2013-2015 Ram 6.7 cummins diesel code P2280 and air filter service message

2013-2015 Ram 6.7 cummins diesel code P2280 and air filter service message

MotorCity Mechanic

9 лет назад

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@mikeboxler759 - 05.06.2018 02:10

anyone ever get a p229E and p229F codes?

@CodytheFordGuy - 09.06.2018 07:52

i have a volant intake and this is constantly happening, clean filter, no boost leaks anywhere, any ideas fellas?

@nagazinafireworks7594 - 24.06.2018 13:10

Is there also a fome filter deeper in that pipe? or no? Thanks

@johnlovethatsme1047 - 01.10.2018 21:40

Keep getting the "service air filter" I've checked the fender tube and it's fine. I've also checked the air filter and it's good. Could it be the actuator for the air box doors? What is the name for that actuator? Thank you for your time

@gfrost36 - 27.02.2019 02:55

2017 ram 6.7 code p2281 air leak. Mass air sensor, map sensor, intercooler, and EGR have all been changed by the dealership. Smoke tested. Not leaks. Loosing my mind.

@tomhat9668 - 03.03.2019 03:28

I have a 2013 ram 6.7l no codes but keep getting check air filter and chime coming on any idea what to look for ? Thank you

@LenardEaster - 18.03.2019 22:01

In your video the truck doesn't have the OEM fender flares. Mine does, will I need to remove those to get to the hose? If so, what product do you suggest to put them back on?
Thank you.
Your videos have been very helpful to me.

@t_dogg8097 - 02.04.2019 23:14

This rocks. I can't thank you enough.

@deant876 - 03.04.2019 15:57

I just bought a 14' ram 3500 DRW with 75,000 miles. When I took it for a test drive the service air flutter message popped up. Took it back to the dealer and the service guy got mad at the salesperson saying that they just serviced it. Mechanic said well it only does it at full throttle. I said so fix it. It was the flex pipe that sucked in on itself. An hour later I was on my way home with my new (to me) truck.

@jet0577 - 20.05.2019 22:32

I dug deep and found this in a tread. I have a 2013 with 62k miles. Could this have gone bad already??? "The solution to the Service Air-Filter message and CEL was to change the lower air-filter box. It seems that the servo motor attached to it, that activates the gate that changes the airflow from the grill to under the hood, thinks that the gate has not opened or closed, the signal is interpreted as a restriction or a leak in the intake system." Thoughts??

@PaulCTownsend - 26.05.2019 00:21

Good job

@PaulCTownsend - 26.05.2019 00:26

What's the purpose for dual intake in the housing????

@bdbmanny1687 - 25.06.2019 22:35


@brianpope4764 - 01.08.2019 23:49

Been to dealership twice under warrenty. Fixed in 10 min. went thru light bulb door drilled 2 holes in duct with pocket knife. thanks

@ElliottMorris - 05.10.2019 04:11

This video was a huge help to us. We were 3000+ miles from home when we got the error message. Our intake tube looked almost identical, very collapsed. Thank you for putting out this video!

@Yangar03 - 21.11.2019 00:44

Thank you!

@Cristian13226 - 04.12.2019 04:15

Perfect fixed my problem right away! My old one was beyond salvageable. Cut it off where you recomended and plan to either install a whole new cold air intake or add a peice of rubber hose possibly just incase pvc would rattle? Thank you again though. Do you recall what size diameter the hose is roughly?

@nbookie - 30.01.2020 02:17

I found my intake "dryer" hose in the box against air filter today. I cut it off and put some heavy screen mesh over the opening on the fender side. Secured with clamp.

@31jclo - 18.02.2020 06:01

One more time You saved my day with this video AGAIN, thx for all your videos👍🏼

@pauldavidthehebrew - 02.03.2020 19:45

Removed the “dryer vent” hose, checked everything else and still getting the service air filter, about every 2 minutes, going nuts! Any other ideas of what it might be. Truck runs fine.

@ronlynn4617 - 08.03.2020 05:11

Bingo!!! Pulled the fender liner on my 2013 Ram 2500 today and the hose was essentially flat. Cut it off, replaced the liner, cleared the code and drove it like a "madman " for about 45 minutes. Never popped the code again and had been doing it everytime I gave it more than half throttle. Thanks for the excellent video.

@TheEdisse - 01.04.2020 01:10

Thank you, i drive a 5500 and had this message this morning, after watching your breakdown, im going with aftermarket.

@ramiromartinez9294 - 23.04.2020 14:33

Sure saved me lots off money by see you r video 😁😁😁👍

@BigB-lt4ik - 08.06.2020 02:26

I have a 2018 Ram 2500 6.7. I have been getting a "service air filter" message, and today it threw a code, P227F. I cant find that code anywhere. Any ideas?

@6KING6PITBULL6 - 07.08.2020 19:56

Amazing, saved me from going to the dealership and a bunch of money !!! You definitely have a new sub

@Catch_The_Irishman - 09.12.2020 22:31

I had this exact problem. It was in fact the fender Rambox hose. My 2013 2500 has an access port in the fender well for the headlight. I could reach through that access port and remove the brittle collapsed hose from the ram box. Problem solved. No need to remove anything if you have the access panel. Thank you!

@thetechguy600 - 21.03.2021 05:21

Hi there. What size are the Christmas tree fasteners in the wheel well liner?

@bigd8812 - 30.04.2021 16:58

Bought my 2018 ram dually for hotshot. Has 200k on it. After 2 weeks it’s struggling on inclines. It has a perform service light on and check engine on it. Any ideas what’s making the truck lose power?

@konradhoffmann9556 - 03.06.2021 15:43

Thank you again sir! If I could subscribe again, I would. ;)

@leemorrell6399 - 03.07.2021 03:29

My tube got sucked into the airbox. It came apart like a toilet paper roll core does. i tore it all off but there was a plastic brace that went around the end of the ducting. basically a plastic band. do you think the plastic piece coming out of the air box will have enough support if i leave the ducting off?

@leeannameador3983 - 30.07.2021 00:50

Thank you David very helpful for two girls.

@mred7165 - 20.09.2021 04:47

I would like to say that after 45 years of working on internal combustion engines from weed eaters to fighter jets and class 8 trucks to feller bunchers this man should look into being an instructor. He is articulate, knowledgeable and thorough. Kudos to you and your education. You will be a great success in your career.

@simonmatthew4553 - 05.11.2021 16:18

Thanks bud 👍. I will definitely put a mesh screen on mine

@reloading123 - 15.11.2021 20:35

Great vid. I only wish you showed the other inlet too plus how to clear the code.

@tomsommer54 - 14.01.2022 16:39

David, does this procedure go for 2017 Ram 3500 6.7 as well? I have service air filter on and I changed the filter.

@donnycook9096 - 17.06.2022 01:00

Would this give you a P2881 code as well?

@lvtmnts - 10.01.2023 04:39


@lvtmnts - 10.01.2023 04:44

Thank You, well explained. I did cars for 34 years but out of the business for 16 and haven't kept up and mostly did Peugeot, VW, Merceds and Cadillac diesels. Didn't do a lot of diesels at my shop for 28 years. Its nice to be able to look something up, see how it works and issues by an actual knowledgeable tech. Was able to easily find the problem fix it and erase the codes test drive and all good now!!!!! 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

@Inacoma989 - 25.01.2023 01:07

I have a 2014 Ram 5500 and I love all your videos! I have your brake change in my watch list as I'm going to do brakes on the truck next year

@johnmcenroe1957 - 21.02.2023 18:03

Can someone please help me I accidentally broke the linkage that connects the two doors does anyone know where I can find one??

@jamessutherland5107 - 18.03.2023 18:00

Awesome, thanks. Liked and subscribed

@stevengraves6375 - 07.05.2023 14:49

My linkage keeps popping off n sucking my intake hose. I have to pull the truck over n take it apart. Anyone know why the linkage between the 2 doors pops off and how do I fix it

@LoveRain-y4q - 01.08.2023 00:56

Hi! Is this the same for 2018 year ? Thanks

@VinceClark-w2d - 06.09.2023 20:37

After replacing the air filter do I have to reset the code or should it automatically stop going off?

@walkingdeadalphaCO - 27.11.2023 12:55

Could this also be some of the issues for a 2011 as well?

@hciii7419 - 09.02.2024 04:03

Does the 2012 2500 ram have this hose as well?

@poop7217 - 02.05.2024 20:21

Hey so what is the problem if the box and intakes are all in good shape? Bad sensor?

@RoadTraveler - 07.05.2024 04:10


@RoadTraveler - 07.05.2024 04:10

