Johnny D's Auto Video | Automotive Services in Henderson

Johnny D's Auto Video | Automotive Services in Henderson


54 года назад

403 Просмотров

Servicing Southern Nevada's automotive industry since 1999, Johnny D's Auto, Inc services all makes and models of vehicles...AND is the ONLY authorized DAEWOO dealer in Nevada! The least expensive service you can invest in is the service you need. Proper diagnosis and a good inspection to identify the minor issues before they become major problems. We have pride in our ability to find the problem first. At Johnny D's, we have the people and equipment to do the job right. Honesty and integrity are one of the reasons we have such a great reputation. All vehicles, both foreign and domestic are serviced at Johnny D's. We welcome desert and off road racing vehicles as well as Classic vehicles and Street Rods. Sand and buggy, truck and car, if it goes off road or on road, and is need of repair, we will help!


Auto Repair, Auto Services, Electrical Systems, Engine Repairs, Regularly Scheduled Maintenance, Exhaust Systems, Cooling Systems, AC, Heaters, Windows, Tire Mount and Balance, Tire Rotations, Collision Repair, Oil Changes, Fuel Injectors, Spark Plug, Battery, Hoses, Belts, Timing Belts, Auto Care, Foreign, Domestic Cars, Alignment, Brakes, Batteries, Radiators, Transmission, Clutch Work, Henderson, Nevada, KLAS


#Datasphere #Video #Auto_Repair #Auto_Services #Electrical_Systems #Engine_Repairs #Exhaust_Systems #Cooling_Systems #AC #Heaters #Windows #Tire_Mount_and_Balance #Tire_Rotations #Collision_Repair #Oil_Changes #Fuel_Injectors #Spark_Plug #Battery #Hoses #Belts #Timing_Belts #Auto_Care #Foreign #Domestic_Cars #Alignment #Brakes #Batteries #Radiators #Transmission #Clutch_Work #Henderson #Nevada #KLAS
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