Donald E. Scott: Examining Electric Plasma Discharge | Thunderbolts

Donald E. Scott: Examining Electric Plasma Discharge | Thunderbolts


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@barrydysert2974 - 24.05.2023 04:38


@receparik - 24.05.2023 18:27


@theoriginaltroll4truth - 25.05.2023 04:45

Gravity is pressure mediation, a consequence of being caught in the flow of uncompressed aether/space, which flows towards compressed aether/matter. More the matter, the greater the flow.

@jamesantonywhitehead2814 - 25.05.2023 08:54

Not my place, no such things as negative mass. I do not agree....
In observation there is always an opposite..
In that all our perspective is to substantiate what is there the observer is facing the opposite to what is not there. Observe from the nutural point and do not become distracted.

@bridittebargeot2679 - 26.05.2023 02:33

I have to start again from the beginning. I remember some things about electricity from school, but that's to high for me.
I still understand the underlying principles of the EU because they rely on common sense.
It truly changed my life because it brings everything together, like a puzzle. Even "ridicolous hocus-pocus" stuff like astrological signs or telepathy suddenly make sense. I call it the Buddhism of physics. Because you can understand instead of just believing, and when you start to understand, you have enough trust to continue trying to understand what you don't get yet because it always ends up making sense. RIP Wal, modern Galileo ❤
Thank all of you so much!

@OneCrazyDanish - 26.05.2023 12:29

Hi Dr. Scott, big fan of your work. I was wondering if you could do a video on how the electric sun model applies to the current status of BETELGEUSE (incl any effects of the galactic current sheet), which has many astronomers excited. Also, if anyone can elaborate on details of Wal's electric dipole gravity idea, it would be very helpful.

@SernasHeptaDimesionalSpace - 26.05.2023 12:30

In gravity our rocky planets add up to almost 26M/S2 and the out arealmost 52 so rocky planets are half the out side in gravity

@ryanwaldt1710 - 26.05.2023 21:10

I am having trouble understanding, what is the difference between high voltage plasma(farnsworth fusor, ionic wind ..ect 40kv and 10ma) and high amperage plasma(tig welder, plasma cutter, ...ect 50v and 500a) I am just trying to understand but I think I am missing something

@JamesWebbKilledTheBigBangStars - 27.05.2023 05:40

I think we have a troll problem.

@susmarcon - 27.05.2023 12:27

Welcome to the ian w show, where a self-proclaimed know it all gets to bash highly respected and knowledgeable individuals, who make him feel inadequate. Watch as this sad moron makes a fool of himself in front of thousands of normal people going about their lives. Laugh until your sides burst as you listen to endless regurgitation of spoon-fed information supplied by his mainstream handlers. Purportedly discovered abandoned and alone, he was raised by dinosaurs where he learned everything he knows. Be mesmerized by his completely predictable rehash of stuff that is being questioned even by his own side of the argument. Look, up in the sky, is it a bird? is it a plane? No its the flightless ian w, falling without style, and trying to fit back into a society that has moved on without him. Laugh or cry, you've got to hand it to him for giving us a great show every time he appears in a comment section near you. Let's hear it for little ian w ...... ha ha ha ha ha ha ha !

@albertperson4013 - 28.05.2023 19:16

The aether is the medium through which all magnetic fields propagate.

@linguisttwo - 29.05.2023 00:28

The universe is electric. Black holes in the kingdom of heaven DOESN'T EXIST! The kingdom of heaven is like God its infinite and eternal. Beyond most peoples comprehension. The only reason I comprehend is I died once after getting hung from a 277v lighting circuit and was brought back. I rode the lightning and it wasn't my fault. I love news from the electric universe. It's science is comprehendable and provable and based in logic not dogma. The only black hole is the black hole of abaddon aka hell. Black holes don't exist in heaven.

@dueldab2117 - 29.05.2023 14:15

If the sun is electric does that then mean that a nuclear explosion is electric also?

@shanealexander9952 - 30.05.2023 06:07

I just want to build a lightsaber

@RobertJames-v3h - 02.06.2023 23:00

Good Grief! Slow down the video. It was hard, if not impossible, to read!

@PhonyFisherman - 04.06.2023 05:03

Hi Dr. Scott, Thanks for the vid but I must ask... If I'm not mistaken, you state that the so-called gravitational effect doesn't have a repulsion mode/aspect. This contradicts Mr. Thornhill's (RIP) previous statements about how "gravity" has a repulsive aspect at different scales. Could you speak to that? Great video and a very new style. Cheers

@ydnartitcomb1 - 06.06.2023 10:13

Thank you

@cereshulme9105 - 06.06.2023 15:11

Have the TBP seen the sun and moon halos appearing around the world on a daily basis??

@Michaelmas68 - 13.06.2023 11:11

Wonderful 👌 now is the idea of the “atom” Theory or has the concept been proven to actually exist, ie: seen?

@multi_misa72 - 13.06.2023 23:55

Had to watch this again, thank you so much.

@uhadme - 19.06.2023 06:00

Coronal MASS Ejection
"they" know it had mass

@rubbercheck72 - 20.06.2023 14:07

Big Bang Theory is nothing more than an occult belief to explain away the existence of God so they can kneel at their own altar to worship themselves as gods. While they spew lies that it's "science" to the brainwashed masses in order to have their own congregation to worship them, hanging on every word they say.

@WillowUfgood - 25.06.2023 12:21

I don't think electrons actually move around the circuit either...although I understand that is different to a plasma.

@ken2391 - 07.07.2023 20:36

Didn't Wal Thornhill posit the idea of gravitational repulsion?

@blackeyesforyou - 13.07.2023 21:27

It may be time to change the structure of an atom. As above, so below. I don't believe an atom is round. They may be a torus shape. A mini solar system.

@Stadtpark90 - 31.07.2023 01:28

Hervorragend. / Outstanding presentation.

@caroline61804 - 05.08.2023 23:36

how to explain why electrons have no mass at rest. how does it fit in ur list of axioms definitions

@clayten1 - 29.09.2023 02:49

Thank you

@michaelarmstrong4033 - 23.10.2023 07:42

Got it , Thank you Donald...

@doctorwoowoo1465 - 24.10.2023 06:28

Excuse me... you just spent a alot of time attempting to explain the insignificance of the magnetic field, in this "story" . You most obviously do not see the inseparable relationship between magnetism and electricity!! Because if you did the 'flavor ' of your lecture would be utterly different.

@danith6827 - 25.10.2023 23:58

Ken P. Wealer as good theory on this

@primodernious - 07.11.2023 21:13

i think the concept of magnetic field lines is wrong. the reason i say this is that it only proves a incomplete understanding of magnetism as its a bad analogy. iron filings on a magnet only makes ferrous particles behave as magnets repelling each other in bands. the better way explain is to think of a magnetic field as two vortices that spin opposite to each other create a region in the center where the photons are repelled and attracted from top and bottom. you can simulate this using two propeller opposite to each other inside a grid and place paper strips on to the side and it will behave quite similar to iron filings around a magnet. the reason i say this is that the strength of the field possible is not proportional to the quantity of atoms making up the field as the field is not really made of atoms at all but is a cloud of photon in the quantum sea that is swirling in form of vortices created by a standing wave type resonance. magnetic fields does not really need matter to exist at all. they can be produced from a transmission directly inside a vacuum. just the right kind of resonance and it will produce magnetic field just like a permanent magnet would. people think that magnetism is a property of matter when in reality its a property of energy in empty space and when i say empty i only mean empty of matter not invisible space stuff.

@oldtimer7979 - 23.11.2023 00:22

Is betelgeuse in glow mode? If so, what next? arc mode, dark mode or nova?

@catsfive - 28.11.2023 05:30

I am too dumb (physics wise) to follow this, so I put it through GPT (because I still want to understand it). Summary:

>Your paper presents a detailed and technical discussion of the Electric Sun hypothesis, focusing on the physical properties of plasma, electric and magnetic fields, and their interactions. While the content is complex and requires a good understanding of physics, particularly plasma physics, to fully grasp, there doesn't appear to be any "garbage" or irrelevant material in the text.

>Each section of your paper contributes to building a comprehensive understanding of the hypothesis. It starts with fundamental concepts of mass, charge, and gravitational forces, then moves into more specific discussions about plasma, ionization, electric and magnetic fields, and laboratory experiments related to plasma discharge. This progression seems necessary to thoroughly explain the Electric Sun hypothesis.

@clarkcowan3984 - 20.12.2023 08:55

"packets" is the wrong way to see this phenomenon. It would be better to see that the individual "atom" only has so much "volume" and "geometry" for charges to flow through. This is why humans think there is an "electron", when there is no such thing at all.

@bara734 - 01.02.2024 20:20

Nothing to do with electrical science this. Same Gobledygook as physics. There is no charge, plasma and matter in electrrical science, these are abstract useless concepts, words as excuses.

@flintknappingtools - 17.03.2024 07:10

Fascinating, my last brain cell is just been ionized!

@jozefnovak7750 - 23.03.2024 21:03


@Theweouthereforrealclub- - 03.08.2024 23:46

I think this has to be suppressed because otherwise we would figure out cheap easy energy for everyone and that can’t be allowed to happen

@N.Y.C.FreddyBling-z9u - 22.09.2024 17:27

Prof. Donald E,. Scott,. Nearly COMPREHENDED = Fully~! ::: Thank YOU.,! ( Wallace THORNHILL has ''passed'' on! ( As WE KNOW! Sorely missed! .,. etc., etc.,! )
