wow he has overcome a lot
Ответить@ Jack Sprat - why are you spewing such hate? Lots of people have trademarks. He doesn't look any different as ...always? I feel sorry for you, sitting behind your monitor with nothing better to do than make nasty comments.
ОтветитьUntil it happens to you, you have no ideal how much your life has completely changed no matter how hard to try to pretend that you are still the same person when that is the farthest from the truth. But to protect those you love you learn to cover up the severe damage it has caused you in your brain and thought process and how hard it is to pretend that you are your old self when you are so far from being the person you once were. Especially where you start getting Dementia and have to pretend that as had as it is that you can remember things that came to you once so easily but each day it gets worse and worse but it is a secret you have to hold inside of yourself to protect family and friends so they do not worry about you. It is a life long lifestyle that never gets better. All I can do is pray that is does not progress too fast and I can survive on my own for as long as possible and hide my pain and suffering from my family and friends.
ОтветитьI had one too just this past summer (2016), I'm one of the lucky people that have survived and I'm so thankful. I promised I am going to change to become a better person and make God proud of me.
Ответитьthank you so much for saying that because that is real talk!
ОтветитьI never knew this
Ответитьseems like a very humble person! also has my respect
ОтветитьI. Bret. Michaels. This. Is. Elizabeth. Gilsrud. From. Wyoming. I. Got. Your. Picture. On. Messager. You. Where. Showing. Me. You. Are. Going. On. Touer. In. April. 5. Of. This. Year. That. Is. Great. Babies. Keep. Rock in. You. Are. My. Rock. And. Roll. Man. I. Love. You. Like. I. Said. Happy. Centimes. Early. From. Elizabeth. Gilsrud. From. Wyoming.
ОтветитьWow this guy has lived 9 lives!
ОтветитьI had one in March 2019 and survived. After 6 months of intensive medical care as well as therapy and excellent home care I am well on the road to recovery too. Stay strong Brett, you have survived in excellent condition and will go on to do great things. Bless you!
ОтветитьHe has been through alot and so have I but his music kept me going I had back surgery and Achilles tendon surgery, thanks so much bret. You are awesome sauce.
ОтветитьI survived. Also. I was parlizwd4 yrs
ОтветитьI'm really glad he survived . I always find myself wanting to keep up with him..he ROCKS..such a gorgeous soul
ОтветитьAlways keep you and your daughters in my is life❤❤❤
ОтветитьHang in there l got your back
ОтветитьI had two brain unruptured aneurysms that were detected by accident. I didnt even know I had them. I was given the option of waiting or taking action. I chose taking action. Glad I did. Many people dont know they have them until they rupture. Not good. Diabetes is a big factor and so is stress that brings up your high blood pressure. If you keep getting headaches insist to your doctor to do imaging of your brain. If you have high blood pressure. Have it done too. Just my two cents worth.
ОтветитьGod bless u sir
ОтветитьMy mum had a haemorrhage this past week and she has been saying some weird things. She is completely normal as in she's already out of the ICU and is able to talk normally but she is very physically weak and some of the things she says either makes no sense or can't remember stuff she should know - is this normal? I know it has only been a week but it feels like a lifetime!
ОтветитьMy wife just had one after having our son a little over a week ago. She can open her eyes and move her hands. She can say a few words. I’m in America she’s in the Philippines. I have to wait another 2 weeks to see her and the baby. I couldn’t get an emergency plane ticket because all of my student loans went to her hospital bills. My life’s savings is in her Filipino account but she’s not well enough and no one can access it. My mind is going into some dark places. How long does recovery take? I mean as far as being at least maybe 75% present? It’s been like 9 days 😢
Ответить2020, massive brain bleed, keep pushing
ОтветитьBret is my hero I had 3 brain aneurysm
ОтветитьLove him
ОтветитьMy husband survived one in October 2015 and my son in November 2024🙏🏾
ОтветитьSurvivor of two. Massive brain surgeries. Let’s keep pushing.