TAPCO SKS 20 Round Mag Rapid Fire

TAPCO SKS 20 Round Mag Rapid Fire


18 лет назад

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@HCDDWarhero - 05.11.2009 03:16

The ak47's design started being made by Mikhail Kalashnikov in 1944 and was finish in 1946 it was put in service in 1949. The SKS was made in 1944 as well but was finish in 1944. So technically the SKS was made first. The SKS was designed by Sergei Gavrilovich Simonov. Both AK, and SKS were originated in the Soviet Union. Check out my vid on the SKS if you get the time.

@xB1GB3Nx - 07.11.2009 06:42

That is the nicest sks I have ever seen.

@Alexn1067 - 07.11.2009 11:13

not exactly, but they are the best. out of 260 rounds fired out of my sks, I had 3 stoppages. Minor shit, 1 stove pipe and the other 2 were failure to feed due to double feeding. shooting with its origional internal mag, I have never once had a stoppage.

@LLCoolPass - 26.11.2009 10:26

what was the question ???

@LLCoolPass - 26.11.2009 11:29

sigh, in a SHTF , think RAMBO

@Fried_PenguinWings - 26.11.2009 23:39

@thejmeister88 actually, its a Yugoslavian SKS M59/66. It's just had the bayonet, grenade launcher, and the ladder sight for the grenade launcher removed.

@HCDDWarhero - 25.02.2010 03:58

@ARTONY92 Yes it's official/

@DerKrieger107 - 05.03.2010 02:50

I believe Tapco don't make 30 rounders because they are unreliable.

@lamerthan69lol - 09.03.2010 20:26

I'm keeping my SKS original,..

@maqnchs - 19.05.2010 02:49

Any problems with that 20 round mag? I hear the 30 rounder is problematic.

@simpleman1776 - 22.05.2010 04:40

@Dilliboy63 ha ha ha , I have the aks version and a 100 round drum on it, it takes ak-47 mags. suks to be you.

@ELITEHAMSTER123 - 24.05.2010 05:39

@ARTONY92 amen...

@BlackSabbath1204 - 19.06.2010 23:23

@TacticalAngel86 they do

@BlackSabbath1204 - 20.06.2010 07:22

@TacticalAngel86 You never said tapco lol

@foughtwolf - 04.08.2010 13:31

@esh325 Maybe if its a real Russian one, but how many Bubbuhs are going to shell out 500 for a Russian when 250 will get a Chinese mutt?

@ELITEHAMSTER123 - 07.09.2010 07:05

@CHOSENMARINE You would be suprised. I have that style mount on my sks and mosin nagant and I actually find it a whole lot easier to aim with it in that configuration than up in my face.

@ELITEHAMSTER123 - 07.09.2010 07:08

@airsofter95062 Thats the standard price here in kalifornia. A really good price is 250 but thats virtually nonexistant nowdays. sks requires much more practice to become effecient than an ak-47 (but oh so worth it) :)

@ELITEHAMSTER123 - 10.09.2010 06:19

@airsofter95062 From what i experienced, both are equally as reliable. If you can get an ak go for it because those are rare here.

@machinegun911 - 10.10.2010 03:52

When it comes to 7.62x54 ammo I dont know what would hurt more your shoulder or your wallet

@machinegun911 - 11.10.2010 23:34

@PaleHorseWC2 I will admit your right on the Mosin the recoil ain't that bad but here in missouri its a pain to find good 7.62x54 ammo exspecialy hunting rounds

@xxllmm4 - 15.11.2010 21:30

These Tapco mags are the ONLY ones that work 100% of the time. Now its time to make the 30rd version !! They make 5, 10, 15 and 20 round mags in 3 colors???? Come on put out a 30 !!!

@ZylarB - 28.12.2010 20:33

When I was born my dad already had me a soviet sks I put a tapco on it yesterday when I get an optical set up I'll do a vid

@CharlieDoan - 24.01.2011 11:48

How good is your front scope???and what kind is that? Thanks for INFOS.

@taylorboi6 - 28.03.2011 02:31

how much would that gun be?

@damon323 - 16.06.2011 03:30

@wootfortoot Why not man?? Believe me, I love the original look with the wood finish cause my Norinco SKS is in perfect condition. That's why Im putting the Tapco stock on it and setting aside the original Stock and other parts so I can reverse it back whenever, and they will still be in great condition.

@Hectheprotector - 16.07.2011 01:48

Nice SKS, clean Tapco.

@IceTrey98c - 30.07.2011 06:44


@utubecenseorstruth - 09.08.2011 07:20

do all sks models accept the larger cap mags you can put in like this? My budget is tight, but I dont want one I have to use stripper clips on top for.

@pidner - 24.08.2011 06:35

I put the TAPCO on my Chinese SKS and added a compensator and I have very little recoil now,it makes linning up the next shot a breeze.

@Hucker2.1 - 10.09.2011 07:20

is it just me or is that thing really quite?

@Inuited - 28.09.2011 09:26

Was the bolt held open by pushing the BHO catch upward manually before loading? My Yugo with a Tapco T6 is incapable of holding the bolt back unless a mag is already inserted...

@xDASSLERx - 20.01.2012 21:02

just got the same stock! should be here soon! Will these fit my Russian 1954?

@severzero - 20.02.2012 08:30

Will this magazine work in a Russian sks? The place where i buy my mags from says no.

@tapco - 06.07.2012 23:52

You have to do some filing to the magazine to make it work in a Russian. It will not work out of the package. For more details, contact our customer service department and they will walk you through it. Thanks!

@Realitystrength - 24.08.2012 23:21

why is it such low recoil?

@JDsgreatz28 - 24.12.2012 08:10

i had issues with them, they wouldnt feed fast enough, they sent me 3 replacements and no luck. i just got another one, i took it apart and stretched the spring out twice its normal length and its working like a champ now, my 30rd target sports steel mag is still better and takes stripper clips and the old USA MAG ones are the best just very hard to find.the factory 10rd internal is still the most reliable, a little dirt or mud in these tapco's ad they are done, i like my tapco t6 stock though.

@timmy101able - 30.12.2012 11:11

Does this fire 7.62x39?

@408madman - 31.12.2012 06:01

They work perfect on both my russian sks

@WalrusLord756 - 11.01.2013 21:33

What color is this stock? I want one in this color.

@tapco - 07.02.2013 17:35

The color is dark earth. Visit our website, choose the stock you're looking for, and click the color options. You'll see it listed there. Thank you for choosing TAPCO!

@WalrusLord756 - 08.02.2013 02:28

I already have a black one. Probably going to order one in this color though. Great product!!!

@tapco - 04.03.2013 18:00

This is dark earth. We sell them in black, dark earth, and olive drab.

@tapco - 04.03.2013 18:01

That would be illegal. So unless our friends to the north change the gun laws, no.

@Finnv893 - 16.04.2013 13:23

yes you can, but it would be pinned to five round, hell you can even buy a pinned 75 drum mag.

@TheDigitalNecro - 27.06.2013 00:48

Bought one today, so far it seems to work just fine, I'd like it if I could top it off with stipper clips, but overall, its not a bad magazine for what it is, I'll keep using it.

@Hidensee - 14.03.2016 01:05

Hello, I have a question. I am a legally owner of SKS simonov in my Country ( Czech republic, EU). In my country it is possibility legally buying and import a weapon parts like your T6 Stock system or magazines even from U.S.. It is possible a buying your Ancestry and send it ro my Country?

@Donutkommando - 18.05.2021 02:03

Come back tapco. We miss you

@guerom1367 - 26.01.2022 15:07

I miss tapco

@Donutkommando - 23.08.2022 22:57

Please Come back tapco

@CEOofTrains - 28.02.2025 05:10

me and the boys on Factory when Tagilla rounds the corner
