Hardcover Haul #11 - Marvel Omnibus Unboxing

Hardcover Haul #11 - Marvel Omnibus Unboxing

Beta Ray Jim

3 года назад

423 Просмотров

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@Ringmaster138 - 27.01.2022 19:18

Nice haul. I missed out on Savage Sword and Conan Vol 1 omnis which is why I never picked up any of these omnis other than the Busek one. Hope they reprint both Vol 1s soon.

@ComicsGranPa - 28.01.2022 00:37

Woo-hoo!New Warriors!i got the (ugly) Scottie Young cover just recently!And Hulk and Conan👌👌🔥i even liked the Jurgens Cap but i read that in tpbs )) enjoy!

@skut9 - 28.01.2022 16:19

Nice haul. Really need that Peter David Hulk. Those future imperfect issues are fun and would like to sit with them again so I don't have to pull out my flops lol

@tulpfiction9522 - 28.05.2022 05:25

I just got the full single issue run a week ago

@tulpfiction9522 - 28.05.2022 05:29

Hulk for 23 with the man thing cover is one of my fav

@tulpfiction9522 - 28.05.2022 05:31

How do you organize your omnibus collection on your shelves

@tulpfiction9522 - 28.05.2022 05:32

Have you gotten the mutant massacre yet? That was my latestone
