in row.. waiting for the 2 Game and it was so bad that i would leave but i did it to the end. All u said was real and i feel it so bad. i had big wishes about this game and it was ruined. After the 3 Game it was better and gave me some Origins Vibes a bit.

@GeorgeDaniels-me7ru - 15.05.2023 00:08

If you liked DA2 you're "special"

@DirtCobaine - 01.06.2023 23:28

I actually thought DA 2 was a great sequel. People were mad to be forced to play as a human, specifically Hawke, but no one’s mad at mass effect for the same exact reason lol I really like Hawke and is one of my favorite characters. Making me choose between him and the grey wardens is always a hard choice in inquisition. I make my Hawke a mage so that he at least has a chance to survive the fade and even find his own way back. Hell if the inquisitor can do it, especially if you play a non mage character, Hawke should be able to find a way. Solas did it, Corypheus did it. So my hopes is that Hawke will make an appearance in Dreadwolf regardless of his fate

@jinsakai409 - 07.06.2023 20:37

I still think dragon age 2 has the best character models. Inquisition made everyone look so greasy and gaunt

@madmaxiemartialartsnerd485 - 11.06.2023 12:14

Dragon age 2 and 3 aren't a bad game the core problem they have is DA origins developed a huge fan base than by game 2 they put the game in a completely different gameplay style. It's almost like maing a ice cream shop than turning it into a pizza shop. With no warning while still keeping the same title.

People are gonna be rightfully pissed

@nirorit - 14.07.2023 01:49

Is this supposed to be your real review? Calling a decent game garbage is like saying "I'm overreacting don't take my review seriously"

@High_Rate136 - 16.07.2023 04:32

Dragon Age 2 is actually really good. Inquisition sucks balls

@silverblade357 - 29.07.2023 20:41

BioWare: "Wow. We created one of the best RPGs ever that was basically Game of Thrones meets Lord of the Rings. Even our DLC was top tier. We're gonna need to be very careful with how we raise the stakes in a sequel... Nah! Just give it to the Mass Effect guys, give the player one set character, take away non-human races, and set it all in one incredibly boring city-state."

Seriously, WTF were they thinking?

@jonaszpawlacz756 - 01.08.2023 04:53

4 minutes in and I can't listen to this any longer, and the like to dislike ratio agrees with me. Show me on the doll where DA2 hurt you

@Justicar777 - 06.08.2023 04:37

I repressed this until someone started bringing up fallout 4 and how it was the best fallout game lmfao then I had to think of a example of what they did and yes this dragon age origins is to fo3 as dragon age 2 is to fallout 4

@MateusVIII - 06.08.2023 19:33

Honestly, Dragon Age 2 for me is really good, at least in story terms. I think it is incredibly well written. The conflict between mages and templars is really well done and I did feel really invested in it.I do think there are issues, and they are mostly to do with gameplay.

As to your point that establishing you are the champion takes away the suspense, I think that is BS because in pretty much every single RPG you know your character will be the "big hero". Saying that at the start makes 0 difference in that regard, especially since it doesn't just spoil the ending, all you know is your character is some great champion in the end. I don't see many differences with Dragon Age Origins regarding that.

As to gameplay then yes, the dungeons get boring and repetitive and the fact all happens in Kirkwall is really annoying because of the lack of changes to the environment.

@plainluke722 - 14.08.2023 12:51

Awful game.

Only played this game out of respect to the lore and wonder of Dragon Age Origins & Inquisition

@sulkycatissulky1 - 27.09.2023 15:47


@Schustywithavengance - 06.10.2023 22:06

I might be in the minority but I loved the combat

@l.o.v.e-sick5330 - 11.10.2023 16:55

Best Souls Age 2

@YoungMrBlue - 29.10.2023 05:23

Remember when this was supposed to be a spin-off?
No just me? ok

@Gsmooth84 - 01.11.2023 23:25

EA is pretty much to blame for Dragon Age II being the way that it is. It wasn't really meant to be a sequel. It was suppose to be called Dragon Age Exodus. EA had them change it to Dragon Age II and only had 16 months to develop. All for a cash grab.

If anyone is to blame it's EA for hindering the Potential of future Dragon age games.

@clifflodriguss122 - 04.11.2023 09:03

I loved Dragon Age 2. One of my favorite games ever

@TheKikivia - 05.12.2023 16:57

Inquisition is worse then 2 tbh cant even finish Inquisition

@quananginh9446 - 13.12.2023 20:06

I really enjoyed the way you said the word F*ck. It just sounds so satisfying =))

@clairewiley9720 - 05.01.2024 20:58

Maybe in your wrong opinion, dragon age 2 was the worst dragon age game, Dragon age origins is actually my least favorite. And the combat is my favorite part because I’ve always wanted to be a warrior and carry a big sword and not have it take 1 million years for one swing!

@andrewvincent7299 - 09.01.2024 04:25

One thing DA2 did well was waste the players time with its shitty, repetitive combat....

@555NH - 07.03.2024 16:54

literally put me off the franchise instantly, couldn't complete the game. This hits the nail on the head.

@CA101st - 11.03.2024 10:22

Battles probably “take forever” for you because as you said you only “spam A and rarely use an alt or special ability”. The combat in DA2 was far superior. You obviously don’t understand the mechanic. You can stack area of affect abilities and obliterate groups in a nanosecond. The lack of character options, and poor dialogue options where the real issue.

@griggletv6974 - 07.06.2024 01:55

Why do you sound like ai

@legomaster6201 - 03.09.2024 02:17

why she needed hawk is answered in dragon age inquisition which is dragon age 3. in dragon age 2 the whole game is about who hawk is and how he or she become the champion of kirkwall and what kind of person he or she is

@panrevan758 - 11.09.2024 06:18

I actually quite enjoy the story surrounding Hawke, a lonely boat that got caught in a storm by accident and trying his or her best to survive every ordeal.
And to me the combat is the best of all Bioware games, sure it may feel too "flashy” for classic wrpg enjoyers, but the animation make me feel like you are actually hitting the enemies with the weapons and not just some damage numbers exchange, and it's extremely satisfying when landing a crit on minor enemies. And it's quite challenging when play in nightmare difficulty.

@csais1 - 03.11.2024 15:33

history is repeating itself huh.

@Aestholus - 04.11.2024 00:39

I could not fathom that I couldn't change the ending of dragon age 2 every time Anders blew up that church.
One year later ME 3 released and they did it even worse.

@WinterWerewolf - 18.11.2024 19:07

And then The Veilguard happened... Now DA2 looks good in comparison.

@zupergut3015 - 26.11.2024 14:42

I agree, all dragon age games after origins suck

@MalfunctioningAndroid - 02.12.2024 23:34

Never played any Dragon Age besides origins, which I like to replay occasionally.

@phantombigboss8429 - 13.12.2024 09:16

DA2 still sucks

@Oogaboogaftw - 05.01.2025 11:53

Apologize to Dragon age 2

@andreibartolomeu5368 - 17.01.2025 02:02

Vailguard is more horrible

@tardeify - 23.02.2025 21:12

The only reason DA2 was still awesome was due to Mike Laidlaw.The soul was already sold to the devil.
