Project Gemini   Pt. I      [4K]

Project Gemini Pt. I [4K]

Homemade Documentaries

3 года назад

1,097,402 Просмотров

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@Kaiju3301 - 24.09.2024 11:15

Texas is just Mississippi with oil money.

@widescreennavel - 28.09.2024 05:34

Southern California built two stages of the Saturn 5; in Seal Beach and Huntington Beach, I was there.

@marc-andrebrunet5386 - 03.10.2024 08:26

I did found your channel because of my curiosity for NASA's Gemini space program !
✨Here is an high-quality channel✨
Thanks 😊👍

@theresa42213 - 13.10.2024 18:13

Right out of the gate ....The right music. Space Ambient is lovely.

@fazefake6498 - 15.10.2024 22:38

Awesome documentary!

@Gh.6626 - 17.10.2024 07:22

Amazing production! Could you enable auto generated English CC for all of your videos?

@clydebear6914 - 22.10.2024 06:32

History.....real history.

@WarrenAdams-s4e - 23.10.2024 09:18

Insanity anybody that likes this s*** is sick in the head you really need help if you like nuclear weapons

@kylesundell1554 - 31.10.2024 06:37

Only 80k subs is truly ABSOLUTELY not okay should have atleast 1M

@Ellwoodsss1 - 01.11.2024 02:40

These documentaries bring me light and hope in some very dark and hopeless times in my life. Thank you so much for your efforts and God bless

@forrestmorrisey - 09.11.2024 05:39

Hey buddy, would you be able to turn on or figure out something with your video settings to enable Auto-generated captions?

@statzuno - 09.11.2024 08:20

I always thought Gemini was the most interesting NASA program. The Rubber Soul and Revolver of the series.

@GLK-London - 11.11.2024 02:16

These documentaries are just remarkable pieces of work sir! Thank you so much.

@DavidMartin-ym2te - 20.11.2024 22:37

Magnificent, Jackson. I have read and seen in my life time (I am 68) all of these history making events and you encapsulate the important bits so well. You are indeed a very talented fellow. This is what the internet (and You Tube) was invented for. Thank you.

@ALSNewsNow - 23.11.2024 19:07

Fantastic documentary

@ClaudiaCarranza1 - 25.11.2024 21:12

Good afternoon JT. Been a while. I'm still rewatching; these videos are so comforting now. I finshed a sweater for a friend, cleaned up my kitchen, and am now resting with work on my husband's armor before going to the grocery store. Hope all is well with you and yours. Happy Autumn Holidahs.

@knightwatchman - 30.11.2024 03:42

Being employed at IBM in Florida, during the years 1987 - 1993 I supported NASA and had three other contractor accounts to cover; Lockheed Space Operations, who's IT offices and computers were housed right in the VAB, McDonnell Douglas Missile Systems and Johnson Controls. I also spent a month working at the Michoud Assembly Facility assisting their IT people with installations of IBM PCs, even though I was a mainframe guy. At the VAB I was astounded to see completely assembled space shuttles just hung on the walls like they were toys/models. The VAB is that big. At Michoud (at that time) they assembled the space shuttles external fuel tanks. They then shipped them across the Gulf to Tampa where they were put on trains and railed over to the KSC. I still have my security badge for access into the VAB. They never asked me to return it. I spent 32 years at IBM, retiring in 2019.

@jeromewagschal9485 - 06.12.2024 04:10

I was so relieved to see the continuation of your amazing documentary...
When the last one ended it left me wanting more...
Documentaries can sometimes be boring but you managed to inject life into them...
That and the choice of music gave me ( and everyone else ) an incredibly fascinating experience...
Thank you so much 👍👍👍

@bogbody9952 - 09.12.2024 15:14

The most incredible and interesting time in American history, the space race, Cold war, Nazi science, defeating communism, moon landing--its fascinating and the story is as beautiful as the pictures they brought home.

@acebubbles5023 - 11.12.2024 09:55

i wish i wasn’t poor i’d 100% get on your patrion i watch these like multiple times a year

@MrJonathanm50 - 11.12.2024 11:48

Excellent production!

@chrismead3150 - 12.12.2024 17:19

To the creator..... don't think no one caught where you used some music from Morrowind in there 😂😂😂 I love it ....

Seriously, I wish I had found these sooner....this series is the most excellent, well researched play by play of the early space program I have ever seen, by far.

@joeoconnor5400 - 13.12.2024 20:02

It is a shame and something of a disgrace that afro ameican Ed White never made it to the final group. Apparently Chuck Yaeger had blocked his progress. Deke Slayton blatantly lied to the press that no Black individual had been trained for the space programme. Secondly, Buzz Aldrin does not get enough credit for advancing the development of walking in space.

@bulgieR - 26.12.2024 13:03

I was a big Space fan during those years, if for no other reason than that my dad worked at Rocketdyne. Hardly anyone else in my "orbit" knew diddly about it back then, but I was as consumed as a little kid could be. These documentaries bring it all back, in greater detail than I was ever able to follow it back then. So entertaining! Please don't stop!

@peakinout1 - 29.12.2024 12:17

One of the best doco's

@Drgonzosfaves - 30.12.2024 20:50

And congrats for the one million views.

@sheldonneeley1902 - 01.01.2025 03:34

Scrolled for awhile and not one compliment of Skyrim on first manned flight. Epic.

@sreed8570 - 01.01.2025 17:03

If humanity put as much effort and resources into space exploration as we do into find new and innovative ways to kill one another we'd have left our own solar system by now.

@francisdexaviermaurinus4695 - 05.01.2025 11:04

At 40.00 mins I dont see Neil Armstrong

@philsharp758 - 08.01.2025 22:08

This a superb documntary. I really appreciate the time and effort required to find the archive voice and visual footage and edit it together along with the suitable music. Bravo !!

@CHRB-nn6qp - 08.01.2025 22:40

That Gemini 1 launch sequence was beautiful. I can't stop replaying it lmao

@Firebrand55 - 08.01.2025 23:22

Want hot, precise gen on Projects Mercury and Gemini?...look no further; they're here, in brilliant detail, a celebration of the dawn of the Great Manned Space Age!

@IouiS82 - 16.01.2025 09:46

Worn by my father,Palistine,grandfather,Gallipoli and Flanders, then Singapore.

@jonathanmendoza742 - 17.01.2025 02:04

Well detailed ...well presented one of the best space documentary ive ever seen

@billakers6082 - 17.01.2025 09:11

I grew up during the early days of the space program and pursued aviation, hoping to become an astronaut. I changed direction by becoming an airline pilot as it was predicted that airliners would become suborbital and also paid a lot more than being an astronaut. The scrapping of the US supersonic program eliminated any chance of suborbital airliners during my lifetime. I retired from a major and never regretted it. This is hands down the best doc on the space program.

@RobertBush-cb1gz - 19.01.2025 21:50

Funny how the same people who killed Kennedy used his death to advance what they wanted to advance at the beginning but would never have been able to fund otherwise. - Of course we also had to beat the USSR to the Moon , a mission Kennedy had been talking about being a cooperation between the USA and the USSR - KENNEDY was threatening cash flows -- He had to go to let Johnson in and carry on with the War machinary of which our space program was always a planned part of.

@johnnycollins1476 - 21.01.2025 17:37

The only other program that is as good as this is Bill Whittle's "Apollo 11" from his What We Saw series. Both are outstanding!

@MrSkipper13 - 26.01.2025 03:55

Thank you for using the right kind of music( for I happen to be a music snob!!).❤

@TamaraBuchnet - 26.01.2025 04:49

What happened to the black astronaut. He was part of the original group.Nobody ever talks about that.That's the hush-hush secret of america.

@perryschuckman6091 - 02.02.2025 01:07

Finished Mercury, now almost done with Gemini 1. Excellent series. One thought, I had to do some research on the pictures of Earth from Gemini 3 .... particularly challenging to find the one desert image. Turns out it was because of perspective. It is of the Southeast Arabian Peninsula... except upside down when compared to our north/south globe perspective. Excellent job!!! And appreciate the shout-outs to the Hutchinson, KS Cosmosphere. Not quite the Museum of Cosmonautics, but one does not have to fly to Moscow to see the great middle of the U.S. space gem.

@9bang88 - 12.02.2025 00:10

Why did we need black females to do mathematical calculations, the soviets seemed to do just fine with slavic personnel.

@Stephan-bro - 27.02.2025 15:22

USA before: we will defeat Russia
USA now: Russians scared us, help

@gordondafoe3516 - 28.02.2025 03:04

It still pains me to see Gus Grissom's face, 58 years after "the fire". It was like losing a family member when he died. I had followed the space program since John Glenn in '62, and Gus was my favorite. What a smile!

@sgt524 - 28.02.2025 20:22

I was Seven years old, this was just the best
