Cultural Anthropology Applied in UX Design, Research, NPD

Cultural Anthropology Applied in UX Design, Research, NPD

420 Просмотров

How can an anthropologist add value to producing better products, designs or a campaign?
What is the role of ethnography in research and how does it help in understanding the WHY ?

Matt Artz answers the above questions as he makes a strong case for anthropology in business, consumer research, product design and development. Matt is a Business & Design Anthropologist , SXSW & TEDx Speaker & Head of Product & Experience at Cloudshadow Consulting + Venture Resources.

Matt makes a case for anthropology as it helps us uncover the 'Unknown-Unknowns' and hidden insights. Amongst other things Matt talks about how he is using insights from ethnography to develop a disruptive app for the art market. He also delves on bigger issues like how current algorithms are having unintended consequences and the need to have a multidisciplinary approach to solving societal issues.

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00:00 Introduction to Matt
00:42 How Anthropology helps to Un-cover Hidden Insights
04:56 Arts App Developed by Matt
07:32 Theory of Social Capital
9:00 The Rise of Anthropology
12:48 Role of Anthropology in Understanding Future Possibilities
15:44 Deductive vs Inductive Problem Solving
17:10 Rapid Fire - Personally Speaking with Matt

Jagged with Jasravee is facilitated by Jasravee Kaur Chandra, Director- Brand Building, Research & Innovation at Master Sun, Consulting Brand of Adiva L Pvt. Ltd. Jasravee has over 20 years experience as a Strategic Brand Builder,Communications Leader and Entrepreneur.

Please connect with Jasravee on Linkedin at

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Jagged with Jasravee, is an initiative of Master Sun, the Consulting Brand of Adiva Lifestyle Pvt Ltd. Please visit our blog at

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