Consumer Psychology: More jobs than you realize

Consumer Psychology: More jobs than you realize

Psy vs. Psy

3 года назад

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@gabrielagrassi8237 - 04.02.2022 07:45

Finally, something informative about the field

@darkacademiatv - 24.04.2022 19:53

I’m currently earning my masters in marketing and I realized that I actually want to be a consumer psychologist, not marketer. So now I’m left with the task of trying to figure out the next best move to be on the right path to becoming a consumer psychologist

@jazminfregoso1167 - 07.09.2022 05:45

I just graduated from Psychology and I wanna be a consumer psychologist but there´s no many information about this field compared to others and that demotivated me a little bit. Thank you very much for your video ! (:

@EuTomcosta - 20.02.2023 03:37


@kissmeimrich5815 - 13.03.2023 08:34

I’m in the retail industry and this topic has always sat with me when I started my journey in my career. But I’m waking up to what is truly going on and i want to make a difference. Thank you for researching and making this video!

@dearbrave4183 - 18.08.2023 10:18

Thank you for this video ❤ do you have any recommendations for the best universities or colleges to study a masters degree in consumer psychology?
