7-year-old Skylar Blu WOWS with contemporary dance | Auditions | BGT 2022

7-year-old Skylar Blu WOWS with contemporary dance | Auditions | BGT 2022

Britain's Got Talent

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@starrmonique - 02.03.2025 19:13

Wow ❤❤
That girl

@ZamaMamba-m2x - 01.03.2025 13:04

Love you❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

@VickieHeavens-q6v - 28.02.2025 22:04

Big apple

@geri0756 - 28.02.2025 18:35


@EmmanuelJoseph-bo9jy - 18.02.2025 14:35


@Naomie-40 - 17.02.2025 20:43


@OnumaduChinasa - 16.02.2025 22:43

I! love this girl

@johnmwangi1472 - 15.02.2025 22:44


@CINEMAEXPERTS-f1t - 14.02.2025 22:41


@teresiamunyiva8020 - 14.02.2025 22:07

My girl needs to join this classes

@NatashaNosibusisoNdwandwe-g3x - 13.02.2025 18:34


@Mesha0690 - 13.02.2025 03:24


@JaniceAmand - 13.02.2025 01:40

Beautiful work and 🎉ooo

@kelkel668 - 12.02.2025 03:45

It should be three years

@Melissamantar-j9l - 09.02.2025 09:11

𝓐𝓫𝓫𝔂 𝓵𝓮𝓮 𝓶𝓲𝓵𝓵𝓮𝓻 𝓲 𝓯𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓭 𝓾 𝓪 𝓷𝓮𝔀 𝓝𝓲𝓪

@Hallelujah333 - 08.02.2025 17:09

God bless everyone who's hurt, or needed His help. I hope they can recover in His name! ​To be honest, i never really had a good childhood. I experience depression many times, lust, and etc.. But guess what? HE STILL CARED FOR ME! EVEN YOU. HE LOVES YOU. He even saw me sinning, YET HE STILL FORGIVED ME. Please repent because it might be too late. LIFE CAN BE HARD, BUT HE'S STILL HERE TO HELP YOU.
Listen. I do adultery when i was a child, cuz of worldly things. Then i experience depression on 7. Then i keep thinking about wrong things at 8 and 9. And..God helped me again.
He gave me the happiness i never think i could have. I prayed, fasted. And he asnwered my prayers.
He helped me on hard times
He gave me the ability, and talent i always prayed for.

Yet i used the writing talent from God, the wrong way.

Yet i keep covet, because the hobby He gave wasn't enough.

Sometimes i can fail, and just want things other people have. Sometimes I'm not grateful.

But He still helped me, again.

And that's His love for us. He saw you sin, yet still forgived us. We treated Him like a toy, and fail him. He already died on the cross for us.

Yet we keep sinning.

Please stop failling Him, people. We got the love we don't even deserve. He still helped us.


I repented many times, and sometimes i can fail. But that doesn't mean God will just leave you, because you sinned "too much", or whatever. He will try to help you, and you need to listen. Even though if there's ups, and down, i know we all can do it. We can do anything through God, everything is possible.
Don't fall for the tricks from the devil. Don't do worldly things. Faith without works is dead. Repent before it's too late, because it might be too late. Don't focus when will salvation happened, instead, focus on God more. Fast, pray, do His commands. Trust, and it will happened. Anything compared to God's love, is nothing. He will help you if you're depressed.

There's things that Christians should NOT say, for example ; i swear, i can't, what the -, bad words, mocking His name, oh my (-.) (God's name), saying His name in vain, judging people, lying, karma, lucky, etc. These are not allowed, and is breaking God's rules.
Also as an Christian, we must be patient, care and love for each other, spread gospel, respect (other religion, people, parents, anything.), not jealous, and humble. [Going to church is important, it can help your faith. Because social as an Christian is pretty important. There's important things you might find out, that you didn't know from the Bible.]
And even smallest things! Wait for people who's talking to complete what they're saying, helping someone who needed our help, invite someone to go to church. Don't be afraid to spread the gospel, i used to experience that, but it can save someone who needed His help. You can practice love, by helping your parents/doing their commands, pray for people who needs it ; even your enemies. Doing these is the same as loving God.

Don't let talents, electric things (phone, tv, whatever), lust / adultery, other god, and etc above God! I know it might be hard, but we need to stop. How? Pray to God to give the things you needed to stop doing the sins, ask Him to help you, and fast, and you can spend your free time spending with family, and fast.

Don't make harsh jokes that might hurt someone, or dirty jokes, etc

Don't covet / don't be jealous. We need to learn to be grateful for what God have given us.

Don't be greedy, spare for people who needed these. And it can hurt people too.

Don't lie, spread rumors. We need to be careful by what we're gonna say

Careful with what we're seeing, saying, hearing, doing, or whatever.

Be humble / don't do pride

Close the door when you're about to pray, or fast.

Don't be addicted, or do adultery. Adultery is doing something dirty. Addicted can be about your electrical things, alcohol, dru*s, smoking.

Be careful and don't try to say other god's name. And dont praise other god than Him.

Don't kill innocent people

• Good deeds won't take you to heaven. •

Let God do the work sometimes

Don't believe in luck or karma

Don't lie. • It will not end good. • Even if it hurts, it makes you closer to God.

Don't be lazy. Don't sleep too much, don't play mobile too long.

If you're sad, or feel like you're going to do something wrong. Immediately pray to God! Ask for help!
Remember, we can't do things without God. Every asnwer to do things is God. We can't repent without His name.
Please repent before it's too late.
If you're sad, He's always here.
If you're sick, may God heal you.
• Please don't give up. Venting to God can help. Life can be hard sometimes, and I'm sorry if you're struggling. •
He loves you no matter what.
If you repent, He will forgive you.
We need to let the past be the past, and change ourselves for God.
Don't compare anyone, or even yourself.
We all have worth
No one is perfect except God.

We need His help

God bless you :)

Spread the gospel, everyone. Don't be afraid. Because it might save someone.everyone please repent before it's too late and God loves you all btw and if you're sad pray to God!! 😊

@leahleah7249 - 07.02.2025 09:37

Precious baby😭❤️🫶

@leahleah7249 - 07.02.2025 09:36

Aww that mama is so proud. 🎉❤

@MoutianSquatch - 03.02.2025 00:32


@paulinegarandia-marasha8293 - 02.02.2025 14:17


@JackGreen-r9n - 01.02.2025 17:56

She's fit

@MissSabinee - 01.02.2025 12:30


@nomasomisimanye9822 - 01.02.2025 11:11


@SaviollaDzimbiri - 31.01.2025 23:53

Very nice

@Donathamusaniwabo-c5c - 31.01.2025 07:53

I feel that she has to win

@nyangaedmondpius2412 - 28.01.2025 20:30

Like it ❤

@Etieno-v3h - 28.01.2025 19:47


@DanjumaDanbeki - 27.01.2025 00:30

So Beautiful And Intresting❤❤❤

@SamieDee-m2o - 23.01.2025 16:28

I wish it was me 🎉😂😂❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉

@deniqueconner8298 - 23.01.2025 01:43

She's so cute oh my gosh and but she was shot😢🎉😊

@OusiMosebekwa-r2n - 22.01.2025 17:33

Me you😂 why are you laughing me too I want to laugh

@MajuRJG - 20.01.2025 22:25

Who here in 2025? Happy New year

@mumbasimwinga3591 - 18.01.2025 23:45

I'm here 😊🎉

@mumbasimwinga3591 - 18.01.2025 23:41

Very talented l love her already ❤❤❤❤

@sallymahmoudabdelaziz6962 - 17.01.2025 15:53

I love this so so much 🎉🎉❤❤

@kennyrose - 16.01.2025 14:02

I'm actually crying she's so cute 🥺

@OlamilekanOladimeji-c4r - 15.01.2025 17:48

She doesn’t look like she is 5 years old abeg

@HassanAwale-n3w - 14.01.2025 18:41


@HassanAwale-n3w - 14.01.2025 18:40


@kanchanagoonawardena2744 - 14.01.2025 18:30

@quianawright3074 - 12.01.2025 04:57

I now girls

@ClaudiaKrichbaumer - 10.01.2025 23:38

So a süsse Prinzessin🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤❤top Leistung

@SarahKyles-g7j - 10.01.2025 04:48

My name is Skylar and I like Britney gots talent 😂

@DamifeKybathy - 09.01.2025 21:10

❤it so beautiful 💖

@kimjaiser5507 - 09.01.2025 20:51

Anyone here in 2025

@hiruninadeesha9450 - 09.01.2025 19:43

❤ ❤ ❤ ❤❤❤❤❤❤

@AphiweMagagula-p8x - 09.01.2025 13:07

Impressive Skylar❤🎉🎉

@estherkantengwa8672 - 09.01.2025 11:13

Who's here in 2025😂

@joebrice7793 - 06.01.2025 21:41

Bgt is such a big place for a diddly thing i would be terrified to perform up front of like 100000😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮
