How to Properly Turn On Traxxas RC Car - Stampede Slash Rustler Bandit - Transmitter Battery Model

How to Properly Turn On Traxxas RC Car - Stampede Slash Rustler Bandit - Transmitter Battery Model

How-to and Reviews

3 года назад

44,766 Просмотров

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@-Emxry- - 03.08.2022 21:42

What if the blue thing isn’t working? Do I just go get a new one?

@yaboyrandum - 14.09.2022 19:17

Hey, as soon as i plug in my battery to my slash its starts going uncontrollably what do i do?

@Lalalalalallllls - 16.10.2022 08:39

My traxxas slash 2wd turns on and drives for like 1 minute and then it stops driving

@brayanrojas2457 - 27.12.2022 01:33

It doesn’t turn on at all😢

@SM-rr6ri - 08.07.2023 05:39

It fucking pains me that every time I try to research something the first 25 results are videos. There's still some of us that can fucking read!

@james-rk5sd - 10.04.2024 01:54

How properly use a traxxas rc car! Step one open trash can step two throw rc car in the trash can step four close trash can and go buy a good rc car

@PJmaxx - 16.10.2024 00:35

I have flashing red light on my rc
